The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Can’t resist the character impugning, I see. And the rich are bad, also., a constant mantra.
Strangely enough, the bulk of the rich have been switching to the Dem side, knowing that Trump is challenging the status quo, and they want the current status more than a change for the better, which Trump is trying to bring.

I’m glad you believe rich entrepreneurs prefer Bernie’s kind of heavy Dem taxes over Trump’s big cuts. But the substance here is that with so many big wallet donors benefitting from illegal immigration, politicians like Trump keep running from Biden’s call to do what would actually stop it.

Here’s an interesting story, from the BBC news today:

And here is another interesting, BBC story

Would everyone be happier if we just dropped politics completely? I’ll do it if you all will also. :exploding_head:


I second that motion. And my zombie friends from Z-Hell (1, 2, 3) also agree, it should be a “dead” issue.

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Don’t suppose I could push the envelope further and agree to have no more Z material? Or is that asking way tooooooo much? :slight_smile:

That would be “discrimination”, against all my zombie friends! Besides, I have established a theological foundation for them…as the most probable, end-times tribulation scenario (AKA Z-Hell (1, 2, 3)). Which is no more - or less “unusual”…then saying things like all was fulfilled in 70 AD, we have no free will and are puppets on a string - via God, only parts of the Bible one agrees with are true, etc. ALL equally valid - or invalid - positions on this forum.


I totally understand!
I do however stand by my offer to drop the politics if others agree also to stop.

Given the predictability of US politics, I am in agreement.
Now, who wants Justin Trudeau to go where the sun doesn’t shine?

In the early years of this site, no one expected it to be a forum for politics, nor attacks on or defenses of office holders and candidates. I personally would be most comfortable reverting to that, and focusing on theological and Biblical questions related to universalist views.

I wonder if @JasonPratt or another admin/mod could close the thread, and deliver us from temptation?


The temptation to talk about things that really mean something to you and me is quite strong. :innocent:

Are y’all really going to require me to learn how to close a thread in the new engine over this? :upside_down_face:

(Lord, nearly 2600 posts.)

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hm, I’m testing closing it until next month. Also testing whether ad/mods (or at least admins) can post to it anyway despite being closed, or whether doing so opens it again, etc.

FOR SCIENCE! :face_with_monocle:

Result: an admin can post here without breaking the ‘close’ timer.

A mod should try next.

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