my reflection, thought, is quite difficult to explain in english for me .I have tried to post this as a question to a member
Let’s imagine that Adam and the other sinners (i suppose that humans exist and sin before physical life, the existence of each human began at the same second)
So imagine that the humans live 100.000 years in the eons (total, in the diferent eons, from the garden to the end of the lake of fire)
let’s suppose that Adam will have sin level 100, i mean 100 units of sin
he will have a second death of 100 units (let’s suppose that he is not saved) .
although the second death begin approximatively after 6.000 years of Adams existence (so he will suffer 94 thousands years ),
the important fact is that Adam will have suffered 100 units of second death in a total existence in the eons of 100.000 years
the suffering would be a less important fact if Adam would live 200.000 years in the eons (i am speaking about intensity each year of existence in the eons, not intensity each years of sufferings, torments in the lake of fire)
Why God doesn’t decide that Adam lives 200.000 years in the eons ?
my answer is simple: God is totally sovereign about the question : how long humans exists in the eons ? why do they exist a certain time and not another ?
God doesn’t change is program because of humans sins
I know that lot of people here believe that the eons don’t finish , but please let’s imagine that they have an end to think about my proposition (i am not trying to convince someone that the eons have an end)
Please feel free to ask me to be clearer if you want
God bless you
I’m not sure why we should grant your various suppositions, or what you’re asking in your thread title “Why?”
Many of us, myself included, would believe instead that Adam (or our first sinning ancestors) wouldn’t suffer post-mortem punishments if he-or-they repented before death, and wouldn’t continue suffering if he-or-they repented after death.
Maybe it would be better if you used a more generic example?
I’m sorry, but I really don’t understand what you’re getting at here. As regarding the pre-existence of human souls/spirits/persons, I don’t believe scripture supports that. That’s a doctrine in some peripheral cults of Christianity, and loosely in some more “orthodox” settings, but I don’t see it in scripture. You might find a few verses to “support” this, but unless you bring this belief into scripture to begin with, I don’t think you’ll find it there.
I believe Jesus’ teaching on the few stripes vs the many stripes indicates a limitation to postmortem punishment. What and how long the specific punishment would be depends on the severity of the brokenness of the sinner and on what will be needed to turn him/her around. I don’t think you can be mechanical about it. God will give the chastisement needed by each one in order for that one to be both adequately chastised and completely healed.
Blessings, Cindy