I didn’t realize my Arminian philosopher friend Kyle had weighed in on the Rob-Bell-universalist-heretic-reformed business. Although he’s a HARDCORE Arminian ECTer (albeit with inclusivist tendencies), he makes some good points, especially that “Hell is not an necessary part of the Christian story”–contrary to neo-Reformed thinkers. (Of course, his hatred for Calvinist theology probably automatically puts him in the corner of whoever draws the Calvinists’ ire!)
trinitariansoapbox.blogspot.com/ … -than.html
So anyway, this is one of the best posts on universalism by an ECTer that I’ve seen. He’s a pretty clear thinker, and the post itself is only a few paragraphs long.
Personally, I may or may not comment on his post (if I were still a Calvinist, I probably would! But I never liked defending an eternal hell, even when I thought it a logical necessity as a Calvinist)–it’d be easier if he and I were in the same town and could grab a beer and discuss… oh well…