The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

That’s quite insightful.

Is it fine to use huge presidential power to press other nations for help in bringing down one’s own central political rival? Is it proper even in a context of blocking Congress’ voted aid to preserve Ukraine’s threatened freedom? Is saying in that context, I want you to do me that favor “though,” an apparent negotiated form of a shake down?

Is it also moral for a president to suggest that someone who has followed the law in filing a report (as affirmed by Trump’s own inspector) about apparent corruption is the kind of “traitor” who should be executed?

Ah - another beautiful day in which to completely and willfully ignore what good has been done for the country the past 3 years!! And another beautiful day in which to indulge mindless hatred and make up new outrage against an imperfect man who is doing his best to make - wait for it - America Great Again!!!
In this way, we can follow our Master:
“In the beginning the organizer’s first job is to create the issues or problems.”
― Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals

  1. “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

“Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt”

Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals
The strategy of forcing political change through ORCHESTRATED CRISIS. The “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of IMPOSSIBLE DEMANDS, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.

Much more available - but easy to see that the Master’s voice is heard and obeyed.

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Oh dear, Dave, I’m also an imperfect man. I know first-hand that you are an imperfect man. I’m sure Bob would admit he is an imperfect man. Every one of us men is imperfect - even Schiff and Nadler. So, Dave, we’d better sit back in our recliners, open a beer or two, sip a glass of wine and leave everything to perfect Nancy, perfect Kamala, perfect Alexandra, perfect Elizabeth, etc. Go shoot some pool, shoot some ducks, play 18 holes, watch a football game, whatever. Isn’t that what Obama did for 8 years and why he left the US in such a terrible condition?

Yes but he was perfect. Those of us that thought differently were severely chastised, called un-American, homophobic, lacking compassion, greedy capitalists, anti-unlimited-immigrationists, liars, Islamaphobic, deplorable, smelly - and not one Dem here or anywhere chose to comment on it. But Trump - better not even sneeze off-key. An he is not a perfect man.
Should you wear a Tlaib Impeach the MF t-shirt and also wear the MAGA hat at the same time? LOL And no Dems criticize Tlaib?? WTH??


The main article of impeachment for the Left is Trump’s defeat of Hillary. The main article of impeachment for the Never-Trumpers is his accomplishing what they merely talk about. BV

You know what? I just finished last week…watching the last episode, of Fear The Walking Dead. Tonight they have another season commencing, of The Walking Dead. And a new Zombieland movie in October. And with all this talk, of the Trump impeachment. I’m starting to have fears, of a US civil war…leading to the commencement of Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).

And it could be far worse, then we ever imaged!


No it’s not moral or proper but it’s not enough to overturn an election plus Ukraine did get it’s aid.
Additionally was it moral or proper for Obama to use the IRS against conservatives, or interfere with an Israeli election or not stop a fake FISA application to start a fraudulent investigation called the Mueller Investigation that Obama had to know the origins of.

The huge double standard really is appalling!

And the Saul Alinsky parade marches on!!
If this is still about that recorded conversation - did you guys get a chance to read it? Only if you think the Prez is presumed GUILTY could you possibly see any impropriety there. If presumed innocent, it reads just fine.
You just want to impeach him, dems… Since BEFORE - get that? - BEFORE he was sworn in. All in lockstep, all marching to the beat of panic since losing the election you thought was in the bag, daily hatred,daily incoherence. That’s the Dem ‘thing’ and has been for 3 years - BEFORE he got into office.Doesn’t that tell you something?? This recorded conversation has been built up to this YUGE moral issue - and it’s a nothingburger. The double standard as Steve pointed out is YUGE, and the good this Prez has done for America is YUGE, but this thing is not. It’s just an excuse to vent in the guise of being so grave and solemn.
Again - you will NOT acknowledge any good in the Prez’s actual deeds - that shows me very clearly that your program is destructive only, not ‘for’ America.

Well, on another front - from today’s BBC news!

Will a day ever go by, without Trump in the world’s new media? :crazy_face:

Nope. No day without an outrage. For 3 years. Since BEFORE he got in office - that is what we call a ‘red flag’ Do we understand what it means that they started BEFORE he got in office, and have not let up?

HERE is where the outrage should be directed. Dems, stand up against this? - if indeed your concern is with morality, not just politics.

When asked to explain why his office made changes to its whistleblower forms in September and backdated those changes to August when the anti-Trump “whistleblower” complaint was filed, Atkinson had no answer, Sean Davis reported at the Federalist on Monday. He also reportedly admitted to lawmakers that the anti-Trump complainant had improperly concealed his previous secret interactions with House Democratic staff prior to submitting the complaint.

The Federalist first reported late last month that the ICIG secretly changed its whistleblower forms and internal rules in September to do away with a requirement that complainants provide first-hand evidence to support their allegations of wrongdoing.

The IC watchdog disclosed in a press release last week that the rule change was in response to an anti-Trump complaint filed on August 12. The whistleblower complaint was based on second-hand information, much of which was shown to be false after President Trump ordered the declassification and release of his telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The rest of the sordid story:

@Holy-Fool-P-Zombie - has the BBC reported on the above Democratic scandal, or are they still just focused on the Donald??

Let me summarize this thread, for everyone’s’ benefit



Thanks Dave, keep it up.

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Well, Dave, what do you think of the fact that Mr. Trump is now in the process of being forced to reveal his income tax returns that he had been hiding ever since he was elected? Judge Victor Marrero of Federal District Court in Manhattan has ordered Mr. Trump to hand over eight years of his personal and corporate tax returns. Trump sought to block the subpoena, of course, but it appears to be just a matter of time until it is enforced. I wonder what will be revealed that has been kept from public knowledge.

And didn’t Mr. Trump agree to reveal them at the time of his election?

He’s not being forced, Don. And you know damn well that his returns, if provided, will do only one thing: give the Dems 10,000 more groundless reasons for impeachment. They will attack every jot and tittle, and he will have spend more time defending himself and not taking care to make America great again. That has been the Democrat aim - per Tom Perez - from the very beginning. You know this - why does it even matter to you? Are you that invested in overturning an American election? What has Trump done to YOU for crying out loud?
But - a FACT - you’ve been ragging on him since day 1. Why is that, Don? You care so much about America that you have wanted to see him punished just to show the American people how wrong they were? What gives? A fine tuned sense of justice? But he hasn’t done ONE THING WRONG. Don’t you see the mania in all this??
You are so far off in your assessment, I can only think you listen but do not question your media masters.
He is innocent until proven guilty.

Were you SAD that Mueller, even after hiring 21 ANTI-Trump lawyers to help him, over a 2 year period when he was given all the evidence he requested, could not find anything to charge the Prez with? What in god’s name do you people want?

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Courtesy of the Babylon Bee:

U.S.—A new candidate has come out of nowhere to surge in the polls in the Democratic primary, and she’s only six years old. Susie Peters of Minneapolis, Minnesota, was on a local news segment where children gave their opinions on world problems, and she asked, “Why can’t we just give everyone everything they want for free?” The message quickly went viral and really resonated with Democratic voters, propelling Susie from unknown to third in most polls, ahead of Bernie Sanders and just behind Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden.

"She really has a plan for everything,” said Melinda Carlson, one of Susie’s enthusiastic supporters. “While Elizabeth Warren only has a plan for getting people free health care and free college, Susie has a plan to get everyone free everything. She’s truly a visionary.”
Her new candidacy has upset some of the other candidates, with Bernie Sanders accusing Susie of stealing all his ideas. Others say the math in her plans doesn’t add up, to which Susie says she doesn’t like math and instead likes “Twilight Sparkle.” And President Trump has taken notice, vowing to trounce Susie in the general since Trump himself can “read and write at the level of an eight-year-old.” There are also concerns Susie may be gaffe-prone like Joe Biden, as one day at school Susie referred to her teacher as “Mommy” by mistake, prompting a round of laughter from her classmates.
Still, Susie has unveiled her new popular campaign slogan, “But I want it!” and has already qualified for the next Democratic presidential debate, though she may not be able to attend since it will be on past her bedtime.

Sorry Don but it’s not a requirement for a President to display his tax returns so ultimately the Supreme Court will follow the law and side with Trump.
The Dems know he is in dozens of real estate deals and they would claim that it is tax evasion and they know the average Joe doesn’t know much about taxes & so they can claim just about anything & the MSM will back them up & so get more accusations out of more fake news.


I found some “helpful” videos, on this impeachment inquiry! :crazy_face:

Why even talk about ‘politics’? Aren’t there more important things, such as hunger, guns, healthcare?
Yes and no. Politics determines the amount of freedom and flourishing we have as a people - it creates the space in which we can do our Xianity, love our neighbor, make guitars and art and poetry, and raise our kids well.


There is an ambiguity in Aristotle’s Politics concerning the character of a good regime. This ambiguity has its roots in conflicting conceptions of politics entertained simultaneously by Aristotle. Sometimes Aristotle treats politics as a service rendered by art, and sometimes still as an attempt at self-protection through the rule of law. But the primary conceptions of politics are as an instrument of education, on the one hand, and as a reward apportioned to the meritorious, on the other. The difficulty with these two primary conceptions is that the educational responsibilities of the polis require power-sharing among all groups whereas the operation of distributive justice necessitates the concentration of power in the hands of a worthy few. The political association therefore is at once egalitarian and elitist and points both to democracy/polity and to aristocracy/monarchy as the best regime.