The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Maybe they are with UK politics. But they do appear neutral, with US politics. But they don’t usually “spin” Trump, in a positive light.

But anyway. I like the BBC, because they cover parts of the world and conditions - the US news media doesn’t cover. And they are excellent, on technology, Business and Science news. But France-24 does that also, when they focus on Africa. Or NHK Japan, for Asian content.

I really can’t say anything, regarding professors of journalism and journalism. I really don’t know. But I’m sure a professor’s biases, creep into a classroom - both liberal and conservative.


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Good point.
With regard to political bias, in addition to news programmes, it is interesting to observe the comedy and satire that is given air-time by the BBC and the other channels (in the UK). The bias is even easier to detect and, of course, there is no need to go to the trouble of pretending to offer rational, informed and intelligent argument. Comedy can get away with mudslinging name-calling slander. The lack of truth is only surpassed by our professional politicians (of all hues).

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AS has been mentioned, late night guys Colbert, Stewart, Fallon - they call it comedy, but they are downright nasty and ill-informed to boot - how anyone could convince themselves that those guys are not completely biased, as is almost of Hollywood Babylon is beyond me.
And those guys sway a lot of audiences, as witness the seal-like clapping and hooting after everything their idol states, no matter how imbecilic. Course some Trumpers do that same thing.
Now the damned fools are at it again. How can anyone stay a Democrat?

And of course some people actually ‘believe’ in these news sources. Amazing.

Do you think these audiences need to be swayed?? These people come because they know they will be pandered to plus sometimes the comedy is good.

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Based on “polls”!! The same polls that projected Hillary winning by 15 points! I think many Trump supporters don’t answer polls because they want to avoid harassment.

Yes it is very telling about how the feel about this country & patriotism and about who and what they want to appeal to.

What poll(s)? Read the article. Its’ observations had nothing to do with any polls.

I definitely believe this is the case. The left directs all sorts of hate towards trump supporters. It is interesting that James says the tongue is an unruly evil. I work with left progressives in the tech sector, so a bunch of white guys who think they are better than other white guys because they are so hip with leftist terms like “racism, hate crimes, boomers are the problem!”… Lol, just the other day on FB my brother posted a fairly innocent thing about my generation and people just piled on hate calling him a “boomer”… Lol, he ain’t even close to a boomer and a look at his profile picture should easily have clued people in on that…

Honestly, most left progressives that I have met (to be fair, the vocal ones, which COULD be a minority) tend to bully their way. They cite “data” and then when you ask them the source they said “You are moron if you don’t believe the data”… Huh? I just wanted a source. For an apparently scientifically minded group of people, they are sure don’t want to back up some important questions such as data analytics. See, from my perspective, where the data comes from, how it is derived and ensured it wasn’t tampered with is of EXTREME importance before we run with it as if it is the WoG.

By the way, I want to make it clear that I don’t think anyone here is in that group. For the most part, I think most people here have a reasonable well-founded views. I may not agree with some of them, but it typically isn’t hate filled rhetoric I see here. Just wanted to write this in here. The truth of the matter, is that if I felt most people here were like the above, I’d simply disengage and not visit the site.

During the election almost every major poll had Hillary way ahead.

Well, to borrow the thought but change the emphasis slightly… this above is becoming a considered option given the perennial partisan politics that seems to be the driving force and focus of the site these days — a real shame IMO.

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Can anyone miss that? The charge was that the piece I submitted was “based on polls.” I still don’t see what (any) polls had to do with its observations. It didn’t evaluate what voters would do, but focused on outcomes of platform debates between Dems. It feels like every topic becomes high fiving ridicule of we so called naïve “progressives.”

Davo, you bring unique challenging light to the theological issues for which this forum was founded to debate, and though we clash, I learn and grow. But we are kindred souls here, since I have repeatedly warned that the dominant passion appears to have become championing partisan political views, and that this energetic focus appears to lead to the most ad hominem rhetoric.

For me, it often feels that if one does not apologize for not praising the right political figures enough, or agree with the majority’s conservative politics and policies, one gets calls a pathetic foreigner, or in my exempt case, repeatedly labeled an unpatriotic and lying Leftist. I increasingly fail to see how any light comes out of such exchanges, or how it fits the purpose for which we built this site.

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Yes… and I have to put my hand up and own some of that as I haven’t helped in part along the way either — hence my more recent ghost-presence around these matters.

Not sure if anyone can, but I missed it.

OK, I solemnly promise not to engage in any political arguments again. All who have different views from mine are wrong anyway. :smirk:


I’m tired of fighting all the time, I know that.
I will keep away from defending Trump’s policies to the extent that the rest of you lay off attacking those policies.

Here’s an interesting article, I spotted today. It might shed some light on polls. Very objective article, IMHO.


I missed this , repeatedly labeled unpatriotic & lying leftist? I missed this, not to mention repeatedly?
Well right now Trump wants to have a fundraiser and the contributors want their names kept a secret lest the “Leftist mob” on Twitter & FB attack them and try to shame them & boycott their businesses and as Debra Messing wants, blacklist them in Hollywood. Stuff like this most certainly does not happen from the right.