The Evangelical Universalist Forum

I'm A Calvinist/Universalist

Hi, Michael. It’s nice to see a Calvinist universalist here. I wonder if there is such as thing as a universal Calvinist?

Hey Randy! I think I’m the only one. :smiley:

Alvin Plantinga has developed a model where basic Christian belief can be rational and warranted. I will outline it here. For a better and more in depth treatment see “Warranted Christian Belief”. According to the model humans have fallen into sin and this has disrupted or clouded our awareness of God. It affects not only our rational faculties but our affections as well. They have malfunctioned or are to some degree dysfunctional (some worse than others). When these faculties are functioning properly (the way they ought) we will come to sense God’s presence. Not only from looking at a beautiful sunset but the beautiful Christ in the Gospel as well. When things go as they ought to (according to a design plan) we will love God above all else and our neighbor as our self. The Holy Spirit produces within that firm and certain knowledge (faith) that we are loved by Christ. When held firmly enough these beliefs will constitute knowledge. Because the beliefs and affections are functioning properly according to a design plan successfully aimed at the production of true belief we are justified and rational in holding our beliefs. Plantinga doesn’t claim to argue or prove that God exists or that Christianity is true. These beliefs just rise up within. But FOR THOSE who have changed and love God above all else and their neighbor as their self their beliefs and faith in Christ have warrant FOR THEM and they are rational in holding them. That is, they are functioning properly according to a design plan. God’s design plan. And are therefore rational and warranted in holding their beliefs.

In speaking of worship Ravi Zacharias quoted D.H. Lawrence who, writing of his own pursuit of happiness, stated,

This has been my experience as well. When things go properly I love God ABOVE ALL ELSE and my neighbor as myself. It goes beyond mere agape into worship. It’s like being married or in love. When Christ reveals Beauty to me He becomes my number one. He opens the eyes of my heart to see He is infinite in value and worth and He alone satisfies the longings of my heart. Not that I never mess up but He always restores the Beauty of Holy Love to me. Because He is most beautiful I worship and adore. This overflows in obedience. I obey that which I worship or love more than anything.

G.K. Chesterton is known as the prince of paradox. Here are some quotes that I like from him from his book Orthodoxy:

I use to be pretty rough until I spent some time blogging with a beautiful Christian lady named “Beautiful Feet”. She had a blog on love and deliverance that completely changed my life as we blogged together. She is the one who influenced me to start writing my poetry. Her Beautiful spirit completely mesmerized me. Here’s something I wrote for her:

The Heart Of Beauty

I enjoy going deep with you
into the heart of Beauty
In your spirit I see what’s true
Precious like gold and ruby

You really mean the world to me
A friend that brings me pleasure
Inside your spirit I can see
A sweet and lovely treasure

I want to travel deeper still
Into your heart of splendor
So that my cup can overfill
And my heart become so tender

Your beauty cannot be priced
It’s worth more than all the world
For inside your heart I see the Christ
And a beautiful wonderful girl

I’m a thousand times better today because of this lady. I didn’t realize that poetry is good therapy for people like me who are schizoaffective (bipolar type). It wasn’t until I read a book on schizoaffective disorder that I came to see that creative arts therapy is recommended for the disorder.

November Day

Christmas always brings me joy and tears
Seeing all the hurt and happy cheers
As I think of the laughter and those in pain
I think back on my life and remember the same
Not all of it is bad and not all of it is good
And I don’t always act the way that I should
But things have gotten better with you around
For inside of your heart my soul has found
Someone who cares and gives with gladness
And does what he can to relieve the sadness
Bringing a smile to my heart and mind
Lifting the darkness because you are kind
And I wish there was more I could give to you
As I appreciate the things you say and do
But inside my heart you are here to stay
Warming my spirit on this November Day

When You Entered In

My eyes were blinded by enemies
I was paralyzed by a world of hate

My days were covered in darkness
My fears had sealed my fate

My mind was shattered in pieces
I was crushed and broken inside

Lost in a world of madness
My spirit just wanted to hide

Isolated from the dreams of morning
All my glory had turned to shame

Hurt and forgotten by others
No one remembered my name

Torn to shreds my heart was cold
I was cut by the devil’s cold knife

Until the bright rays of dawn appeared
And you entered into my life

To My Soul Mate

I want to kiss your beautiful soul
To hold you tight along streets of gold

And whisper softly to you words of truth
That bring you back to your gentle youth

Along the shores of the glassy seas
Dancing together with the singing trees

With your warm loving heart next to mine
Our spirits will unite and then entwine

Forever with you is where I’ll be
In a land where the mercy and love flows free

Giving you my soul, I give to you my heart
In spiritual love, we will never be apart

Show Me The Way

A lovely heartwarming friend you are
With a spirit like a flaming blue star
Sparkling in my darkened cold night
Leading me to the truth with soft light

An angel from heaven guiding my feet
Shining on the path for me to keep
I can feel your love from far away
Bringing me hope for each new day

I listen with openness and I can see
New freedom is waiting there for me
As splendor of your heart shines down
With a rainbow of color on the ground

My trust is in you to guide my way
Knowing you would never lead astray
Shattered dreams are becoming clear
As my heart is releasing all its fear

This is amazing!

I Can See When You Are With Me

I’m in you and You’re in me
I once was blind, but now I see
You are my food, my daily bread
I’ve lost my life, have you instead
I breathe Your soul, Your morning breath
With You with me, I fear no death
Inside my life, You’re all around
Your love circles me, lighting the ground
Beneath my feet, so that I can see
The person I am, and want to be
I’m lost and gone, when You’re not here
When You return, I have no fear
My world is bright, when I’m inside
Your dreams at night; I will not hide
From Your soul, or tender touch
Your beautiful kiss, I want so much
To last forever, and ever with me
And hold me close, so I can see[1].jpg

Bundle of Wonder

Little bundle of wonder
How glorious is your love
Little bundle of wonder
Sent from heaven above

New hopes are born
New dreams are birthed
The days have just begun

Little bundle of wonder
Let’s travel into the heart of the Son

This is amazing

We are converted to Christ when God opens the eyes of our hearts with His grace to see and behold the beauty of Christ. The more that is revealed the more beautiful He is and the more irresistible He becomes.

The glory of Christ is first and foremost the radiant outshining beauty of His holy love. It is the radiance of the fullness of His person. The unchristian is blind to this irresistible Beauty. When this blindness is removed they are converted.

The more we admire the fullness of His Beauty the more we reflect Him.