The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

If you are interested in economics and their relationship to political structures, imo you can do no better than Thomas Sowell. I turn to him when I want a no-bs answer to something like, say, the claims of certain socialists measured against actual reality. Of course there is always the minutely possible chance that ‘our’ socialists - Occasional Cortex, Bernie Sanders - would get it ‘right’. But what ‘getting it right’ means to them is confronted and shown wanting by Sowell.
A few excerpts:

“Even the best things come to an end,” wrote Thomas Sowell in a December, 2016, column headlined “Farewell.” At the age of 86, the great economist had decided to stop writing his column and “spend less time following politics and more time on my photography.” Since then, Sowell has been rather quiet, but current political trends have prompted him to re-emerge.

“Socialism is a wonderful sounding idea,” “It’s only as a reality that it’s disastrous.” A former Marxist, Sowell began to see the difference between reality and rhetoric. “When you see people starving in Venezuela and fleeing in the neighboring countries and realize that this is a country that once had the world’s largest oil reserves, you realize that that’ve ruined a really good prospect with ideas that sounded good but didn’t turn out well.”
As it happens, the best economist is also black, and his name is Thomas Sowell. He dropped out of high school and served as a photographer in the Marines during the Korean War. He was the first in his family to attend college and earned a BA from Harvard, a master’s from Columbia and a PhD from the University of Chicago.

The Hoover Institution scholar has probed the world of ideas in books such as Basic Economics, Economic Facts and Fallacies , and Wealth, Poverty and Politics . He is also the author of The Economics and Politics of Race, Ethnic America , Affirmative Action Around the World , and the 1985 Marxism: Philosophy and Economics . Sowell’s conservative economics and criticism of affirmative action have drawn vicious attacks from the left.

Columnist Carl Rowan compared Sowell to Vidkun Quisling and NAACP general counsel Thomas Atkins called him one of the “house niggers” on the plantation. Lani Guinier, a Clinton nominee for Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, even questioned Sowell’s blackness. The economist, who was raised in Harlem, does not generally respond in kind, but he was justified to say “I don’t need some half-white woman from Martha’s Vineyard telling me about being black.” Sowell also kept on writing thoughtful, well-researched books such as the 2013 Intellectuals and Race , more relevant than ever with leftists smearing all rivals as racists.

In the view of the current “race industry,” whites who outperform blacks are simply unjust beneficiaries of past discrimination. Likewise, Asians who outperform blacks and Hispanics are beneficiaries of “privilege.” Sowell shows how diversity dogma generally ignores discrimination against Asians and Jews, high achievers despite centuries of persecution in many countries.

At the same time, the intellectuals of the left “pay no price for being wrong, no matter how wrong, or with what catastrophic consequences for millions of other people.” That dynamic was on display in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, where socialist Bernie Sanders chose to celebrate his honeymoon, and the Soviet client states in Eastern Europe and Cuba, an all-white Stalinist dictatorship. The American left championed them all, and they now keep the faith as Venezuela’s socialist regime starves and oppresses the people, who flee by the millions.

Sowell, who turns 89 this year, knows that socialism is guaranteed to wreck America. He is troubled by the fathomless ignorance of “rising star” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her fellow Democrat socialists. The great economist may be back in the fight, like Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca , but unlike Victor Laszlo, Sowell is not sure we will win this time.

With willful ignorance, intolerance and bad ideas on the rise, Sowell has “a great fear that, in the long run, we may not make it.” On the other hand, as he said in his 2016 “Farewell” article, “let us hope that we can learn something from the past to make for a better present and future.”

To that end, everybody should get to know Thomas Sowell, whose books on economics, race and affirmative action, should be part of high-school and college curricula across the nation. If we are going to have a better present and future, as Sowell explained on Fox Business, everybody will have to “test ideas against facts.”
end quote

If you have questions. I refer you to his books. Here are a few random quotes of his:

Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it.

It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.

Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a
history of replacing what worked with what sounded good.

The next time some academics tell you how important diversity is, ask how many Republicans there are in their sociology department.

If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism.

Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.

The most basic question is not what is best, but who shall decide what is best.

The welfare state is not really about the welfare of the masses. It is about the egos of the elites.

There are only two ways of telling the complete truth - anonymously and posthumously.

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Hum! Hypothesis!. We need an experiment, to test this. Something from the academic disciplines of political science, social psychology or psychology. And some statistical data, to examine. Do you have any examples of this?


It’s like this video today, from this amateur, arm-chair Catholic writer! But this one, I can believe! Even without the scientific proof!

But first…a BBC article, to show us how technology - is making us more humane!

So true, it is truly amazing how Socialism still appeals to academia no matter how many times it devastates countries and yet they keep on putting different colors of lipstick on the pig and keep bringing it back.

The result of Capitalism is the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. In contrast, under free enterprise everyone is treated the same by the law. Free enterprise is better than capitalism - it provides more freedom, opportunity and prosperity to many more people and a better economy than capitalism.

" freedom of private business to organize and operate for profit in a competitive system without interference by government beyond regulation necessary to protect public interest and keep the national economy in balance."

That definition of free enterprise makes some sense. It certainly is the opposite of most ‘socialist’ theory.

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Free enterprise isn’t socialism for sure.

Some of the successful countries considered “socialist” are simply free enterprise economies with a layer or degree of socialism. ~~ John Dewar Gleissner

Yep, that’s why many endorse emulating those “successful countries considered socialist.”


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Not we, YOU need, I think, I don’t. I can see it very plainly. YMMV obviously. I’m convinced of it and don’t feel any great need to justify it. Like CS Lewis said, the experts are more mysterian than the rest of us - their statistics are more real to SOME of them than what is plainly visible. SOME of them. Not all.

The problem, as I see it, is establishing what you or I think is ‘success’. ForAOC and Bernie and the far left, ‘success’ means overbearing taxes on the already over-burdened american taxpayer, or outright TAKING of people’s money they think are too rich - Bernie of course has 3 homes in very high-priced areas, Hillary has hundreds of millions of dollars, AOC it turns out was raised in a very well-to-do home and now makes a lot of money for being nothing else than…whatever she is. THOSE people talking about wealth distribution as a social justice thing?? Ludicrous. They are going to tell US what ‘success’ is? They are hypocrites of the very first rank.
As well, saying a few ‘socialist’ countries are even worth emulating depends on what you or I think is ‘worthy’ and how we might want to impose it on others. And if we do, we’d better set the example ourselves and explain to those whose money we want to take exactly WHY this is a good idea.
I think the Left is selling us a bill of goods in order to garner votes. The elite will not live under socialism any more than they were willing to take on Obamacare for themselves and families, choosing rather to foist it on, once again, the american taxpayer.
“The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics”

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Defender of the Weak
by Jason Waller

Loving mercy I come, and humbly I bow
At the throne of Your grace I can justly cry out, I cry out
Praise the One who bestows in us a love that stained a crossand crown Him King of Victory, King of you and King of me
Wiped clean from the wretch I am
Redeemed through the blood You shed for me
Jesus, Defender of the Weak
Loving mercy I come, and humbly I bow
At the throne of Your grace I can justly cry out, I cry out
Praise the One who bestows in us a love that stained a cross
and crown Him King of Victory, King of you and King of me
Wiped clean from the wretch I am
Redeemed through the blood You shed for me
Jesus, Defender of the Weak
I’m alive because You made me
Ransomed by the cross on Calvary
Jesus, You’re strong when I am weak
Wiped clean from the wretch I am
Redeemed through the blood You shed for me
Jesus, Defender of the Weak

OMG! This is HORRIBLE! Having to work in order to get benefits? ??? (surprise - Lefties are truly horrified by this priniciple)
Meanwhile, the budget aims to implement new welfare requirements – namely, that Americans 18-65 years old work at least 20 hours a week in a job, a job training program or a community service program to secure a range of benefits and aid.

According to the administration, the work requirement would apply to federal programs like food stamps, Medicaid, and federal housing, but would come with a hardship exemption. Last year, the administration opened the door for states to impose work requirements for Medicaid recipients. This part of the budget proposal would bring those work requirements to the federal level.

I go along with the Republican here. Benefits should only be for the disabled and elderly.

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It reminds me, of an old Jewish saying. If you have two Jewish folks, in a room - you will have 3 different opinions.

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Agreed. I also think that the concept ‘disabled’ needs to be looked at. AOC wants to guarantee benefits to those that CHOOSE not to work. Unbelievable.
And you still gotta wonder - where are the FAMILIES of the elderly, or those that are disabled? This welfare/nanny thing could be greatly ameliorated by restoring families - which have been destroyed in large part by a welfare state that is used by politicians to garner favor, to stay in power. That’s just sinful.


I’m from Texas and anybody can’t get disability. It’s real hard to get it. It takes an intensive screening process to qualify. I think (not sure) 75 % get turned down. But I understand the AOC thing. Is that Cortez you’re referring to?

Yessir, she’s the one.
I can choose not to work, but that’s on me - not on other taxpayers. That much I think is clear. Plus the $30T-60T pricetag is, shall we say, a wee bit astronomically ginormously too high? :slight_smile:

It feels to me that the huge amount of taxes that Americans pay is treated by the politicians as their own money, to be spent in ways that will keep them and their cronies in office. Period. Some fool (sorry, 1.0 slipped in here for a second :frowning: I took him out back and gave him a good thrashing)) like AOC would take OUR MONEY _OUR TAX MONEY - and use it like a slush fund. I do not have a survey on that fact.

“What is history but the story of how politicians have squandered the blood and treasure of the human race?” - TS. Think on that quote for a minute.

If you have been voting for politicians who promise to give you goodies at someone else’s expense, then you have no right to complain when they take your money and give it to someone else, including themselves.”

Perhaps this is the true story? Is that what any of you believe? The fact that is almost entirely made up falsehoods doesn’t stop the media.
“Look in the mirror again. You’re a good person. You deserve better than these hateful shitbags, and so does the rest of the world. Fight them. Vote.”
There’s an election coming in less than two weeks , and before you go cast your vote, I’d just like to remind you of a simple fact, which is that Republicans hate you.

Even if you don’t think they hate your guts, I have a surprise for you: they do. Go look in the mirror. You seem nice enough, right? You just want to enjoy your life, get through your day with a minimum of fuss, and maybe do right by the people you love, yeah? Well, Republicans hate all that.

They don’t even WANT you to vote a week from Tuesday. They hate voters and they hate voting. They have worked with a religious fervor to game voting tallies in Missouri, and Tennessee, and North Dakota, and Ohio (we can thank the Supreme Court for that), and Florida, and North Carolina, and most notably in Georgia, where elderly black people were literally pulled over for trying to vote, and where Republican gubernatorial candidate and current secretary of state Brian Kemp purged over 300,000 people from the voter rolls. They don’t want you voting, and they don’t particularly care if it’s fair or not. And if you happen to resist, the president already tacitly endorsed violence against you.

This is because Republicans hate a true representative democracy. And if they hate that, then they hate America. And if they hate America, then they hate you. I know Republicans say they LOVE America. They love it so much they wanna marry it. But that’s not true. They only love using America, mostly as a means of engineering hate.

But they hate so many other things, too! They hate black people. They hate Muslims, and have no problem if the Proud Boys go hunting around Manhattan for women to assault. They hate Native Americans. They’re getting their sea legs back when it comes to hating Jews. They hate hate hate Mexican and Central American and Puerto Rican people, to the point where they’re playing a demented game of Oregon Trail with a group of desperate Central Americans currently situated a literal thousand fucking miles from the border, waiting for them to arrive at our doorstep just so they can persecute them. You’re a billion times more likely to die from tripping over the sidewalk than some from supposed caravan gang member. No matter. Republican hatred of immigrants is the priority. They rip immigrant children away from their parents and stick them in concentration camps and bend over backwards to make sure those families can never be put back together, all in the name of hatred.

They hate gays, too. They hate bisexuals. They hate trans people, to the point where they would rather that such people don’t even legally exist. They really hate women. If you’re a woman who’s brave enough to step forward and publicly recount a deep-seated pain you’ve been harboring for years and years, Republicans are ready to laugh right in your face.

They hate the poor. They hate victims. They hate the elderly and infirm. They REALLY hate sick people. Can you believe all these gross sick people, lying around and wasting productivity? Let’s saddle those people up with hundreds of thousands of dollars in hospital bills so that they can die penniless and afraid. Unions? Republicans hate those. People asking for a raise in the minimum wage? Yeah no, sorry. You’re on the hate wagon, too.

I agree that what one defines as successful values is pivotal. But I’ve never heard those who admire Scandinavian systems define their view of success this way. You may be projecting your own critique into our mouths.

I think the kind of success that I see valued is less poverty and crime, a less profound gap between the struggling poor and the very rich, seeing both skilled workers and the academic brightest able to get the education that enables them to be productive, avoiding families being bankrupted by medical catastrophe, etc.

I know that you perceive that this greater success in such goals comes at a cost that you believe is not worth it, and involves taxes that you don’t want to pay. But defining the ‘success’ that attracts us as putting something “overbearing” on those who are already most “overburdened” fails to engage what actually animates the other side, and will only stir the fervor of those who already resent the other side, namely we oppressive so-called socialists :slight_smile:

And that is the problem… Someone strives to get to a place. In the old days it was called ‘getting ahead’ you worked hard and sacrificed to establish a comfortable life for yourself and your family. You managed your money were thrifty and denied yourself certain extravagances.

No body gave you anything. Nada. No way. You either gained knowledge in the working sector or went to school. You became a over comer. Now, we are facing politicians who want to ‘give’ people whatever they want. There is a difference between giving a chance and giving a handout. I will give a handout to a destitute person, who has no seeming hope. But I will give a chance to someone who wants to better themselves.

The idea that somehow race or religion or sex or other gets in the way is crazy. Absolute balderdash… It is a convenient excuse.

Less poverty and crime are going to go hand in hand with more accountability.
Bob do you deny that?
