The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

Exactly! If you don’t like Trump , don’t like his personality, don’t like his character, fine then vote him out through an election in a year from now.
So we have Trump’s phone call where nothing actually ended up happening verses the Dems paying Christopher Steele to get false info to put into a fake FISA report to get permission to spy on a newly elected President to initiate the Mueller investigation.
It’s remarkable Trump has not gone insane!

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I know you do. That is exactly the accusation I was referring to. I was repeating that making all the dissenting discussion of Trump’s actions or character as about our own supposed ad hominem participation in such Democrat perversity leaves little room for any discussion of the facts or merits related to current issues.

Bob, if you or anybody else is going to quote what someone clearly stated in a post, do you not agree that he or she should be quoted accurately? I have no problem with partial quotes, or with adding emphasis to portions by bolding them, but they should not be altered. This is what I actually wrote:

You may be indeed correct about my personal opinion on the current matter, but you don’t know that for a fact.

I still think highly of you, Bob. :relaxed:

Thanks. I did express and think that it has long been fairly apparent that you did perceive “perverse” is especially applicable to the “Democrat opposition to Trump.” If you believe that I have no reason to ‘know’ that is the fact, I’d appreciate your correction of my perception, and hearing how you actually see Trump’s Democratic opposition.

It’s like the last 3 years of lunacy never happened. Incredible.

Your perception is pretty close to reality, Bob. I don’t believe I ever suggested it wasn’t.

I confess that I think Democrats are not acting in the best interests of the US. I find a few of them, e.g. Nadler and Schiff, to be deplorable in the true sense of that word. Also, I fail to understand why the members of the so-called “squad” have not been disciplined for their opposition to American values.

In my defense, I would point out my earlier statement that I consider most - not all - Republicans to be “disappointingly inept”.

All Christians in the US and in places dependent on the US (i.e. most of the “free” world) should be praying that sanity might return to those whose God-given responsibility is to govern wisely.

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At least, like Nancy Pelosi, be deeply in prayer for her president. That’s even scriptural in my ‘sacred book’ :-0

You are more complimentary toward Schiff then I would be. It appears he met with this “whistleblower” before the report was made. Did Schiff write the report?

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Thanks for confirming that my reading of your comments is pretty accurate.
I do also agree with your perceptions of Republicans, but trust some are good people and hope they will not end up a disappointment.

(Edited to help preserve the happy wife happy life thing :slight_smile: by removing invectives and sticking with da facts.)
When will enough ever be enough? 11 facts about Ukraine that show how much lying and prevarication has happpened thus far. And beyond this - now Schiff wants to impeach Barr?? Beyond looney - if those guys win, I’ll move to Cana…uh…Aust…Denm…uh…well maybe just off grid. :slight_smile:
So, after all of this…

  • Hispanic George Zimmerman: The White Racist Killer
  • Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!
  • Trump Can’t Win
  • Brett Kavanaugh: Serial Rapist
  • The KKKids from KKKovington High School
  • Trump Colluded with Russia
  • Brett Kavanugh: Serial Rapist Part Deux

And this one was truly desperate: poorly planned from the beginning, and so poorly executed that every one of the conspirators, especially Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), CNN’s Chris Cuomo and Jake Tapper, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell, sound like used car salesman with one day left to hit their monthly quota.

Rush-rush-rush you gotta impeach now-now-now or you don’t get the free undercoating!

Anyway, the whole thing is now unraveling, and here’s why:

  1. Schiff Busted Lying, Conspiring, Being Even More Pencil Neckier Than Usual

Schiff getting caught lying about his contacts with this phony Deep State “whistleblower” is the least surprising thing about any of this. Of course he was working with the fake whistleblower to fabricate this non-scandal. Of course he lied about it. Of course other Democrats were involved. Of course the establishment media were in on it.

We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to. But I’m sure the whistleblower has concerns that he has not been advised, as the law requires, by the Inspector General or the Director of National Intelligence just as to how he is to communicate with Congress.

– – Rep. Adam Schiff to MSNBC’s Sam Stein

Schiff did appear to lie here in previously saying that his office had not spoken directly with the whistleblower. But if you care more about this stuff than the actual substance of the whistleblower complaint than you’re being a hack.

— Real Journalist Sam Stein’s tweet after it was revealed Schiff did indeed work with the “whistleblower,” which is a clear violation of the whistleblower statute.

For reasons no one should have to explain, the whistleblower rules make it painfully clear you keep the politicians out of this process. But Schiff was brought in early so the complaint would be a bulletproof roadmap for an impeachment hearing.

  1. Hearsay, Hearsay, Hearsay

Everyone is arguing the whistleblower’s complaint is weak because it is all based on second and third-hand information. No, this is exactly wrong.

That was The Plan.

That was always The Plan .

Schiff, the media, and the Deep State deliberately went this route because it means witnesses hauled before an impeachment inquiry are immediately put on defense, have to prove a negative, have to prove they did not do or say something without meeting their accuser — the whistleblower.

This is already backfiring, though, because of the things the phony whistleblower got wrong — like who was on the call with Trump and what exactly was said. And this is all thanks to reporting from new media and Trump out-maneuvering his enemies by releasing the transcript of the call in question and the full whistleblower complaint.

  1. Deep State Changed Whistleblower Rules to Get Drumpf

Oddly enough, until recently, a whistleblower complaint required first-hand as opposed to second and third-hand knowledge.

Gee, wonder why those rules were suddenly changed…?

  1. Quid Pro Ah, No

The phony whistleblower told us Trump would threaten Ukraine with the withholding of crucial U.S. aid unless Ukraine agreed to help him politically — which, oddly enough, is exactly what Joe Biden did.

Instead, as the transcript of the phone call proves, it was Ukraine’s president who brought up the issue of corruption and all Trump did was ask him to look into Biden’s threat to withhold U.S. aid if Ukraine refused to fire a prosecutor who was digging into the energy company that hired Biden’s son Hunter for $50,000 a month — a month! — even though Hunter knows nothing about Ukraine or energy.

  1. Quid Pro Uh, Oh

It gets worse! When the call took place, Ukraine was still fully expecting the U.S. to keep sending aid. Even the far-left BuzzFeed has been forced to admit this.

How can there be a threat or quid pro quo when Ukraine thought it was still raining American dollars?

There can’t be, so the whistleblower lied.

  1. Australia, Australia, Australia

The media recycling an old nothingburger into a BOMBSHELL made it pretty obvious the Ukraine Hoax was already running on fumes just a few days after it launched.

  1. The Cover Up and the Secret Server!

Did you hear that Drumpf — whom the walls are closing in on — tried to hide his call with Ukraine on a secret server so that he could cover up all his threats and quid pro quodom?

Not to keep tooting my own horn, but toot I toldja we’d find out Obama used the same “secret server” and … lo and behold.

  1. Victim Says He Was Not Victimized

We’re told that the victim in all of this is Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who was threatened, strong-armed, and blackmailed by Drumpf.

Only the transcript of the phone call says that didn’t happen, and…

So does the victim.

  1. Biden Lies and Lies and Lies and then Lies Again

What the Deep State, the media, and Democrats saw in this whole debacle was a two-fer: 1) get Drumpf and 2) save Biden from the brewing Ukraine scandal involving his rent-seeking son Hunter.

Well, we already know part one has imploded, but somehow part two has imploded even more.

All this failed coup attempt has done is to put a glaring spotlight on Joe and Hunter and Hunter’s $50,000 a month — a month ! — salary to sit on the board of a company he knows nothing about in a country he knows nothing about.

And then there is The Video of Dumb Daddy bragging about his successful quid pro quo, his threat to withhold aid from Ukraine if a prosecutor investigating his son’s company was not fired.

And then there’s this 2014 bombshell photograph of then-Vice President Joe golfing with Hunter and a board member of the Ukraine company that hired Hunter for $50,000 a month — a month! — even though Joe assured us just last month he had never-ever-ever-ever “spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”

Talk about a backfire.

  1. Oh, My — Look at All the Fake News

Just like with the Russia Collusion Hoax, the fake media are using fake news to cover up the fact that this is all a lie, a con, a hoax, a grift…

On top of that hilariously desperate Australia, Australia, Australia thing, there was ABC News lying about an adviser to Ukraine’s president saying the “Biden Issue” was a “precondition” to any phone calls with Trump.

Well, except for the fact that there was no precondition and the source was not an adviser, great work ABC!

And then the far-left Washington Post reported that Trump’s acting Director of National Intelligence threatened to resign over all of this.

Well, except for the fact he didn’t, great work Washington Post!

  1. Jake Tapper Revs Up His Hoax Machine

Watching Jake Tapper melt down and scream lies at Trump supporters is always a dead giveaway that the hoax is unraveling.


Well, except for the fact that this same prosecutor signed an affidavit under penalty of perjury saying he was investigating Hunter Biden’s company when your precious Joe got him fired, great work Jakester!

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BTW in the trial & according to African American witnesses this was never said. Brown did lunge after the Cop’s gun, but that was never reported in the MSM as far as i know.

I didn’t see the MSM report that either, but they very seldom admit that they lied or that they made an error.
And they are not called out on it by (certain political party). Every time Trump sneezes there is outrage on the left - and noone from the left calls out the idiocy. Such unfairness should be brought to the light of day.

At the end of the day…this is the only thing, we need to know…did Trump say this (or its equivalent)? :crazy_face:


We can’t know, it seems. Truth is not available. It’s all relative. There is no hope. We don’t even know if Jesus said one word that we have recorded. Immortality - who the heck knows? Probably Adam Schiff, he’s trustworthy - or Rachel Madcow? - or Joe Biden? Not Trump though, the Orange Man is the enemy - wait, we can’t KNOW that either!! How do we decide? The BBC!!!

Along with the Tabloids. That’s where the real truth, will come to light!

You my friend, may be right! Who is to say otherwise?
Once we believe Schiff, we’ll believe anything. :slight_smile:
“Baby born with a wooden leg” :rofl:

Could we get these guys to swear on a bible? :Whistleblower Aid, a small nonprofit helping the lawyers for the so-called whistleblower at the center of the impeachment movement targeting President Donald Trump, is heavily tied to far-left activist organizations and Democratic politics.

Sure we could.

Thou almost persuadeth me to become an existentialist.


Oh hey guess what - Schiff has dug up another whistleblower! Surprise!
No, they aren’t worried about Barr and Horitiwitz at all…

Report: Another ‘Whistleblower’ Takes Aim at Trump — This Time from IRS

But that’s nuttin honey:

And you’re STill a (enter political party in this space)??

Here’s what we must keep in mind, with this Trump impeachment inquiry. It’s only a few seconds long. :rofl:

In response to Zelensky asking about aid to fight Russia, Trump requested that he do the favor of providing him what evils Joe Biden did in Ukraine. Can you specify what it is he is asking Zelensky to disclose, and succinctly what is the most serious crime or illegality you believe the clear “facts” show that Joe Biden committed regarding Ukraine?