The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Did God kill the dinosaurs?

There’s your litmus test. The irony here is that ‘agnostic’ actually means ‘ignorant’. (‘a’ = not and ‘gnosis’ = knowledge).

Time to get saved Gabe? Participate in the glory of God, sir. It’s an honour and a privilege to serve the one true living God. Seek Him as a child in a crowd looking for his father, with urgency and in dire need.

Do you have the intellectual integrity to consider both sides of questions such as evolution? If so, you must read or listen to the most articulate apologists for opposing points of views. The best and clearest of these if devout Catholic Dr. Kenneth Miller, who has authored standared high school and college text books on biology and has decisively refuted anti-evolutionary \evangelicals in many youtube lectures. but start with his compassionate and brief presentation on just how modern science works:

Ben, I have no problem with denying evolution theory. But do you actually believe that the earth is flat???

Now I’m laughing… Thanks

I’m glad to hear that you can see through the evolution lie Paidion. The devil’s lies are always protected by an aura of superficial plausibility and a team of gatekeeper priests who berate the curious into submission.

As for flat earth, yes guilty as charged. My firm belief is grounded in both the testimony of Bible and science (as in experiment and observation meeting the scientific method, not just theory and math) over the period of some years’ research, and considering both sides of the debate. In fact, God led me to Him (in part) through my initial research into geocentrism (of the round earth variety), which removed a critical path stumbling block to my becoming open to the gospel message. (You might recall Nietzche alleged that man killed God with science.)

I’m not the only nutcase, there’s a fast-growing body of scientists, engineers, surveyors, technical specialists, pilots, navigators, lawyers, artists and many other ‘thinking’ men and women who now accept it. Everybody begins highly skeptical, but if you’re willing to follow the evidence, I’m confident that you’ll find it to be true. Alas, like certain other inconvenient truths, it is now being subjected to various forms of censorship.

Do you recall when you first heard the universalist message? Did you think it sounded off-the-wall because it challenged a long-held ‘safe’ set of beliefs about who God is and what the ‘rules of engagement’ are?

God has many great and wonderful surprises for us, and I love how He catches the wise in their conceits, and honours us even as He humbles us. Praise His holy name!

If you’re interested in investigating I’m happy to give you a few links.

Evolution is a “theory”…NOT necessary a “lie”. I’m still agnostic on it myself. But I am for the big bang and old earth…in conjunction with God, as the ‘why’…and science explaining the ‘how’.


  1. Ben, when people fly a plane straight long enough in one direction, they eventually come back to their starting point. How is this possible on a flat earth?

  2. As a ship sails directly away from you, it starts disappearing from the bottom up. Why would this happen on a flat earth?

Paidion to Ben_C.

I wonder what’s harder, for people to wrap their head around? That the earth is flat or my theory of Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)…as the most probable, end-times tribulation scenerio?

I’m sure Ben can provide answers to your logical questions, Paidion. I would venture to suggest that a plane following a line of latitude if the earth was flat would end up where it started.

Just to verify what I have already stated - I am not a flat earther.


Your skeptics can be silenced by taking a cruise ship trip to the edge of the earth, where the Mother of All Waterfalls can be witnessed. Ever wonder why all the ice melt near the poles hasn’t already inundated the cities along our ocean shorelines? The answer is obvious: the melting ice water balances the water that cascades over the Earth’s edge! Of course, the cruise ship needs to stop at Edge Island 100 miles from the Earth’s edge to save the ship from the same fate. But I thoroughly enjoyed the tour of the edge in the island’s helicopter rides. The stars looks especially beautiful at the edge. Ben, if you have not already done so, why not take that cruise ship voyage just to shut up your critics?

Here’s some videos, for the skeptics:

Hi Paidion, these are key questions that everyone starts with and have been thoroughly worked through in hot debate.

To the first question:

  • that is a mighty assumption you’re making. I don’t know of any proof that any flight has continued without significant correction for the supposed 25,000 km circumnavigation at the equator (or any shorter course maintaining a constant latitude).

  • if, say, you head 90 deg E on the globe for 1000 km, then head 270 deg W for the same distance, will you end up back where you started? Not according to Google earth. This is why ‘plane sailing’ is the standard navigation for mariners.

  • Does running around your neighborhood prove your neighborhood is round? Why would you assume you were traveling in a curved path over a ball, when you may be on a curved path on a flat circular plane?

  • Airplanes do not need to dip their nose regularly as they should (or at all) to correct for curvature. Probably why they’re called ‘planes’ and not ‘spheres’. A gyroscope maintains its rigidity in space, and therefore would be useless on a sphere.

  • Despite many so-called E-W air circumnavigations of the ball, there has never been 1 N-S circumnavigation. (There are a few claimed efforts, but a closer inspection of the route taken shows otherwise).

  • This also leads into the question of how the ‘atmosphere’ is attached to the ball. Why would it take the same time to fly east or west? The atmosphere must be moving at the same speed as the earth below, which is different at every latitude and altitude. And yet clouds float by, birds and bees fly freely…Is the atmosphere velcroed to the spinning ball?

To the second question:

  • The formula for earth curve under the globe model is uncontentious trigonometry, there are many online calculators including the variable of viewer height. What is not explained by globers is why objects that should be hidden behind many hundreds or even thousands of feet of curvature are still visible with high-optical zoom lenses, or other EM tests (eg laser, radiowave). There are scores of videos on YT - test it for yourself. These prove that the horizon is not the curvature of the earth, but the vanishing point of angular resolution for the human eye. It’s about depth perspective, 2 parallel lines appearing to converge at the vanishing point of the z axis. Just an illusion, is it not?

  • The region of air closest to the water is subject to various environmental effects. Further, the loss of optical resolving power at the horizon produces apparent results, often just inferior mirages, mirroring, fata morgana, diffraction and refraction. The apparent merging of a receding boat into the sea is due to optical effects. This is easily proven by watching a receding boat until it is lost to the naked eye, then retrieving it with a zoom lens (as per the above point).

There is a significant database of many videos online showing consistent, repeatable results. For example, one guy’s innovation of an infrared filter to his mega zoom lens allows him to capture mountains over 1000 miles distant! Just incredible folks.

Hope this piques your interest. There’s a lot of good hard science behind it, and I’m not an expert by any means.

It’s kind of tragic that people are so indoctrinated they blithely accept the notion that huge bodies of water have no trouble sticking to the outside of a spinning ball, despite its patent absurdity. (It’s moving 1000 mph at the equator linear speed!) Wait, hang on, I hear the whisper…‘coz Gravity’! Of course, how silly of me.

You can’t live on a spinning ball.

Who knows where they’re taking you? And who would believe our report? The Antarctic Treaty effectively restricts any independent travel below the 66th parallel. Guess the need to protect all them penguins is paramount.

This area is subject to a great deal of inquiry.

You’ll find in the reports of Captain Cook his surprise at the interminable and unexpected distances of ice walls as he bounced in and out of the region back in the day.

Or maybe the US Antarctic missions in the 50s named ‘Operation Highjump’ and ‘Operation Dominic’ might suggest something…? I don’t have all the answers.

Here are a couple more educational videos for everyone!

The moon is made of cheese and takes a banana shape when a space monster eats a part of it. It returns to a full cheese ball through a biological process called cheddar-neogenesis. The cycle continues a perfect balance of consumption and regeneration.

Unfortunately, the space monster is shy… It is only a matter of time before we catch him in the act!

Exquisite formulation!! :slight_smile:

Oscar Wilde — ’ Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit , but the highest form of intelligence.’


But I have to say, I love cheese.