The Evangelical Universalist Forum

How To Live Under An Unqualified President by John Piper

This wall will also prove to be indispensable…If the Zombie Apocalypse originates in Mexico.

Hum! Interesting! It might be harder for the world’s press…to find out what’s happening.

Nice wall.
Here’s some more intelligent stuff:

Well… miracle of miracles, Mr.Trump backed down on the matter of separating immigrant children from their parents, apparently as a result of the huge outcry against it. As far as I know, it is the only time he ever backed down on ANY issue!

It was the law under Obama and Bush as well - Obama is on film talking about keeping illegals out - Hillary said the same things - of course they flipped their position when Trump won and all of a sudden they want the doors flung open! Hypocrites. Not unusual in politicians.
He did not back down - the media are upset with what he did with the executive order - keeping kids with their ‘parents’ - often coyotes, or others pretending to be relatives so they can get into the country, pass the kid off to sex slavery or something more obnoxious, then go back home for another one. Trump said Ok, the kid will stay in detention with their ‘parents’ but we are no going to allow them to go free after 20 days as the old law stated. The will STAY until full vetting is done, then either allowed in with their ‘parents’ or ushered out the back door towards home.

And your point is what? So you don’t like Trump and you seem to have seen an area of weakness and are reveling in it. I hope you feel good. The point is, is that he did do what needed to be done, and yet you or no one on the opposition to him will acknowledge that fact.

Pure politics. :frowning_face:

Do an internet search for “Trump backed down” and you will find 9 sources who state that he did. Are ALL of them “fake news”?

I don’t know Don - are they the same people calling Melania a C—t, who publish pictures of Trump drop-kicking an immigrant child over a wall, who published false stories about Trump and prostitutes in Moscow and the ‘golden shower’, who laughed when Peter Fonda said he wanted to capture Trump’s little boy and put him in a cage with pedophiles, who are calling America worse than Nazi Germany - I’m sick of the whole schtick.

Your post is pure Trumpery. You have no basis whatever is your assertion that I don’t like Trump.

Thanks for your response, Dave. I don’t know anything about the people to whom you refer.

A Canadian commentator writing on Trump.
(Don’t anybody pull the “No True Canadian” fallacy on us LOL)

Icons going bygones — Harley-Davidson trumpeting a partial move off-shore… jobs going elsewhere.

The Fall of Western Civ.

Well sucks for some your jobs but it looks like some of that work might fall our way.

Dump your HD stock if you have it.

The key question is can the US afford a trade war,…with different countries, at the same time. China, Europe, and Canada - for example…all at the same time?

It will kick up a little dust, to be sure. I’ll be interested to see how it turns out.
Does it NEED to be done? Lots of folks think so. Even Chuck Schumer???

Quote from Stephen W. Mosher:
"But the economic malaise of the Obama years convinced many in Beijing that America’s best days were behind it. Believing that China’s time has come, Xi Jinping no longer bothers to bide his time or hide China’s capabilities.

Xi’s openness about his global ambitions tells us something very important: He believes China’s future dominance is virtually a foregone conclusion.

Peter Navarro’s report tells something equally important: That China is engaging in unrestricted economic warfare—violating every agreement on patents, trade, and intellectual property it has ever signed–in order to achieve this goal.

The China threat has become so obvious that even many Democrats support Trump’s tough policies on trade. Even Chuck Schumer, who seemingly never opens his mouth these days except to criticize the president, supports Trump on tariffs. He warns that allowing China’s massive stealing to continue will cause “long-term real damage to America.” end quote

There is little doubt IMO that China is the next world superpower and Xi would be rubbing his hands together at Trump’s building of protectionist walls all around the US, literally and otherwise, as that plays right into China’s hands at filling all the gaps that that will leave as US trade and influence dries up.

Already my stupid conservative government is in a flap as its ideological cuts to aid funding for smaller Asian-Pacific countries has NOW opened up opportunities for China who have stepped straight in and started funding what we cut (idiots)… and NOW they are sh*tting themselves as China moves south in very practical ways ensuring their foothold in the south pacific.

On Saturday, I set up a meeting between a homeopath, writing a five to six volume homeopathic repertory…And a Chinese herbalist and acupuncturist, who got his M.D. degree in China. We went to a Chinese restaurant in Chicago, where folks in the restaurant - knew the Chinese doctor.

Actually, I arranged the meeting. And met the doctor recently, at a Japanese cultural festival.

What’s interesting is all the inter-connections. Well, the doctor also has a Christian theology degree, from a U.S. university. And he has a daughter going to Harvard. Well, I mentioned my friend Dora…who had her PhD in Biblical archaeology from Oxford, at the age of 26. But one of her son’s, is now a tenured professor at Harvard. And one of the world’s foremost experts in genetic modeling. So his daughter will look up this professor.

Well, my homeopathic friend Iqbal…mentioned I was helping him edit the work. And I was studying Mandarin and Japanese. And I mentioned that the character set for Japanese Kanji, was taken from Chinese characters. So I might as well also learn Mandarin, which the Chinese doctor speaks. Both think that China will become the world power. And my language learning will prove useful.

And to top off everything, they had this super hot pepper mix. And I read somewhere, that the hottest peppers come from China. And I tried just a little and stopped my friend Iqbal, from using a lot. I said just use a little bit - it’s supper concentrated.

Oh, yes. The Chinese doctor knows someone in the publishing business - in China. And offer to get the repertory published there. Who knows where this stuff will lead.

Tomorrow I’m off to visit an Indian saint at Amma in Chicago. And Wednesday I visit my Japanese healing modality friends, at Johrei and Sukyo Mahikari.

And I bet folks here, think, I’m just about zombies and such.

davo said: "Already my stupid conservative government is in a flap as its ideological cuts to aid funding for smaller Asian-Pacific countries has NOW opened up opportunities for China who have stepped straight in and started funding what we cut (idiots)…

I agree with your idea of Imperialism to help countries to continue on a democratic ? way, but just as in our country, do we leave our own to flounder as we try to save the outsiders?

So what would be your alternative? Here in the USA the trade situation has only been beneficial to the very rich, which is kind of interesting as the Don was looked on as a 1%er. But his total campaign message as well as the message he has put forth as a president is that he will do what he can to re empower the American working class, which has been decimated from the last 3 or 4 administrations.

So we will have to see.

We should NEVER had abdicated our responsibility as a prosperous regional power in helping our poorer neighbours in need. To win a few votes from certain shallow-thinking masses our conservatives pulled the plug in terms of regional aid via the UN, i.e., the typically selfish ‘look after our own backyard’ mentality (like we’re falling in a heap — not!)

Well Trump hasn’t got to where he is without being extremely shrewd, knowing exactly what to say to those he knows will it swallowed it hook line and sinker. How many more like HD might have the doors slamming behind their “working class” as “the very rich 1%er’s” do the math likewise realising their bottom line is worth way more off-shore??? Not good for you guys IMO.