The Evangelical Universalist Forum

I'm A Calvinist/Universalist

The Bible connects God’s wrath with the imagery of a cup:

Jesus confirms this in garden when he prayed as the suffering of the cross lay just ahead, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will”

Jesus drinks the cup of God’s wrath when God allows evil to have it’s way with Christ. All of the sins of His people will be punished by God. This is the cup Jesus drinks on the cross as He suffers and dies for our sin. This very cup, however, for us is the cup of salvation. In faith union with Christ we are one with Him. We are in Him and He is in us. This is how the just is punished for the unjust. We are crucified with Christ as we die to the old self and are resurrected to new life. The wrath of God is removed from our vision (along with our rebellion) so that we can see and feel the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. This spiritual beauty is first and foremost the outshining radiance of holy love.

The more we admire the fullness of His Beauty the more we reflect Him.

Here’s what Christ and the Father were doing in the suffering death and resurrection of Christ:

Showing that the worst evil in human history was meant by God for good

Providing the basis for our justification

Completing the obedience that becomes our righteousness

Taking away condemnation

Removing God’s wrath

Pleasing the Father in His obedience and love

Showing love and grace to sinners

Cancelling the legal demands of the law

Purifying His bride

Bringing the elect to faith

Giving eternal life to all who trust in Him

Making us holy

Giving us a clear conscious

Delivering us from the present evil age

Healing us from moral sickness

Bringing us to God

Freeing us from the slavery of sin that we might die to sin and live for righteousness

Enabling us to live for Christ

Creating a people passionate for good works

Calling us to follow His example of humble love

Creating a band of crucified followers

Freeing us from the fear of death

Gathering His sheep from around the world

Forgiving our sins

This one was inspired by a Cindy Skillman painting

The Dance

New harvests of love this year
Bring back feelings so dear
Closer to you we draw near
Dancing this spiral with cheer

By my side along with me
Close together in intimacy
We can dance until I set free
Intertwined together in ecstasy

Higher and higher around we’ll go
Spiraling to death I lose control
Then given new life I reach the goal
Together forever as my heart glows

Inspired by another Cindy Skillman painting


Morning clashes with the night
Creating a mystery with delight
Duality fuses and holds together
As opposites balance I become better
Paradox and wonder lift me high
Love is sprinkled throughout the sky
Beauty now flows through my dark soul
With the warmth of your spirit I now glow

Inspired by my favorite Cindy Skillman painting

The Eye Of Life

The Eye Of Life is watching, every move I make
Ready to show Her beauty, with every breath I take

The life that circles around me, attracts to her loving hold
The love that the Watcher has, never leaves their spirit cold

The Eye Of Life is watching, every move I make
Her tender breaths surround me, with every step I take

Wanting to heal & comfort, my heart does always mend
When I’m in the arms, of my loving Watcher Friend

For me, the paradox of faith means holding these two things in tension: the infinite, holy love and wisdom of God and circumstances that seem to be calling Him evil. At times it doesn’t seem possible that God could allow bad things to happen. This is where I lean into His holiness and trust in His infinite love and wisdom. An infinitely wise and holy God always has justifiable reasons for permitting suffering. I can rest assured that He works all things together for my good in my life because I love Him. In bad times I can trust that He is in control and therefore He will bring good out of the evil situation. I agree that if an unbeliever starts with the facts of suffering then they will carry a lot of weight. But for those of us who have tasted the holy love of God through experience or Biblical revelation, we will know that God must have justifiable reasons for permitting evil and suffering even if we can’t say at the moment what they are. We don’t see into the future or all of reality like God does. We don’t have infinite wisdom and knowledge like God does. We don’t know God’s sovereign will until it come to pass. I can affirm with certainty that God knows the justifiable reasons for suffering and evil though. God is holy, infinite in wisdom, infinite in knowledge and sees all of reality in the past, present and future. Such a God ALWAYS has justifiable reasons for ALL suffering even if we do not know it. We do not always know why because we are finite and limited in our knowledge. Relationships are about trust and God wants us to trust Him and do mercy and justice. I can trust Him even when I don’t know why because I know He does. I don’t try to read the infinitely complex mind of God when evil and suffering come. I am moved to help.

Sarah Young in her devotional "Jesus Today:

Entering Into Heaven

If you open up yourself to me
I will give you hopeful dreams
And a new Beauty to set you free
With peaceful truth in cool streams

If you open up your heart to me
We can dance along a tender shore
Sing songs with a bird and bee
As we enter into life’s open door

Forever we can soar the blue sky
With love between our very souls
With days of wonder floating up high
Glory will emerge as mystery flows

We can forever drink a kiss in bliss
As all darkness and pain sets free
In this place time no longer exists
In paradox and wonder we will be

Christ In You

Through your heart I see Christ in you
In the things you say and the things you do
Someone with love and a precious soul
Diamonds for eyes and a heart of gold
You’ve touched me deep within life’s story
Bringing me joy with all of it’s glory
Opening my heart so that I can see
Beauty in the world that sets me free

Sister Of Light

For a most beautiful sister of light
You are a spirit of glowing delight
For glory reflects from you to me
As true love is what I always see
Even when times are a little tough
And my mind is confused and rough
Thank you for seeing me through
And showing me things that are true
For I wouldn’t be on this path today
Without you showing me the way
And as life’s journey continues on
In Christ with you I will be strong
Giving me hope for each new day
For your love is in my heart to stay

The Beautiful Blood

Beautiful blood that cleanses my soul
It makes my heart purer than gold
Dripping from the veins of Christ my God
Giving me faith even though I’m flawed

Precious blood giving me a new birth
Opens up my eyes to Christ’s great worth
Infinite in value, His beauty I adore
As the water flows, His blood does pour

Beautiful blood you are glorious to me
Lifting up my heart so my eyes can see
Taking away my shame under the flood
Oh how glorious is God’s precious blood

In The Presence Of Beauty

In the presence of Beauty
I find gentleness and love
Wonder is awakened in me
As compassion comes alive

Within this Divine Matrix
All my fears melt away
I tremble at the thought
Of being in this radiance

For I long for union with it
And to drink it in and be one
For me, Beauty brings warmth
Releasing arrogance and pride

When Beauty whispers Her
Tenderness to my soul I am
Filled with childlike wonder
I want to stay this way forever

A Friend For Today

Today I’d like to give to you
Blessings of love and peace
My world is changed and new
As joy has greatly increased
And Beauty now sings to me
Through the heart of you my friend
Reflecting through what I see
I can feel it through the wind
With many shades of color
My world is a brighter place
For with you there is another
Soul of loving warmth and grace
So, with heartfelt love I send
Wishes of love and joy your way
I’m glad to have you my friend
On this beautiful, wonderful day

Special Shine

We’ve seen the laughter, sorrow, and pain
Been through the joy and felt the shame
There’s no need to regret or say you’re sorry
Even when you hurt with anger and worry
For I will be here until the very end
With hopes of meeting up with you again
In that land of wonder, hopes, and dreams
When all will be clear with gentle streams
And maybe we’ll talk of our time here on earth
Thinking those memories of infinite worth
Whatever the case I will continue on
When the journey is over and you are gone
With one thing certain in this heart of mine
I met someone special who could make me shine

My favorite scripture:

I use to have problems with this because in this context heavens refers to the invisible realm. I didn’t think that evil agents existed in heaven. But in Ephesians 6:12 it states:

So when we read that God created all things in the heavens and earth (visible and invisible) it literally means the physical as well as the spiritual. It is these very things that will be reconciled. This includes Satan and the fallen angels.

Much has been said about the phrase “all men” and the “whole world” in the Bible. The Lexical Greek definitions for “All” are:

We see this usage of “All kinds of” in Revelation where it says Christ purchased people for God:

Notice here that Jesus is said to have purchased people from EVERY PEOPLE. All people here clearly means all people groups or races. Not every single individual. This is a theme in the Bible that God is not only the God of the Jews but the Gentiles as well. He purchased people from every race, tribe, and nationality - the whole world. This doesn’t mean every single individual. God has a remnant chosen by grace in this lifetime. The reprobate along with the fallen angels are made new as they are punished and baptized in the purifying lake of Fire. The first will be last and the last will be first but we will all make it.

We also see this usage of “all” as in “all kinds of” in Romans 5.

While it is true that all individuals have sinned, the context here is more limited to the definition of 'all kinds of". This would fit well with the word “many” in the passage. Sin not only extends to the Jews but the Gentiles as well. In no way does the passage teach that Christ died for every single individual. The Bible tells us that He died for His sheep. Nowhere does it say He died for the goats.

He died for His sheep and secured their salvation and sanctification with His blood. This begins the reconciliation that will later have a greater cosmic impact as all things are reconciled to Himself. As the passage in Col. says, it includes all things - visible and invisible. This would include the reprobate (second fruits) and fallen angels in the Lake of Fire. Faith and hope are for this age not the next. When we all see Christ face to face the faith and hope of the elect will be fulfilled and pass away.

The objects of faith and hope will be fulfilled and perfectly realized in heaven, but love will last forever. In heaven there will be nothing but perfect expression of love towards God and each other. As the Catholic Study Bible has stated in it’s commentary on 1 Corinthians 13:13-

The synonymous Hebrew and Greek words translated as eternal in passages like the above simply mean a long duration or long lasting. Rotherham’s literal translation always translates the words as age abiding. This makes sense. While eternity is a long duration there are other periods of time that are long lasting as well. Being in the belly of a fish for 3 days and 3 nights is a long time. Notice that the passage that describes the time frame of Jonah’s 3 day and 3 night stay in the belly of a fish is the word translated as eternal. The words in Hebrew and Greek simply mean long lasting or a long duration. It doesn’t specify how long. Only that it is a long time period. It doesn’t have to be the same in every instance. The above scripture would be better translated this way:

I got my definitions of the word as indefinite duration from the back of Rotherham’s literal translation of the Bible. He notes that the word can mean “age” but this isn’t the primary definition. The word means indefinite duration. He also notes that this word comes from the Hebrew Olam. Olam is the Greek word’s parent term. A quick look in the Strongest NASB Exhaustive concordance reveals that the first, main, and primary definition Olam is “long duration”. The Greek word is used to translate Olam.

The point of the Greek and Hebrew terms that are used is that it’s a long duration. It doesn’t specify how long. Even when applied to God. A good study of the words as they are used in the Bible show this:

Sodom is destroyed with long lasting fire

God is the long lasting God

The hills and mountains are long lasting

A man is said to be a slave for a long time

To be in a belly of a fish for three days and nights is a long time

The word itself doesn’t mean forever or eternal but eternity is long lasting. The words indicate a long duration of unspecified length. Hence, Rotherham’s Literal Translation translates it as age-abiding. In these contexts it is long lasting or a long duration.

When speaking to the elect Jesus tells them that all will be justified because all have died (spiritually) in Adam. These are the first fruits.

This verse speaks of the Christians who are chosen by grace in this lifetime called the first fruits. They are saved by the Spirit and through faith in the truth. What Paul is saying here is that Christians (first fruits) are saved by belief in this lifetime. I say this lifetime because if Christians are the first fruits then this implies that there are second fruits. The fact that Paul refers to Christians as first fruits and not the “only” fruits shows this.

Although Paul tells us that the first fruits are saved by the Spirit and faith he doesn’t tell us how the second fruits will be saved. We do get a clue however in Luke 3:15-17:

According to this passage it’s the unquenchable fire that Jesus baptizes in. This is the Lake Of Fire And Sulfur. In scripture, fire is often used figuratively - like with the “fire of God” which transforms all it touches into light and likeness with itself.

The Greek word for sulfur in Thayer’s Greek Lexicon is theion and is described as divine incense, because burning brimstone was regarded as having power to purify, and to ward off disease. The Jewish culture used sulfur in purification rites

In the Bible God can and does use fire not only to punish and correct but to purify. The word usage and meanings in “The Lake Of Fire” make that likely. The Bible elsewhere states that God is the savior of all people. Especially of them that believe. So, some are saved by grace through faith in this lifetime others are punished and baptized in the Lake of Fire in the next.

Faith is for this age not the next. The sheep are saved by grace through faith in this lifetime. They are purified by the blood. The goats undergo the corrective purification of Christ in the lake of fire in the next. When we all embrace Christ in the next life the faith of the elect will pass away.

The objects of faith and hope will be fulfilled and perfectly realized in heaven, but love will last forever. In heaven there will be nothing but perfect expression of love towards God and each other. As the Catholic Study Bible states in it’s commentary on 1 Corinthians 13:13-

The first will be last and the last will be first. But we will all make it.

“Ask anything”

My Lord said to me.

And my mind and heart thought deeply
for a second,

then replied with just one word,


God’s arms then opened up and I entered Myself.
I entered Myself when I entered Christ.

And having learned compassion I
allowed my soul to stay.

Thomas Aquinas