Einstein once said that God doesn’t play dice with the universe, and despite the inferences some people might be tempted to draw from quantum physics, I think the following observation by C.S. Lewis is still valid.
He said “Those who like myself have had a philosophical rather than a scientific education find it almost impossible to believe that the (new) scientists (in the field of quantum mechanics) really mean what they seem to be saying. I cannot help thinking they mean no more than that the movements of individual units (sub-atomic particles) are permanently incalculable to us, not that they are in themselves random and lawless.”
(Miracles, page 20, parenthesis mine.)
When physicists complain about the behaviors of sub-atomic particles being random, I think what they really mean is that they’re unpredictable (and appear random.)
I don’t think it’s possible to know whether their behaving in accordance with some undiscovered laws, or whether their unpredictable actions are directly caused by God.
The question I’m interested in here is whether it’s even possible for God to play dice with the Universe?
As I understand it, introducing true randomness into a computer program is almost impossible.
When programers want to introduce something like randomness into a system, they do so in one of two ways.
They either write programs that create causal chains so long and complicated that the results are humanly unpredictable, or they tape into some variable in the outside world (like street noise, air temperature, or atomic decay.)
I don’t see how God would have any such options.
It would seem as logically impossible for Him to create a causal chain of events so complicated that He couldn’t foresee the individual outcomes as it would for Him to create a stone too heavy for Him to lift, and if He’s the ground of all being, there’s no higher reality or outside world for Him to tap into.
So could God (if He wanted to) introduce any true randomness into the universe?
If anyone can see any way an omniscient, omnipotent, atemporal God could introduce true randomness into this system (the universe) please share your thoughts here.
Thank you.