and without sin ?
i do agree that he can’t sin, but why had he to be without sin to save Humans ?
why does the saviour has to be innocent , like a lamb ?
a sinner could take on him other sins (sins of other sinners) , no ?
i do agree that Jesus died and saved for his glory ( so no human became a saviour of others, it would be a sharing of the glory, some glory would come to humans)
Thank you for your help
To be tempted means he was human because God is not tempted.
Jesus had to be tempted in every way like us so that He could be a merciful high priest, understanding our weaknesses and our struggles.
If you are never tempted and you never sin, that doesn’t mean much. Sure, you’re innocent, but what would you do if you were tempted? How would you know? But if you are tempted and do not sin, then you have had a fight and you have stood strong and shown your faithfulness to your Lord. You are not only innocent like a young child who has never been tried, but you are innocent like an adult son or daughter who HAS been tried and found faithful.
Did not Jesus go into the wilderness called by God his father in final preparation for His mission. For that his faith had to be absolute in God and that needed to be tested to the utmost. He passed the test as no other human being has. It was this absolute and unique faith in God that enabled him fulfill the Law and the Prophets, to do and teach as no other human, died for all that He stood for etc etc. A simple example . Has anyone else ever walked across a sea
? Peter’s
faith faltered.
A quote from Paul Young’s book The Shack which I think i quoted in some other thread - here it is again:
"Papa [God] goes on to explain about Jesus: “……Jesus is fully human. Altho he is also God, he has never drawn upon his nature as God to do anything. He has only lived out of his relationship with me, living in the very same manner that I desire to be in relationship with every human being. He is just the first to do it to the uttermost – the first to utterly trust my life within him, the first to believe in my love and goodness without regard for appearance and consequence”. Mack: “ So, when he healed the blind?”. Papa: “He did so as a dependent, limited human being trusting in my life and power to be at work within him. Jesus had no power within himself to heal anyone.”
Happy Summer to all!
Michael in Barcelona
Did not Jesus go into the wilderness called by God his father in final preparation for His mission. For that his faith had to be absolute in God and that needed to be tested to the utmost. He passed the test as no other human being has. It was this absolute and unique faith in God that enabled him fulfill the Law and the Prophets, to do and teach as no other human, died for all that He stood for etc etc. A simple example . Has anyone else ever walked across a sea
? Peter’s
faith faltered.
A quote from Paul Young’s book The Shack which I think i quoted in some other thread - here it is again:
"Papa [God] goes on to explain about Jesus: “……Jesus is fully human. Altho he is also God, he has never drawn upon his nature as God to do anything. He has only lived out of his relationship with me, living in the very same manner that I desire to be in relationship with every human being. He is just the first to do it to the uttermost – the first to utterly trust my life within him, the first to believe in my love and goodness without regard for appearance and consequence”. Mack: “ So, when he healed the blind?”. Papa: “He did so as a dependent, limited human being trusting in my life and power to be at work within him. Jesus had no power within himself to heal anyone.”
Happy Summer to all!
Michael in Barcelona