Ditto! Can’t seem to get my Mom to cotton to that idea…
That being said, I admit to often composing… um… relatively lengthy (by normal standards) posts in the box here. Mainly because it’s annoying to have to reformat it when I drop the message back into the window from my text editor.
I’ve never had a time-out problem before; but in the past week or two I have been having mere connection problems where attempts to access the forum go to a Netopia screen instead. (Internet access works fine on other sites at the same time.) This has led to the loss of at least one, maybe two compositions: my ‘save’ doesn’t access the forum.
Fortunately, I’ve started copy-all-ing my composition to the clipboard before saving. Then if the save fails, I can still post from the clipboard into a text file somewhere. (So long as I don’t reflexively empty the clipboard doing something else meanwhile…!)