The Evangelical Universalist Forum

With God on Our Side

Through many a dark hour
I’ve been thinkin’ about this
That Jesus Christ
Was betrayed by a kiss
But I can’t think for you
You’ll have to decide
Whether Judas Iscariot
Had God on his side

Bob Dylan

Johnny! :smiley: Good to see you back! I know next-to-nothing about interpreting songs, myself, but I just wanted to say “Hi.” :slight_smile:

And a random note: If I remember correctly, you told me a while back that Great Expectations is one of your favorites. Well, I started it last night, and I’m really liking the story of poor Pip. I hope things turn out alright for the little guy, but considering this is a Dickens novel, I’m guessing that’s not likely.

Hope you are well,


P.S. An avatar of Sylvia Plath is never a sign pointing to a positive mood. Hope you are feeling okay, brother in Christ. You’re in our thoughts.



Well thank you kindly, Kate. :smiley:

Keep going with Great Expectations, it is a wonderful story. No spoilers allowed!

Ah yes, Sylvia Plath, beautiful, talented and dead at just 30. So very sad. Maybe it’s just me, but it does seem that writers - particularly poets - are given to melancholia. Perhaps I should stick to PG Wodehouse - the funniest writer who ever lived :smiley: .



PS Your new photo is lovely :smiley:

I read your reply to Dick on your other thread about feeling down, and I’m sorry to hear it. Like you, I get especially downhearted when I watch the news – so much so that I now only watch the basics to have a general understanding of what’s happening in the world. It just does me no good to dwell. However, my mom likes to quote Fred Rogers when we watch terrible events that seem to offer no escape from human evil. I think it’s very wise. He says:

And you care, too. So at least take heart that you are a helper in good company.:slight_smile:

And thank you, Johnny.:smiley: Dick, Cindy, and I were talking about red hair in art on another thread, and I realized that my old avatar’s hair was misleadingly red. So I decided to post my true mousy thatch in all its glory. :laughing:

+1 when it comes to the news!
+1 about the great new avatar!

:smiley: :smiley:

Me too, me too! Kate. :wink: Mr. Rogers is among the philosophical greats, as far as I’m concerned.

I don’t have to watch the news. My husband is always playing it on Youtube along with a running commentary, to which I am expected to respond (at the very least) with an absent-minded “Yes, Dear.” :laughing: I don’t watch it much myself as I find it too depressing, and who could possibly know what’s true and what’s “selling the network?”

Whenever there happens to be a little snowstorm around here and not much available elsewhere in the way of news, the coverage has relatives from the south calling up to see how we’re surviving the blizzard (What blizzard? If there was a real blizzard, you couldn’t reach me because the power and phones would be out!) Half the time there’s barely a dusting of snow if that. But let us have 4-5 feet of snow and it gets a wee bit of a spot because more important stuff is going on – or at least more scandalous stuff! So yeah, I say unto the news, “Bah! Humbug!” :laughing:

Hi Johnny,

I have tried to return a PM to you, but your settings must be turned off. Let me know when you have switched them on so that we can talk privately. Some things are not for everyone. I hope you are well brother.


Sorted, thanks Steve :smiley: .

