Hi all, this is my first post. I think there’s a (hidden) problem with universalism.
I am not against universalism, so this is not any kind of attack or something similar. I don’t have certainty of conviction which option is true, but I can order probabilities, as far as my eyes can see. In that sense I see, roughly, about 95% chance that annihilationism is true, 4.99…% that universalism is true, and miniscule probability that eternal conscious torment is true.
Anyway, to get to the hidden problem of universalism.
If universalism is true, and if all unbelievers go through fire for aeon, to get evil purged from them, I would say that logical and scriptural (as far as Scriptures allow it) conclusion would be that most evil people that ever existed, who went through most rigorous fire for aeon, would end up being the most perfected beings God ever had and will create. They would be higher in stature than any prophet, apostle or saint. They would have experienced doing most evil things, and then in return, they would have suffered through highest flames of God, for aeon, and would end up the pinnacle of God’s creation.
I think it’s impossible to say that’s not one of the possibilities, if universalism is true.
And if satan is part of reconciliation, he would go back to where he was, the highest among angels, but now even much higher in stature.
The problem is that those whose hands did the most damage to creation could end up being chiefs above all those they killed, tortured, raped, slayed etc.
Reason why is because suffering is unique for one age, while in eternity everybody can do an abundance of good. So, doing good, in eternity perspective, levels out among saints, while everybody will still have his or her experience of suffering which cannot be changed, ever, thus making the amount of suffering primary (or very big) factor that distinguishes one saint from another. And the more suffering one went through adds to his worth, and vice versa.
Congruent to this view is the fact that Jesus went through highest suffering any can ever go through.