This is one of the things I’m using to introduce the idea of UR to my friends. When hell/Bell or some other related topic comes up, I say something like, “well, it seems to me, as I’ve been studying what the Bible actually says about this, is that two things seem to be affirmed by Scripture: 1. at some point in the future, all people are sentenced to what appears to be either ‘eternal punishment’ or ‘eternal life’, and 2. also as some point in the future, God will be ‘all in all’ and ‘all things’ will be reconciled to God through Christ. How do we make sense of this? Apparently there are two ways: 1. either ‘all things’ doesn’t mean ‘all things’ or 2. the sentence of ‘eternal punishment’ isn’t immutable.”
If my friend shows some openness to the second possibility, I’ll follow up with something like, “I mean, after all, we were all destined to destruction, eternal separation apart from God as children of wrath, before we were saved by Christ, right? If it’s true that ‘all things’ get ‘reconciled’ to God through Christ at some point in the future, who’s to say that whatever Christ did for you and me he won’t figure out a way to do that for others in the afterlife? I haven’t been able to find in the Bible, although people get sentenced to ‘eternal punishment’, an actual description of ‘eternal punishment’ as a lasting state. On the other hand, I find many descriptions of a lasting state of God getting glory from all creation.”