The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper


The Bible commands us to help the disabled, mentally ill, poor, elderly. It tells us that if we don’t help the disadvantaged and prisoners that we will go away to eternal punishment. Whatever we do to the needy we do to Him. When FDR established the Social Security act we became a nation based on Christian principles. The Bible says God gives His authority to the Governing officials. So, when Trump gave 3.9 billion for programs to help the mentally ill and homeless he was doing God’s will. Granted, the Government didn’t intervene in early America because we were founded on Deist principles. Deism is the God of Reason and nature. It’s social Darwinism. The weak and sick are left to die. The God of Deism didn’t intervene in nature. Natural law would govern - Survival of the fittest.

Here’s another “possible” impeachment trial. :crazy_face:

And here’s an “update”, :crazy_face:

America’s founders intended to liberate us not just from one king but from the ghostly tyranny of supernatural religion. Drawing deeply on the study of European philosophy, Matthew Stewart brilliantly tracks the ancient, pagan, and continental ideas from which America’s revolutionaries drew their inspiration. In the writings of Spinoza, Lucretius, and other great philosophers, Stewart recovers the true meanings of “Nature’s God,” “the pursuit of happiness,” and the radical political theory with which the American experiment in self-government began.

Nature’s God: The Heretical Origins of the American Republic

So did I, but no longer.

"Despite the Democrats’ fervent attempts to see him removed from office, President Trump has succeeded beyond all expectations for the good of the nation. This is what so enrages the left; the man has done in three years what they have promised their voters for sixty-plus years but never accomplished – on purpose. The left has always promised what they never intended to deliver. Their plan for decades has been to keep us all down, begging them, the federal government, for sustenance. Their plan has always been to convince us we cannot thrive without their intervention in our lives and by intervention, they mean they will tell us how to live, breathe, eat, drive, work, etc. Our left is authoritarian, fascist.

And they are also as ungracious as any group of people who have ever held office in America.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi yet again embarrassed herself. "
As we watched them all refuse to applaud the many successes of this administration and the members of the audience Trump celebrated, we should all realize that these people are not on the side of America or Americans. As Pelosi so ungraciously ripped up her copy of the speech on camera, she proved, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the Democrat party is no longer pro-American, pro-freedom nor pro-democracy. This SOTU speech was a transformative moment. Now we know that only one party represents the American people. The Democrat party as currently constituted, should ship out to Venezuela where they would feel right at home. "

Lets keep America Great!!!

Let’s “review” the impeachment aftermath. :crazy_face:

With the increase in Social Security and Trumps 3.9 billion fund to help the homeless and mentally ill this year, Trump has proven himself to be a man of Christian principles. He has intervened to help the poor going against the constitution and early America’s Laissez fair capitalism. FDR made America a nation based on Christian principles. Early America didn’t believe in Government intervention in helping the poor just like Trumpsters. This is because America wasn’t founded on Christian principles but Deist principles. Deism is the God of reason and nature. He doesn’t intervene in the lives of people. It’s simple natural law and survival of the fittest (Laissez Fair Capitalism). The economy now is the best it has been in history! All those tax dollars going to help the poor!!! Don’t hear Trumps followers talking about this!!! It’s because they are social Darwinists. Darwinism does operate in nature but Christ calls us to transcend nature and our natural instincts and have compassion on the poor. To show His grace and mercy to the poor. This is the center of Christian virtue.

This book is about Jesus but it fits Trump. Trump has intervened into the lives of people with the increase in Social Security and 3.9 billion dollar fund to help homeless and mentally ill. Trump has violated the early principles of America by going against nature (Lassez Fair Capitalism). He doesn’t fallow Deism (The God of nature and reason). This was the God of most founding fathers and the constitution. Trump has went against this and nature and intervened (miracle) in nature to help the poor. He’s a Beautiful Outlaw like Jesus!! Not His constitutionalist follows called Republicans. Like FDR he is making this nation a nation based on Christian principles.

Today’s tendency is to judge others character by whether they totally conform to our own biases.

For Dr. Richard Beck

My opinion: Pelosi’s public ripping up of Trump’s speech is unacceptable. It’s not the vicious verbal ridicule that the president models, but it similarly is a deep incivility. It’s vital that we all don’t descend to the latest and lowest common denominator.

Trump snubbed her by rejecting her handshake when he handed her the speech. I can see why she did that. But two wrongs don’t make a right.

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Iran is in the news again. :crazy_face:

And so is Trump. :crazy_face:

I have a couple of friends on facebook. One I’ve known since the 3rd grade hes a Bernie supporter. The other was in the military and hates anything social including social security. He’s a hardcore Trump supporter. The Bernie supporter said to the Trump supporter that it was Obama’s economics that has the economy so well. The Trump supporter agreed. He said Trump will be graded next term on his economics. We are living on Obama economics and the economy is the best in history?

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Absolutely untrue.

My friend was in the military and is a hardcore Trump supporter. He agreed that we are living under Obama economics. Trump won’t be graded on his until nex term

Most economists agree that a present economy is largely shaped by the dynamics already long in place. But some Trumpers will not be as gracious as your friend is in recognizing what Obama addressed and overcame.

The Left claimed he took a car trip and tied his dog to the roof of his car. The Left claimed he was a sexist because he had a folder of women he interviewed but didn’t hire for his businesses.
Name calling is what the Left does because you can’t oppose their religion.

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