The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

I have mixed feelings about discussing politics because it means different things to different people. It’s impacted by your priorities to a large extent, like i greatly value freedom which nudges me toward Conservatism but others more highly value “income equality” or egalitarianism which nudges them toward a vision of a strong central government to impose equality. So when you start with different priorities discussing politics can be like ships passing in the night.

Well, there’s one system of politics I endorse! :crazy_face:


And I keep up, on the latest political news - from a reputable news outlet! :crazy_face:


Well if i were looking for an angry Zombie i would look into Warren, she seems to fit the bill more and more!

Discussing politics isn’t what people normally do. They argue politics and become emotionally invested in so much that they demonize people who don’t see things their way.

The rhetoric can be so strong that one doesn’t even have to engage with certain people to know who is willing to engage new ideas.

Even most conversations here regarding politics never get past DH1 and when they do, they sit at DH2 level. Granted, this is at least far better than some boards that operate at DH0. For a chart on what DH means…

Here’s an informative (and apparently neutral) BBC news article: Video ‘Coup!’ and other defenses against Trump impeachment



Those that speak quietly are as completely able to cut, harm, and demonize as those of who find it necessary to shout now and then. The most insidious and hurtful people I have experienced have been quiet and measured in their manner and speech.
OTOH, folks from both sides can be principled and thoughtful.
People have been talking politics as long as they have talked about religion. “Don’t bring up religion or politics” is the often-quoted, and completely ludicrous saying. Ludicrous because both religion and politics are part of human nature. Man is a political animal.
Any narrative that deals with ultimate concerns is going to elevate emotions, and rightly so.
As I’ve stated before, I did not give politics a second thought until Obama got elected and I saw what he was up to; and did not care about Trump at all until I saw the completely frivolous, dishonest and mendacious way he personally was being attacked. When I asked ‘why’ I discovered the Far Left for the first time, and a light went on.

But normal people DO discuss politics. At least they should unless they want to wake up one morning to find themselves slaves to a government that has completely different philosophies from their own.

Not only that, but normal people prefer to congregate with those who share the same values and opinions. “Birds of a feather flock together”. I consider many - but maybe not all - of contributors on this forum as close friends. Although I know only one of you “in person”, I enjoy the contact and interaction immensely, even when we may not see eye to eye on certain issues.

I never stated otherwise. In fact, I never talked about normal people in my post.

Sorry, Gabe. I guess I assumed that when you wrote “discussing politics isn’t what people normally do” you were implying it was abnormal to do so.

Semantics gets me every time :slightly_smiling_face: It’s no wonder to me that Donald Trump is often misunderstood.

I think he is usually understood just fine, it’s just that many people don’t like what he says.

Retired CIA Station Chief Brad Johnson believes the Russian dossier and Ukrainian phone call scandals are actually just poorly run CIA operations against President Trump, directed by John Brennan:

(from )

Brennan is a snake imo.

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If I was a snake, I’d be offended by that comment. :rage:


I found another news station, to stay abreast of the impeachment circus! :crazy_face:

But some commentators have viewpoints, that keep me conflicted. :crazy_face:


Geez, that’s the only thing the Dems haven’t tried to impeach him on!!

Lose an election you thought you’d win? Well Democrats’ have a solution for that: “We shall impeach all da things!!” Don’t like a Supreme Court justice? Impeach him! Don’t like the president? Impeach away. And if you’re Congressman “President” Swalwell, I assume you nuke whatever is left.
Quite frankly, the only surprise here is that they haven’t completely lost it. Although, seriously: Who loses an election and then spins up fanciful fairy tales that somehow Trump colluded with Russia to win? Or that Kavanaugh ran a rape gang?

Oh for a great laugh and great insight into the foolish Ukrainian dustup, here’s an Australian show with a lengthy and witty presentation by Mark Steyn who, if I was the kind of guy to have a non-physical man-crush on, would be the man…I say that in the most manfully way possible…he’s tremendously entertaining and intelligent. I’d say a lot like me, but I’d be lying…

I have just spent almost a whole day watching the drama “The Great Impeachment Story” unfold. I don’t know who wrote the script but he (or she) deserves a medal for scriptwriting. The plot, the intrigue, the acting ability of the cast are breathtaking. The cast can all lie with straight faces even when it is obvious they are lying. What ability! I don’t have a vote down south in the US but if I did I would vote for each of them to be awarded an Oscar or a Schiff (if that is the top prize awarded by Congress for barefaced lying).

I can’t wait to turn on my TV for tomorrow’s instalment. I’ve laid in an extra few boxes of popcorn.

A nagging question keeps popping into my head. How on earth did the USA manage to become the leader of the free world? A follow-up question might be: will the Swamp ever be drained, even partially?

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I heard the Hatfield and McCoys feud started, because one side was Democratic and the other Republican. And the way it was resolved, was when everyone was invited - to a Square Dance. :crazy_face:

Hard work, competitive and free economy, great education, opportunity to follow life liberty and the pursuit of happiness - those were the conditions in which greatness can be gotten, anywhere, not just here. A Constitution that was created by intelligent and thoughtful men who had studied all political systems and saw something better; a Republic, if we can keep it. There’s a lot more and stacks of studious tomes have been written about it.
Not strong enough to completely resist being destroyed from within, by an ideology that does not promote free markets, that has corrupted education, undercut the Constitution, hamstrung business etc. And also not strong enough to fight the greed, lust, envy that seems to reside in each human heart and resists being a part of a Constituted people.

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That’s a thoughtful, beautiful, wonderful response, Dave. I’m serious - really I am. Any native-born American reading it would probably leap to his feet, spontaneously break out into singing the Star Spangled Banner, closely followed by America the Beautiful, right hand pressed tight against his left breast. I almost cried picturing it.

Only one problem - my question was rhetorical.

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