The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Ok Bob, glad to have your opinion from the mountaintop. Dave if you read this please note that you are less partisan then me, so please pray for my wretched soul!


Yes, my son. LOL

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Congress’ oversight of the executive branch is investigating whether its’ actions were tantamount to powerfully Bribing (by withholding 100’s of millions in approved vital military aid) a foreign power fighting for its’ life, to produce something to help it retain personal political power against its’ major domestic challenger (Joe Biden), rather than to achieve America’s foreign policy interests.

What is the "illegal" act and “Joe Biden thing” that you are implying made Joe Biden a “crook” and has been “totally hidden”?

Well, according to today’s BBC news…the Democrats have a new, “interesting” presidential candidate.

What i love about Bob is his complete objectiveness!! Gotta love it, amazing stuff! Bob renders his verdict on me of being more partisan then Dave which may be true yet Bob believes he is unbiased. I assume Bob believes himself to be unbiased because that would give Bob the justification to call me more partisan then Dave? What was that saying that Jesus mentioned about a log in an eye?

This is not political - I’m not blanket taking sides here; but it appears to be the actual truth of the matter. If Republicans did it, I would say the same thing.

I’m not implying; I’m saying he is a crook. And I’m saying the media cover up and the Dem cover up of his acts and his son’s acts is a criminal thing. And I’m saying that the despicable attack on Trump under the guise of some sort of congressional responsibility is just a joke - rigging the game by changing whistleblower requirements to make first person knowledge unnecessary, days before starting this stupid investigation into Trump, is once again revealing the shallowness and duplicity of some of those on the Left - the vocal ones, the dishonest ones. By all means do call out Trump if he does something illegal. But this frenzy has to stop. The Dems have to do something else than just be pissed about losing the election they thought they had in the bag

I’m not going to quote sources - you can read the transcript of DT’s phone call and it is a nothingburger. There is NOTHING there. Biden - we have on tape.

Could anyone deny this:
"if VP Pence, had a son who he flew around on AF2, assisting him in shakedown operations and other racketeering-style activities, and then threatened to withhold $1B in foreign aid if the head of another country didn’t fire the investigator looking into that matter wasn’t fired (and who subsequently was fired (can you say quid pro quo)), it would be trumpeted, broadcast, printed ad nauseum by the leftist media. It would be all your would hear, all day, every day.

That is what Biden and his son did, but nary a peep from the “media” with the aforementioned exception."

Why? I’m enjoying it. But then, I’m not a Yank - is it still OK to call you that? Let me know if it isn’t and I’ll desist. You see, I’m from the 1940s when my homeland was overrun by American troops and they were all called Yanks by us illiterates who thought you all came from New York. We all thought the Oregon Trail was still full of New Yorkers heading west for a better life. We were unaware that some of them were just moving south (or is it west?) to a place they called a swamp. Did they ever return home from there or did they just get bogged down?

‘Yank’ works for me. AS they say, call me anything but late for dinner. :slight_smile:

See, for example,

Giuliani: Shouldn’t Biden be investigated over Ukraine if Trump can be impeached over it?

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Here’s the story.

Looking forward to Warren stories as she posed as a Cherokee for years fraudulently as a Professor & even contributed recipes to a book called “Pow Wow Chow” again as a Cherokee & plaguerized these recipes, and there is more!

So these self righteous Dems will be protected by the MSM as much as possible but it will be an issue for them, whether Biden or Warren.

I’m found an excellent newscaster, who has great commentary…on the up-and-coming impeachment inquiry and all the other world problems! :crazy_face:

Where did I say that I’m absent of bias’? I repeatedly have stated my “biases” explicitly
(as in, "My bias is ‘such and such’ ").

Dave said that he was not saying that “crazies” were only on one side. You responded that you disagreed with this. So I responded that this seems to make Dave less partisan. If you think that’s untrue, you’re welcome to explain why.

I know that. But that’s exactly what those on the other extreme say about Trump.
Again, my impression is that such assertions and reasoning show more about the similarity
of the two sides than it does about their claims to distinctive righteous outrage.

I missed it Bob, can you tell me your biases?

Sorry but you are off base. I don’t even like Trump much less worship him. I think he is a bully,i think he thinks superficially , impulsive, to black and white plus he has a huge ego.

But i love (not worship) Capitalism and he is the only candidate who is a Capitalist.The Dem candidates are either Socialists or moving right to the edge of it and i despise Socialism. But this is not my religion & if Warren becomes President i’ll accept it and live my life. After all Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world.

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On my own biases, I delineated 1000’s in these pages, most of them on theological and moral issues. But in the current political personalities realm, your take above would accurately reflect much of the bias that I myself expressed about central concerns.

You do express your perceptions of Mr. Trump’s character a bit stronger than I have. I’d add, that while I’ve come to expect all politicians to spin the truth, I’ve indicated my bias is that Trump excels in a salesman’s abilities to effectively spin stories to secure his own interests.

I think this quote, is most applicable here. :crazy_face:

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Our job is to see through the spin and get to the truth. That’s all that matters in the end.
Any Republican could have done the despicable things Biden did. Of course. I’m not naive. The fact is that Biden did do it, and it won’t be investigated - much- because the shiny new and completely false impeachment against Trump will take our attention. And all this to hide the incoming Horowitz report, that won’t be covered either most likely, except by the two or three conservative outlets.
I’m amazed anyone falls for it.

“I can vote, but my thoughtful vote counts for next-to-nothing in most elections, especially when it is cancelled out by the vote of some thoughtless and uninformed idiot.” -BV
(Present company excluded)

lol, that’s exactly the anguished sentiment that seems to animate all of my crazy Leftist friends.