Some UR’s have identified the kings of the earth in Rev 21:24 as being the same kings in the earth in Rev 19:19 (a move that was anticipated for it is really your only defense to hold on to UR). Where is it recorded of this reconciliation actually happening after the final judgment? If no record, why would you believe this reconciliation actually happening after the final judgment when its not found recorded in God’s word? If you can’t produce any record are you not just assuming or guessing the kings of the earth in Rev 19:19 are the same in Rev 21:24, yes? Is this an example of sound exegesis?
Could these kings of the earth be the same kings of the earth mentioned in Rev 1:5-6? Jesus says he is the prince of the kings of the earth. Who are these kings of the earth? they are believers in Christ. We are kings and priests in God when we accept Jesus.
Now, Rev 21:24 reads ‘And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it’
In the millennial reign of Christ all the kings of the earth will be saved. So, does it not stand to reason that these kings of the earth come from the millennial reign go through the final judgment and bring their glory and honor into the New Jerusalem?
Now to address Rev 22:2. Could the healing of the leaves be for the millennial nations that need healing? God bless.