I’m genuinely after opinions now.
I’ve never dated outside of Christian men before. Some well meaning friends set me up on a surprise date with a non Christian man. Not wanting to be hurtful or rude, my plan during this was to have a pleasant date and then just let it drift, so to speak. You know, just let it naturally be one of those things that never comes to anything.
Only problem was, it was a great date. Better than with any Christian I’ve ever been out with. We seem very compatible. I’ve seen him a couple of times since in social settings and he is honestly behaving besotted with me. He wants to see me again. This is so typical of me! All the Christian guys around me; we seem to have zero chemistry or compatibility. This guy? We seem to have bucket loads.
So, is it wrong to date an unbeliever? Is it not wrong per se, but just a bad idea? Or is it no big deal? I’ve no idea right now if I’d be wrong to accept this lovely man’s offer to go out again or not. Feel free to wade in with opinions. You won’t offend me!