The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Biden will get in line behind Hillary receiving 140 million in “donations” to the Clinton Charitable Fund" for which donations dried up after she lost the election!! Quid pro quo? Pay for Play? So blatant but Dems never get investigated, they only do the investigating!

Assuming elections even matter anymore? Remains to be seen?

It can feel useless, but I like the direction you’re going!

BTW Bob, one of your friends from the AOC Squad , Rashida Talib is selling teeshirts reading “Impeach the MF” , should I order you one?? I’ll be glad to , seriously!

BTW the reason we were sending hundreds of millions to Ukraine was??? Oh so we could pay Hunter Biden’s salary!

Steve, I’m glad you see yourself as addressing my arguments so “seriously.”
Though you may need to spend less hours watching FOX :slight_smile:

Well I was thinking you could wear the teeshirt while Pastoring your flock! Can I get an Amen brother!

Noone here, American or foreign, thought to criticize these things listed below. BuT If any one of these was made against Obama, you (generic ‘you’) would have stood up for your hero. But now the frenzy to impeach a president THAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ELECTED means that you will not stand up to the people, the leaders, that say these vile things. Why is that? If decency and truth is that precious, why not call it out on both sides?
Long-time Congressional Black Caucus member Maxine Waters followed: “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” she told a crowd in Los Angeles. This is something close to proto-civil war. It can be seen as not merely incitement to harassment but, for the mentally unstable, to assassination. Coming from the mouth of a legislator, it must be a record in contempt for representative democracy, civic order and ordinary decency.

Then there’s the case of the President’s press secretary, Sarah Sanders, who was asked to leave a restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, where she was having dinner, for no other reason than that she worked for Trump. Restaurant owner Stephanie Wilkerson, apparently confusing herself with Martin Luther or a moral hero like Claus von Stauffenberg, said she asked Sanders to depart because “there are moments in time when people need to live their convictions. This appeared to be one.”

“But,” Parker asked, “what exactly are the ‘convictions’ that Wilkerson was living in this incident? That you refuse to talk, associate, do business with anyone you disagree with? This is America?”

Peter Fonda tweeted: “We should rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with paedophiles. And see if mother will stand up against the giant ahole she is married to. 90 million people in the streets on the same weekend in the country. Fk.”

Our own (this is an Australian site) Robert Manne states charmingly:

arguably [Trump] has the foulest attitudes or the vilest character of any president in US history. If his presidency will eventually come to be regarded as illegitimate it will be because sufficient American people are convinced that he won his office in part because of his unlawful collusion with a hostile foreign power.

John Brennan, an alleged former communist whom Obama made head of the CIA, tweeted from somewhere beyond paranoia:

Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

He was referring to a conventional and necessary meeting between world leaders which, if Obama had undertaken it, would have been hailed as an act of statesmanship and peace-making, but whose agenda and details he was not in any case privy to.

These and many more examples from an essay in Quadrant Online, an Australian clear-thinking magazine. I recommend it.

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I like the words of a fictional TV detective - Monk. When he solves a case, he says two things:

Here’s how it happened


Here’s the thing


Well, ask this question. If Trump was a Democratic president and this S5&T surfaced on him, what would the Republican party do?

It would do the same thing, folks.

Now, is Trump guilty? Not yet! He’s innocent until proven guilty. Which is embedded in our constitution? Yes. So let the process unfold and see what happens.

Now on the topic of guns, from another thread. I support the second amendment and the right to bear arms. But I side with the Democrats, in asking for comprehensive background checks. And folks don’t need AK-47s, to go duck hunting!

But it the zombies from Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), arrive during my lifetime…I’m going to shoot them!


Not even close! I’ve been a Dem & later a Conservative. They have different DNA my friend. Dems lust to investigate because they project onto others the actual stuff that they really do.

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When I watch the TV detectives Columbo, Monk and Sherlock Homes…they all layout their brilliant deductions, to the villain. But the villain always asks this question:

Where’s the proof?

P.S. I’m neither pro-Republican nor Pro-Democrat…I’m what you call a conservative independent…But usually side with whomever, presents the lesser of two evils. :crazy_face:

It’s kind of like asking this question:

Would you prefer the world to end, via zombies from Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)? Or AI and AI bods?

Or would you prefer to live in a world, like The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead? Or the Matrix and Terminator movies’ series?


NOT much of a choice, really!

As Thomas Jefferson said “we hold these truths to be self evident” When Repubs investigated Clinton despite a Repub controlled Senate , despite the fact he clearly lied, they did not impeach him. Ken Starr the prosecutor had the “semen” and the DNA results from Monica’s dress and could have allowed Clinton to commit perjury thus insuring impeachment yet he chose not to, probably for the good of the country.

Would Adam Schiff & Nadler & company extend the same courtesy? Not for one second!

The difference is putting country first or lust for power first.

Well, I can’t say how Congress weights crimes of sexual immorality vs crimes of “allegedly” asking for a favor, of a foreign power. I can’t really say. I don’t really know. It’s above my pay grade! :rofl:

I just know this. When I vote… I look at the “outstanding” candidate, the Democrats offer. And the “outstanding” candidate, the Republicans offer. Then choose the lesser of two evils!

I’m like the heavy set guy, in this video!

I find that to be slanderously untrue. I and many Democrats have criticized the Maxine Waters kind of rude public attacks on GOPers, vicious words about Baron, etc. It’s atrocious.

More fundamental, I find repeatedly addressing facts or evaluations about the current president’s actions or character by saying, don’t look there, look at Obama, and you must first offer abundant critiques of Democrats before you can present a view on Trump’s actions, is a weak defense of the president. It’d be like Democrats saying you can’t offer praise and defense of the president, until you first show that you equally did that in praising Obama.

No one would reasonably expect you to have a record of that, and it’s irrelevant to whatever is presently the case.

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Let’s say, hypothetically speaking - I was Trump. Well, since Trump’s presidency…there have been leaks, in the white house. And that means, you should follow the highest security protocols - for communications. Like I might talk to my lawyer, which is protected under client / lawyer privilege. And I might privately, ask him a “hypothetical” question. Like how I can ask, the Ukrainian president for help…to see if Joe Biden, might have committed a crime. And if there were any legal “incentives” I could offer, to initiate such an investigation. All in the public interest, of course.

And I would talk to my security staff, about how to encrypt all email and phone conversations. And what circumstances, must a transcript be available. And if so, could the transcript be secured or encrypted.

All in the public interest, of course.

But I suspect, the World’s news media sources…and perhaps the Democratic party…maybe even concerned members, of the Republican party…have paid informants and perhaps even spies, hanging around Trump.

Time to hide! Here comes the paid informants and spies!


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For three years, the media-deep state axis has sought to overturn the election of 2016 and bring down Trump, starting with Russia-gate. Now it appears to have tailored and weaponized the impeachment process.

That is what this is all about. It always is. Then-editor Ben Bradlee of The Washington Post, when it looked like the Iran-Contra matter might break Ronald Reagan’s presidency, after his 49-state landslide, chortled, “We haven’t had this much fun since Watergate.”

This is what the deep state does to outsiders Middle America sends to Washington to challenge or dispossess it.< BV


Making "this" the essence of any reservation expressed here about Trump’s actions or character explains why there is no room to discuss such participation in conspiratorial perversity.

Bob, as you already know, I am an outsider looking in on all of “this”. My interest is in the future of my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Like it or not, they will be impacted by the actions and inactions of the US as leader of the free world for years to come, long after I have left this “short, uncertain earthly life and pilgrimage” as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones so poetically described our life on this planet.

You employ the term “conspiratorial perversity”. According to Webster, “perverse” means “turned aside from right or truth; obstinate in the wrong; capricious and unreasonable in opposition”. An impartial observer, say a Martian, of the events of the past three plus years, going back to 2016, might very well conclude that the adjective is more applicable to the Democrat opposition than to Donald Trump and the disappointingly-inept Republicans.

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