davo said: “We should NEVER had abdicated our responsibility as a prosperous regional power in helping our poorer neighbours in need. To win a few votes from certain shallow-thinking masses our conservatives pulled the plug in terms of regional aid via the UN, i.e., the typically selfish ‘look after our own backyard’ mentality (like we’re falling in a heap — not!)”
I appreciate that, and have no idea as to the politics of your country, but here in the US, there is a HUGE group of poorer folks that need assistance. The leftists want to physically TAKE it from the working class. The working class has for the most part through the years, paid EVERYTHING.
The idea of a prosperous nation is kind of a misnomer at least here in the US. I and people like me pay for everything. I work my ass off, I show up all the time, and all the freakin money I pay in goes to others. The top earners have tax shelters, the bottom have earned income credit which gives many of them HUGE income tax refunds… In other words, re-distribution of wealth. Not only that, but we here in the US give BILLIONS to other nations for varied reasons… some good, and some not so good. But the middle class ends up footing the brunt of the bill.
I appreciate your view, but the money has to come from somewhere. Some of us get tired being the ox on who’s back the financial stability rides.
Just my view.
Good day mate.