The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Youtube poster on Universal Salvation

How would you respond to this poster?

She’s disabled comments, so I guess there’s nothing TO say. She seems to have a rather better understanding of Christian universalism than many others in that she does admit that many of us believe in limited punishment. I only listened to about half of it since my reception wasn’t very good – it kept cutting out. Maybe someone else would like to refute her points. The ones I did hear didn’t seem particularly difficult, though.

Probably not worthy of the effort! :unamused:

Her arguments are shallow and incorrect and thus a waste of time

I get the complete colly-wobbles from her sense of attitude :open_mouth: . It’s not so much what she says (although what she says is open to many, many questions); it’s the way that she says it!

Absolutely! Something not right about her tone, but her “arguments” are easily refuted, well from the 2 minutes i sat through.
Sorry, “love”…people with better knowledge of the original Biblical text than you don’t go so far as to say it’s “another gospel”, a clear polemic reference to Paul, and one that takes his statement about “other gospels” totally out of context. The gospel he insists on is one that doesn’t require outward signs like circumcision…the Christians that preached that Gentile believers convert to Judaism is what he was addressing!

Absolutely :smiley:

It doesn’t help that she doesn’t mind keeping an incorrect description that she knows is an incorrect description because she corrects herself immediately afterward – which, great, thanks, that’s better than nothing, but she could have started over again with the correct information leaving out the incorrect information. Or have done a better job preparing her talk to begin with. And that’s assuming she doesn’t know how to edit a video, although I see some evidence later of an editing cut.

A grudging acknowledgment of the least amount of truth you think you have to say to get away with leaving the other material you know is untrue still in play, might not technically be a lie, but in a video where you’re maligning fellow Christians about intentionally delivering a gospel they know is false (i.e. “lying”)… :angry:

It kind of obscures and detracts from anyone wanting to fairly try to pay attention to any later attempts at points.