The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Aionios in 2Tim 1:9, Titus 1:2 and Rom 16:25

This is the deficiency of popular literalist futurism… it fails to grasp (or just plainly ignores because this has been pointed out before) the biblical use/pattern of biblical prophetic language.

Given that you’re waiting for a physical cosmic catastrophe you’ll be waiting for a while. But IF when appealing for understanding… looking back into the Scriptures this can be found and deemed useful in helping determine to what Jesus was referring to via his mini apocalypse…

In biblical parlance Joseph’s father and brothers UNDERSTOOD COMPLETELY this cosmic metaphor, symbolic of headship and eldership i.e., leadership FALLING before him. Again, with reference to THE FALL of Babylon Isaiah’s prophetic oracle uses such cosmic language…

Likewise there is Joel’s prophetic words towards Pentecost which follow on from what Peter had declared “this IS that” which would be in their lifetime, followed by…

Such cosmic language was used to demonstrate the height of the significance of the things spoken… and THEY would have UNDERSTOOD IT accordingly. The world of the old covenant was near to FALL and those that clung to it would lose all, but those enduring who believed Jesus’ words would be “saved.”

YEAH AND… would you expect such a clear delineation from someone NOT associated with the faith; seriously?! But that said, Eusebius certainly makes valid reference to Josephus’ accounts of that era…


This makes interesting reading from Eusebius Pamphili of Caesarea (AD. 264-339)

Wiki research does uphold this viewpoint at Eusebius

It’s time to celebrate the 4th of July - in the US :smiley:

Okay, some of you preterists did a fine job of showing that there is figurative language in the Old Testament concerning astronomical phenomenae. I’m well aware of it, and have heard it expressed several times previously. However, that is not the matter of which I said that there is no evidence. I said that there is no evidence of the second coming of Christ in or around A.D. 70, the coming in which “every eye shall see Him.”

Davo, Eusebius’ writing that you quote refers only to the part of our Lord’s predictions that refer to the events of A.D. 70 or thereabouts. Nowhere did Eusebius indicate that the predicted coming of Christ occurred then. The historic evidence that Christ returned around 70 A.D. is totally absent. Maintenance Man, the fact that I was not there in 70 A.D. is irrelevant to the fact of there is not a shred of historical evidence that Christ returned at that time.

Paul’s fellow-worker Clement (A.D. 30-100)—See Philippians 4:3—wrote a powerful letter to the Corinthians after Paul and Peter’s deaths. His letter is believed to have been written around A.D. 90. In ch. XXIII, he referred to a coming of the Lord as future to his time. If the Lord had returned in 70 A.D., he would have been well aware of it (as would everyone else at that time (Every eye shall see Him).

Justin Martyr (A.D. 100-165) in his "Dialogue With Trypho referred to “the second coming of Christ” as a future event in Chapters XLV, LIV, and CX.
Irenæus (A.D. 120-202) wrote in “Against Heresies” of a coming of Christ future to his time in ch. XXIII.

But which of the early writers wrote of a coming of Christ in 70 A.D.? The answer—no one. For in their day, no one had ever heard of such a thing.

To be truthful Paidion you made the bold claim, that… “The Christians of the second century never mentioned it, and there is no historical record of it.” Your bogus claim has been found wanting by the contrary evidence amply supplied.

Again Paidion… no matter the weight of evidence contrary to your particular partisan belief you WILL NOT SEE anything other than what your myopia permits – case in point, this quote supplied by Holy-Fool-P-Zombie above makes a mockery of your fraudulent claim…

How you can continue to peddle such misinformation on this as you do is beyond me. Again this is just blind adherence to a position that cannot / will not countenance that which threatens sacred cows.

Still you fail to see that the bible’s “cloud coming” language IS the language of Yahweh’s Coming in Judgment… which is demonstrably clear from the texts already shown. Jesus CAME in-kind in the POWER/AUTHORITY of Yahweh. THAT’S what the Parousia was all about… judgment on the OLD by the fullness of the NEW!

Hi Davo. Let me play Devil’s Advocate for a moment. I looked at the Protestant site Got Questions article entitled What is the preterist view of the end times?. I’m curious how you would respond to this segment:

The Got Questions site elaborates on their meaning of “this generation”, in What did Jesus mean when He said, “this generation will not pass”?

I thought I would use the article at Preterism Biblical Commentary, to define a couple terms, from the Got Questions article (note: to present a balanced perspective, this site is pro-Preterism).

I assume Davo is a full pretertist. :exclamation: :smiley:

As an aside, another Protestant site did render a fuller criticism at Why Preterism is not an Accurate Interpretation of Bible Prophecy. But there are those out there, that side with you - according to this article:

Here is a Wiki article on Hank Hanegraaff
Here is a Wiki article on Gary DeMar

Hum :exclamation: I wonder what known, contemporary figures (other than open theists), side with Paidion’s position :question: :laughing:

Davo, what do you take as the reference of that “it”? You seem to suggest my “it” was something other than the supposed coming of Christ in A.D. 70.

Here is the exact quote of me in context:

I still stand by this assertion. There is no historical evidence of a coming of Christ in A.D. 70. Absolutely zilch.

I will be responding to your quote of Eusebius at a later time.

Meanwhile, I wish you the best, and trust you will consider some of your statements more thoughtfully, such as, “Your bogus claim has been found wanting by the contrary evidence amply supplied.” I don’t think there’s anything “bogus” about my claim that there is no historical evidence of Christ having returned in A.D. 70. You have not yet supplied a single piece of such historical evidence. On the other hand, I have provided the testimony of Clement, Paul’s fellow labourer, who lived during the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, who in his letter to the Corinthians around A.D. 90, never mentioned a coming of Christ in A.D. 70. but rather predicted a future coming. I also stated that Justin Martyr had referred in his “Dialogue With Trypho” to a future “second coming of Christ” three times, and Irenæus also wrote of a future coming. This seems to be clear evidence that these early Christians expected a second coming of Christ future to the time in which they lived. If Justin Martyr had believed that Christ returned in A.D. 70, he would have referred to the future coming of Christ as a “third coming” rather than a “second coming.”

Again, Davo, I suggest you watch your language. It is inflammatory. Are you saying these things in a spirit of love?

I could call your claim that Christ returned in A.D. 70 fraudulent. But I don’t do that. I respect you in spite of the fact that you haven’t earned that respect. I don’t think you are a fraud;I think you are sincere in your full-preterist belief. Surely you can at least acknowledge that I am sincere, rather than suggesting that my claims are fraudulent (claims made in order to intentionally deceive). I don’t mind you making the best arguments of which you are capable, but I don’t appreciate your calumnious attacks. They don’t give any measure of support to your belief that Christ returned in A.D. 70., but rather tend to cast doubt on you for resorting to such tactics instead employing carefully reasoned statements or historical evidence for any return of Christ during the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple.

As for the quote of Eusebius above, the context makes clear that he was not writing about any supposed coming of Christ in A.D 70. Rather he was writing about the coming of Christ, as a human being, having been born through his mother Mary (often referred to as the “first” coming of Christ).

The paragraph immediately preceding the quote from Eusebius is as follows:

This paragraph clearly indicated that he is writing about the coming of Christ when He was seen by many people on earth.

After making references to a few more events surrounding the coming of Christ, Eusebius sums it all up as follows:

Are you referring to my position that the second coming of Christ is future to our time? If so, then as far as I know, all Christians except full preterists (and maybe some very liberal Christians) believe that Christ will come again in the future (including Catholics). Even partial preterists hold that the second coming is yet future. That belief is what defines them as partial preterists. Steve Gregg is a partial preterist.

Hi, Paidion. I’m just playing the “Holy Fool” and clowning around. I do respect Davo and his knowledge and exposition of scripture. But if I did side with Perterism, it would be as a partial Perterist. i agree with a future coming of Christ. I believe (as you do) that most of the contemporary Christian bodies (i.e. Roman Catholic , Eastern Orthodox and Protestant), would agree with a future (or possibly present) coming of Christ.

There might be people here I disagree with, but I might respect how they present their position. But since we are human beings (and not Mr. Spock or Mr. data - from the Star Trek series), emotions could easily cloud our presentations. But emotional reaction can be minimized, by training in such things as “real” martial arts, Zen or Insight Meditation (or hanging around “Holy Fools” and “P-Zombies”). We just have to be as cool as Fonzie - from Happy Days. :exclamation: :laughing:

How about a Zombie love song, to get everyone back to cool :question: Hum. What if the end-times, is like the Walking Dead? Some of us go to heaven, some stay behind for a while - as humans? And the worst become P-Zombies? And the humans have to live with them - for a while. And if universalism is true, we all go to the same place eventually. And the P-Zombies become human again. Oh, dear. Oh, My. How does everyone like my vision, of the end-times? :laughing:

Randy posted:

On whatever side you fall on in this debate, I would recommend listening to some of Gary DeMar’s American vision episodes. I do not think he considers himself a full preterist (unless something has changed in the last few years), but his delivery and knowledge seem to be pretty top notch. Real good stuff. :smiley:

Sorry Paidion… you are right, I can get a little overly and descriptively robust at times, my bad; absolutely nothing of a personal nature intended. I will get back to your posts presently. :nerd:

DeMar is a partial prêterist. My journey to a fuller and inclusive prêterism (what I call pantelism) came naturally via partial prêterism and at the time greatly helped by DeMar’s brilliant book… Last Days Madness: Obsession of the Modern Church.

Well, I have not read DeMar’s book, though I will look into it.

David your passion for truth is evident in both your knowledge (and thus study) of the topic at hand and also your willingness to take on all comers when it comes to what you view as the truth of the fulfilled eschatology view. Those who have not seen your web site owe it to themselves to view your posts… very thoughtful and very insightful. For those who don’t Know, go to

The full preterist view is some what flawed in my opinion as I do believe in the universalist view of scripture. David deals with this in what he says is inclusionary… I hope I said that right. The view that death has been put away allows all to be included into God’s reconciliatory act of sending us the Christ… The Messiah. Through Israel, all the nations (humanity) will be blessed.

Please don’t think I am speaking for David, I am just voicing my agreement with his published idea’s on the subject.

Let me ease your “concern” qaz… I’m good with all the above. :sunglasses:

Before the continuing debate between Davo and Paidion (i.e. Pantelism vs Futerist), I have a message for everyone. Get them while they’re hot. :laughing:

You can find a definition of Dave’s postion - Pantelism - here.

We find a definition of Futurism (Christianity) here

Oh, yes. A question for Davo. If everything was achieved in 70 AD, then why is everyone still waiting and suffering :question:

And from Questions Preterists Wished You Would Not Ask:

Now back to our sponsor. :exclamation: :laughing:

Actually, unless I have missed something, The Holy Fool has changed his post from preterism to pantelism… Am I wrong?

You are right, Chad. It’s to reflect this quote by Dave, so I could share the right term and definition.

Thanks Randy.

I appreciate your post.

Like most apparent “problems” they only appear as such because said objectors are unable to conceive that there might just be another approach to understanding the biblical message.

  1. “Everlasting” was only ever “everlasting” while God was dealing with a specific people in a specific way and by the nature of the case, for a specific time… example: “circumcision” was instituted under the OC as a perpetual or “everlasting” condition of covenant, AND YET we understand “in Christ” and the NC this took on a whole new reality… in fact it’s originally intended reality (Deut 10:16; Jer 4:4) of which this fleshly work was but a foreshadow. Thus not a prêteristic problem.

  2. To be sure, Israel’s “future restoration” was to be literal as in it would happen, BUT IT WAS NOT fleshly… it was COVENANTAL i.e., the New Covenant/Creation wherein “righteousness dwells” equates to Israel’s “resurrection” – their promised (Ezek 37:1-14) resurrection (covenant restoration) which would be the catalyst for humanity’s reconciliation. Thus not a prêteristic problem.

Again the futility of futurism’s logic… IF the likes of Hymenaeus and Philetus were advocating the popular casket resurrection HOW on earth could anyone’s faith have been overthrown? All anyone would have to had done to disprove this would be to point out the window to all the graves, open, and those who had occupied them walking around. THAT didn’t happen because Hymenaeus and Philetus were not advocating a casket resurrection. Hymenaeus and Philetus understood the NATURE of the resurrection, i.e., it spoke to covenant renewal; what they had wrong was the TIMING. While the Temple stood (and it still did at that time) the old covenant though in remission, remained, and yet Hymenaeus and Philetus’ claims fed into the Judaisers (Acts 15:1, 5, 10, 24) mantra of Law-abidance for righteousness… something Paul said such advocates should go the whole way, as per Gal 5:12. :astonished:

Jesus said… “Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom” – there must be some very, very old people still walking this world. :mrgreen:

These again are charges based off their own propositions. Said physicality relates to the destruction that played out on the old covenant system in AD70, i.e., it literally (actually) happened. As for “and downplays the dreadful nature of the tribulation by restricting that event to the fall of Jerusalem” – read Josephus’ account of these times and there is NO downplaying of this at all, so this claim is shear bunkum.

Well not everyone is “waiting and suffering” but there are way too many believers who are, due to this postponed and forlorn ‘hope’ of futurism. But what says Prov 13:12Hope deferred makes the heart sick…”. Futurism in delaying and postponing to its own timetable “the hope of Israel” i.e., covenant resurrection/renewal, has robbed the church of its “tree of life” and in consequence left many a believer “waiting and suffering”.

There are a number of option considered within prêterism but as a pantelist I’d nominate the functioning High Priest of the day.

Jerusalem… where the Lord was crucified Rev 11:8.

The “historical evidence” you are not seeing IS the ‘AD70 Destruction of Jerusalem’… THAT IS (from a covenant eschatological view) WHAT the ‘Coming of Christ’ was. Jesus came in the power and authority i.e., in the likeness of the Father, meting out Judgment & Reward as per faithfulness OR unfaithfulness. Thus the DoJ is understood as this event and as such understood in the same manner of Yahweh’s other demonstrated interventions (comings) in history (at least as identified in the bible)… secular historians of course wouldn’t attach that meaning, but then why would they?

IOW… there is NO future expected event where Jesus “physically” does a lap around the globe on literal clouds that comes to a screaming halt over Jerusalem to suck all and sundry up into the self-same literal clouds, etc. NO… Jesus’ presence is to be understood in terms of the Divine Judgment ON and deliverance FROM the old covenant mode of existence.

I know it’s hard to grasp because this is looking at ‘biblical prophecy’ through a completely different window, a totally other grid, i.e., it is a comprehensive paradigm shift… been there done that. So I fully get your scepticism and reticence. When it dawned on me and I finally grasped the realisation that Jesus’ “end of the world” predictions spoke NOT to the end of OUR time-space universe BUT rather to the end of THEIR old covenant world (age) things changed, everything changed.

This is not that convincing IMO because the likes of Justin Martyr or Irenæus or Clement would be like comparing our respective views, that is to say, like you and me they carried certain beliefs/perspectives but that doesn’t mandate correctness. There were/are many views… it then comes down to comparing prophetic prose with historic evidence, i.e., *what was. *

Prêterism/pantelism doesn’t have to invent a future, it simply looks at the past for fulfillment in the HISTORY of the day as it played out, AS prophesied by Israel’s prophet par excellence Jesus. I remember as a kid, according to Futurism the bad eggs of Revelation were the Russians, now magically it’s Islam… good ole’ fashioned ‘newspaper theology’. :laughing: