Thanks for the questions @anon12438761, I appreciate you for at the bare minimum seeking to engage and understand my view, as well as helping me reflect and think it about more deeply, and analytically. Here goes an eyeful (and if you read out loud like I do sometimes, a mouthful and an earful):
- As far as how it helps my praxis, for me it reinstates the divine fusion of the immanency, intensity, intimacy, and immensity flowing from God’s authoritative, wrathful purpose of judgment in its fullness but also manages to co-mingle those attributes with his indescribably nonhuman love, that selflessly, knowledgeably (in His sovereign, equivalently coalescing, molinstic and synergistic omniscience) honors the highest, most dignified view and fervorous expectation/pursuit/learning experience of His human creatures’ volition towards their own optimal well-being… By extension, respecting and restoring a God-centric admiration of themselves and others having been made to bear |His/<Her>/Their| collective image and likeness as both man and woman (even in their Adamic depravity), without God discontinuing Their unbreakable, communal bond, even the majestic unity and integrity of |\His/\Her/Their| intrapersonal/interpersonal holiness within Each Other [(that’s for all you hardcore Trinitarian theists out there @JasonPratt
This rings especially true of those like myself who assent to a historic but oft-forgotten minority that stood on a “Familial-gender-based” model of the Godhead – with the Holy/Set-Apart Spirit, ‘the Ruach-Hakodesh (in Paleo and Babylonian Hebrew)’ believed by some Judaites/Israelites (pre-Exlic and post-Exilic), and some Church Fathers to be 'Wisdom’ or ‘Sophia (in koine Greek)’ of the Book of Proverbs (including some Intertestamental scripture plus some NT apocryphal and psuedepigraphal literature), the Inspiration-Source guiding the original, autographed writings of the Bible’s authors and eventual canonization of them as Holy Scriptures/‘El Shaddai, the Many-Breasted One’ of Israel/‘Mother’ of Yeshua/‘Wife-Helper-Consort-Comorter- ‘Shekinot’ Glory of Yahweh/the Personified Intercessor of our prayers to Heaven, the Convicting Consciousness pervading our conscience, the Discerning Presence of our hearts, the Presiding Regenerator, Sealer, Adopter and Sanctifier of believers’ ‘above-new-birth’/salvation in its three phases (justification, sanctification, glorification), the Divine-Feminine-Energy-Conduit’ proceeding from the Father and the Son, leading us into all Truth/the co-supreme but willingly subordinate ‘Eloah (in Hebrew)’ or ‘God-dess,’ the Fiery Dove descending and bestowing Her manifold powers, gifts, fruits, and baptism/the Spirit of God Whom 'brooded/hovered’ over the ‘submerged, watery chaos and darkness’ of Gen 1:2 – which would render/order the Filoque Clause - ‘1) Father, 2) Holy Spirit, 3) and Son’ rather than '1) Father, 2) Son, 3) and Holy Spirit]’"
– thus I conjecture [(but don’t necessarily contend) that the even if (only) temporarily, the consequential stakes for each baby goat are intentionally, comparatively severe as Satan’s/the fallen angels’/ demons’ punishment for sin - Matt. 25:41 - likewise will be the reward, individualized for each baby sheep who follows the Good Shepherd’s voice just as He Himself was obedient to His Heavenly Father’s voice by being the Lamb of God (John 2:19), so that there will be varying degrees of resurrection glory (1 Cor. 15:37-44), crowns (James 1:12; 1 Peter 5:4; 2 Tim. 4:1-9), heavenly mansions/treasures (John 14:2; Matt 6:20), Millenial Kingdom reigning privileges and allotments (2 Tim 4:10-15), etc. according to Christ’s judgement/assessment of their works - 1 Cor. 3:12-19)] since God is no respecter of persons (Rom. 2:11).
From here this gives a proposition for one to hastily develop and facilitate a relationship with God that includes obligatorily affirming, and positively revering His positional role(s) as the Executive-Judicial Creator, Disciplinary Father of spirits, Potter of the clay, maker and owner of souls, on this side of space-time (and alternative sides of it as well). The proposition rests in the context of heavenly/celestial reward and/or punishment. This helps me pursue the ’Narrow Road’, to maintain a healthy fear of God’s (f)rightful, meticulous judgments (which are preventative, pruning, and punitive in nature) - the first layer of this model (starting in order of shallowest to deepest) covers (both high and low) levels that constitute the violation vs. the veneration of His natural (physical) laws (based on cosmological cause and effect), as well as basic moral laws (some of which have been expressly written in Scripture while others are uniquely situational and reflexive in their practical implications). It humbles me knowing that I (even as a believer), at my worst am in danger of backsliding into Gehenna fire, and pushes me to uphold God’s righteous vengeance [(even upon myself when harming my temple, potentially someone elses’ welfare, or simply defaming and humiliating God before God’s-selves (the “three who bear record in heaven” - 1 John 5:7), Their angelic council, Satan’s fallen angelic council, and humanity through rebellion – which is “as the sin of witchcraft” - 1 Sam. 15:23)].
It helps me modestly regard myself and mankind in our current lowly, though special estate within the sphere of creation, staying woefully sober-minded through imprecatory prayer and contemplation, like King David did frequently in his Psalms. “Ignorance of the law is no excuse” though God can and does permissively exhibit mercy in considering the nuances of one’s ignorance (beit involuntary or willful), whether in dismissal and/or contribution towards one’s sentence or term served in spirit jail/prison Hades (including other related “state vs. federal” government penal/justice system related concepts like parole, probation, etc.). The following layers get deeper based upon one’s relative accountability and responsibility determined by whether they are physically/mentally/spiritually able (or not) to fulfill God’s evidential, measuring rod of:
a) personal commands [as heard/seen/perceived through but not limited per se to our human vessels’ inward and outward faculties and/or processes – from common sense/reason, conscience, emotion, intellect, signs, visions, wonders (miracles – including healing and deliverance), praise and worship (or contempt and denigration), bodily or mental confirmation, messengers – whether human, demonic, or angelic, – unceasing prayer, prayerful reading (and rigorous study) of Scripture, sincere repentance, fasting, spiritual warfare and intercession, (revelatory) microcosmic prophecy fulfillment – tailored for each individual, and ultimately the Holy Spirit whom does use all but also many more than those aforementioned tools to bring and/or keep one under the gift of providential, prevenient, potently purifying grace made alive through the gift of (the) faith(fulness) abiding/indwelling in/of/towards/for/from Christ, thus not quenching/grieving the Holy Spirit of Whom seals us till the Day of Redemption (Eph. 4:30)]
b) both indirect commands and testifying of witnesses [(observation, academic or literary study of Scripture, (revelatory) macrocosmic prophecy fulfillment, etc.)] where applicable.
- The desired effect that I would like to see (with the aid of godly edification in the transparent lives of genuine, mature believers in Christ as our forerunners and elders in the faith) is the fruit of people receiving help to reach an understanding of the spiritual aspect accompanying the grand scheme of things which are beyond our control but also to keep in mind a compelling case to actively follow God’s leadership in affording us free choice over the few things we seemingly do have in our control, trusting the revealed blueprint and timetable of the Transcendental Planner (Macro-and-Micromanager), Overseer, Placer (Destroyer, Restorer, and Rearranger) of all the mosaic details surrounding this current Earth-realm (of this current Epoch, from its Beginning until Now, and to its future Consummation) whose limitations we are unwillingly, subjected residents under (Rom. 8:20), encouraged and at times mandated to cooperate with, on this plane of existence (being in the world but not of it - John 17:16)