The Evangelical Universalist Forum

CoJ chp 9: Balances Regained

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___Tumblecrumble soon regained his balance, having been caught in only the edge of Portunista’s concentrated earthen ripple. Quickly he crushed the elder animal’s head—providing meat, in passing, for the feast the humans would surely enjoy on the morrow.
___Gemalfan and his sub-apprentices almost leaped to safety from his mount: throwing themselves in the natural direction—
___but not accounting for the momentum transferred by the falling shoulderbeast.
___Any leap still landed them beneath the animal.
___Seifas paced around the twitching mound of flesh as Tumblecrumble crunched the blocky, bony rectangular skull a few more times. Gemalfan had been a little more successful than his minions—the children were hurriedly being escorted away from the area, so that they wouldn’t see him.
___They could hear him, though.
___He lay, screaming, from the pain of both his flattened legs.
___Jian stood, arms folded, feet apart, between the children and the incoherent writhing magus. In the shifting bonfire glares, Seifas couldn’t read that backlit face.
___He knew his own heart’s resolution, though.

___His aasagai pierced Gemalfan’s head, twice in rapid thrusts, through the eyes, into the brain, ending his cries and life.
___“Hmmph,” grunted Jian.
___“Now he sees the All-Seeing,” Seifas explained. “And his journey there was quick.”
___“Indeed,” murmured Jian; and then, “How clearly they see, whom your sword instructs!” He began to laugh, a little shakily; Seifas didn’t think the joke was worth the humor.
___Portunista strode up then, demanding to know why Seifas had slain the magus without her permission.
___“I didn’t care to explain to her that I find torture distasteful,” Seifas would write in his journal a few hours later…

❖ ❖ ❖

___“His droning became annoying!” I retorted; and saw her settle upon her heels.
___Some might say my action meant nothing; that Portunista now held dozens of captives, and I couldn’t save them all.
___But I could spare Gemalfan—enemy though he was to me.

___Besides, I doubt that we’ll be wringing information from Gemalfan’s men; all of whom have freely spoken of his dispositions.
___And, if I read the signs aright, perhaps we might not ever be resorting to such cruelty again.
___But quite a bit remains along that line, to be accomplished.
___Altogether, circumstances favor us for now. We have assimilated a rival brigade, increasing our strength and seasoning our men. We have acquired a shoulderbeast, which—or who?—may be of help in later engagements. We should be able to easily find Gemalfan’s vendors and supplies; and Portunista may discover information in the magus’ texts. Morale runs high. ___Tomorrow I can pay a shepherd family for their loss, without a single worry.

___yet…I wonder…
___The Eye does seem to be smiling on us; but when my Matron Cami favored my brethren, she also was strengthening us for further service.
___So—what are we being strengthened for? And why?

___Or, is my perception of plan only illusionary?

___If I believe He plans, then this may be a part of one.
___But what if the Eye cares little for us, being so mighty and far away? What if we are beneath His notice, except for a casual whim of entertainment? The chaos of a Culling puts the teachings of our tutors in a new and frightening light…

___No…I decided before today’s peculiar events: the cries in my heart, are truly hope for justice.

___Small as we are, we cannot be too small for the All-Seeing.
And our Matron taught us:
the Eye Above is the Lord of Justice.

___So. I will wait, and watch events play out, before I cast my hope away.
___No!—I have had a taste of justice at last!—and so I shall hold to my chosen course!
___I will find the hope to have, or seek my death in finding it. I will share the hope I find, or seek my death in sharing it.
___And now let us see what the future will bring.

Next chapter

Notes from the real author…

So ends Section One, just under 50 pages of printed text. (Section Two will be 40 pages, btw.)

Main characters and situation (and goofy narrative format :wink: ) established; two or three action sequences provided along the way; numerous themes and arc-phrases to unpack and build on later; and several key events which will affect the plot heavily afterward.

As well as a central mystery: why is Portunista writing her Testimony? What is the “sharp cliff” incident she’s still so remorseful about? And how does she get to be Empress after all? What does that even entail? (The first three books will be known as The Penitent Empress Trilogy, not-incidentally.)

Another mystery got accidentally cut from the first Section of chapters: in the first external view of Portunista during the main storyline (the chapter where Seifas introduces her to Jian), I had originally made a point of noting that her hair was dark and properly cut short for military life; whereas in her introduction as an author seven years ahead of the main story, I made a point of emphasizing that her hair is long and red (and even semi-prehensile)!

Unfortunately, in trimming down the first two Sections, I inadvertently removed all reference to Portunista’s hair being waaay different in the main story compared to her future retrospective. The first time I mention it now is well into Section Three. This is something I badly need to fix when-if-ever I get around to reprinting.

The fate of Gemalfan and his mahout and sub-apprentices is admittedly a little too neat on the page–that all of them would end up under the older shoulderbeast is unlikely. In a reprint (or a film version) one or two might make it clear to be instantly pincushioned by some of Portunista’s shortbow archer scouts (taking revenge on Gemalfan for slaying a few of their number on the way in).

The physics however are based on forklift safety training. :sunglasses: Specifically, the conservation of momentum from the toppling animal means that any extra force would naturally tend to be redirected in the direction the animal was already falling. People who work on heavy equipment are similarly warned, if the vehicle tips over, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TRY TO JUMP CLEAR! You’ll only end up throwing yourself under the falling vehicle. Gemalfan, being on the very top, got partially clear; the sub-apprentices were still hanging on the wicker baskets on the side away from where Tumblecrumble initially attacked, and that happened (perhaps with some directive help from Portunista!) to be the side on which the older shoulderbeast fell. (The mahout admittedly may have had enough sense to lean away from the direction of fall and pull his leg out from the impact zone. He’d be promptly disposed of some other way in a fuller account.)

Also, I love to type/say “older shoulderbeast”. :smiley: