The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

The election of Trump is an ‘interesting’ evidence that American media demonically leaves everyone misinformed and conned.

Sorry, Bob. Try as I might, I have no idea what you are getting at with the above statement.

Of course, my native language is Gaelic, and maybe that explains why. :laughing:

As often, Trump supporters above were complaining that American media deceives the public. So tongue in cheek, I was suggesting that they must not be that universally effective at so deeply misleading the public about Trump, since he got elected despite their supposed deception.

More than happy to davo -and it’s working very well, thank you - my point however was why are you or any clear-thinking person still trusting the obvious lying and slander from the press?

Don’t you know when playing on that level that the obvious retort is, why do you or any clear-thinking person trust the obvious falsehoods you listen to and keep posting? Aren’t such partisan accusations uselessly sophomoric? Don’t those of us with differing views each believe that we carefully analyze as many sources as possible, but base our overriding conclusions on what we directly observe Trump do and say?

Just accusing the other of being an idiot seems to get a bit boring.

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Bob Wilson to DaveB2.0

I would say that many here are intelligent folks, who do their due diligence. And probably many reputable news sources, do fact checking, etc. Look at this discussion on Quora, a great source to read Q and A:

What makes a news source credible?

And some articles, try to measure news bias. Like this one:

How biased is your news source? You probably won’t agree with this chart

Notice that the BBC news, is within the “neutral” category.

Now I am an aspiring Holy Fool. But I also spent most of my life, in both academia and real world jobs. As well as doing research and field studies, in many topics …like alternative medicine, lives of living Holy People, Native American spirituality, zombies, healing, etc. I look on any story as “potentially” true…unless someone brings me 'convincing" evidence, to the contrary.

However, having said that all…I’m always willing to meet “super geniuses”, to help set me straight…both on and off the forum!

Got it - thanks, Bob. Your tongue was in your cheek while concurrently my brain was out of gear, obviously a fatal combination for comprehension.

True so true, but at the end of the day how much does personnel preference (both from the civilian population and the media professionals) really make the story. Partisan accusations from both sides will be filtered by intelligent people.:wink:


From the BBC news today. Has technology finally come, to the rescue?

Here’s your fake news, maybe a couple of us are honest enough to read such an article. There are 100’s more I may dump on you as well.
Australia - there has been 3 years of these and many more FAKE NEWS - AKA 'LIES" fed to you in the media. Why aren’t you outraged?

Did any of you read this? Why didn’t you say something, Bob? Maybe I missed it?

Didn’t see any apologies over these 3 year lies from your media. I wonder if Australia saw this:

And yet all I hear from this forum is dribble from Madcow, or Anderson, or Williams: WHY do you still trust them?

Thanks! I honestly find Atkisson’s list understatedly unbelievable. There’s no way media committed only 86 definitive mistakes in the past 4 years. As I’ve repeatedly said in these pages and elsewhere, many journalists are affected by political bias, and liberal ones often feel deep animus toward Trump and go way off the rails. They surely have done far worse than what this paltry list reflects!
(shucks, every day my own hometown paper of record prints corrections of errors committed)

Yet I don’t see that such particulars simply annul the critiques of Trump some of us have offered here. Each argument and claim to facts must be evaluated on its’ own merits. And a reliable Atkinsson deserves full credit here toward substantiating such critiques with her three links:
(“False Statements Involving Donald Trump”)

All in all, I think there’s balance here than nicely reflects the two-sided debate to which I’ve pointed.

Here ya go - the very tolerant Left: (not - what a crock - Trump haters are deplorable)

We also need a song here, regarding “fake news”

And this one, goes along with it.

Dave, my impression is that on forum thread after thread, when an evangelical here differs with you about policies or interpretations in the realm of government, you respond by posting links from partisan political sites of ever more hit pieces on someone’s definition of deplorable generic Leftism (and either imply or state outright that anyone of us who doesn’t apologize by echoing your own policies is just to be dismissed as another such hateful liar).

That seems to avoid responding to or engaging with any of the presented substance involved in differing conclusions about political questions (and differs from your usually fine ability in the realm of theology to engage & respect the reality that perceptions will differ, and seek to ferret out the reasons).

It leaves me tempted to feel that the only response that fits that level of dialogue is to post partisan links from the opposing point of view. But golly, just trading yet more political propaganda links seems to me a wasted & boring use of this forum (and so I keep considering leaving it to being your echo chamber).

The debate of Thursday night should be a huge wake-up call for all freedom-loving Americans. Every one of the Democrat candidates wants to curb nearly all of the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights: speech, assembly, the right to bear arms. They mean to restrict our access to health care, fuel, food, electricity, mobility by car or air, and goods in markets.

In short, they well and truly intend to transform the country beyond what Obama did on his watch and not in a good way. They mean to punish all of us who support Trump because, like Hillary, we are to them deplorable for loving our country. They are not alone. The DNC debate audience in Houston were mind-numbed clapping seals. The more punitively race-conscious and socialist the candidates’ promises, the more they applauded.

The fact that there have been no American flags on the stage at any of the Democrat debates says it all.

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As a foreigner, totally non-partisan, I believe I am well-equipped to voice an opinion on this subject. I watch both CNN and Fox News, read Rex Murphy and Conrad Black, so consider myself reasonably informed.

There is no doubt that vitriol spews from both sides of the debate but any impartial observer would have to conclude that the bulk of it comes from the Left. Their vocabulary appears to be limited to words like ‘racist’, racism, homophobia, etc. and they use them indiscriminately, void of any warrant.


I know that you’re a massive fan of the BBC Randy but you should really be aware that the BBC is evidently left-wing and it is not difficult to ascertain this if you live in the UK.

Well, I didn’t read through the original study (i.e. study outside the article)…I referred to in the article, that produced the comprehensive chart…And the chart still shows the BBC, in the “neutral” category.

However,let’s assume the BBC leans left. Compared to the US CNN, Washinton Post or New York Times (i.e. Trump supporters examples of left-wing or fake news outlets), the BBC is probably tame by comparison.

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Not so, Randy. I am a British citizen, born in the UK and having lived there for 35 years of my life. The BBC was then, and is far more so since, as left-wing as any of the US examples you provided.

I suspect that schools of journalism are taught, for the most part, by socialist-minded professors, that their students come predisposed to leftist thinking, and leave with an intent to promote their philosophy irrespective of what the “news” actually is. The UK is no different. Read The Guardian for example.