The Evangelical Universalist Forum

A Calvinist interviews an Orthodox

Good tip. I’ve done that many times.

As we reflect on a particular Christian path…this article from today’s Patheos, Catholic newsletter - gives food for thought.

In fact, I would say my Christianity is enhanced…By hanging around Native American spiritual traditions…and groups like Johrei, Heartfulness, Sukyo Mahikari and Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. All of which have a belief, in the one God. And I learn a lot about ethical behavior, from hanging around Indian holy people - like Amma and Karunamayi - when they visit my area.

Let me share a quote, from the article:

Bede Griffith said it best: “…God is revealing himself at all times to all men in all circumstances. There is no limit to the grace of God revealed in Christ.”[5] When we try to impose that limit on God, we will be the ones finding ourselves turning away from God because we will be denying whatever truth God has revealed to others.[6]

And we might even find God in “unusual places”, as this PDF article talks about:

What Should Christians Take from the Native American Church Peyote Ceremony?

But ‘God’ is not a proper name, right? We can use the word ‘god’ and be talking about completely different things, persons, whatever. A trin talks about ‘god’ and means something quite different from a ‘run of the mill theistic christian’, or a unitarian, and quite a bit different from a native American. When someone asks if I believe in ‘god’, these days I ask them to tell me what they mean.
It’s a problem. The only way I know of to have a good discussion about ‘god’ is to first discuss what we mean. And that is not easy.

Very true. Not only is that true, among different faith traditions (i.e. Native American, Sikhism, Baha’i Faith, Islam, etc.)…but also among the various Christian branches ( I.e. Roman Catholicism, Pentecostalism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Calvinism, Lutheranism, etc).

When the zombies from Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) arrive…they might want to set up, their own church! :crazy_face:


I kind of like much of Franks ideology, but then as a moderate conservative, I have to post this: Franks pendulum swings a bit wayward…

Whoa. I need a shower.

Ya that is the rub… Total BS. The Grace of God is not only available but has been accomplish. Without any effort on our part. These creeds and positions are nothing more than mans insistence to believe what some other man has proclaimed.

I know you have had problems with creeds, but don’t seem to have a problem with certain evangelical beliefs…

I see you have nothing but contempt for beliefs. As I’ve said often, I am no evangelical; I believe based on a lot of head and heart searching - you can knock off dissing what I have worked hard to understand.

On the contrary, I have no contempt for your beliefs, simply having a fun time questioning them.

I will try to be less abrasive in my comments. Forgive me and realize that it is not that I have contempt for beliefs but I am just having a forum to question those beliefs and help others realize there are alternative views to Scripture.:wink:

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“Ready-Fire-Aim” Christians like Frank don’t understand that the real battle is not even against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12).