The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Is God The Author Of Evil?

Do you want to see why we don’t conciliate with weasels?

Here is a good example from a movie about 5 minutes long:

Cloud 9 - or whatever you call yourself. In church service today, I found the message to say to you.

There are only 3 Christians in my life, whose viewpoints matter to me.

One is my Protestant Christian mom Lucille, who was born with the gift of prophesy. She lived with me the last 10 years of her life
One is Roman Catholic priest Fr. A, who has the gift of healing and hearing God speak. And “hypothetically”, long after we are all dead and gone - folks **may **be surprised to find him declared a saint and many miracles attributed to him
One is my friend Dora from the Greek Orthodox Church, who has a PhD in Biblical Archeology from Oxford and is a counselor, with a masters from the University of Chicago.

There are 2 folks with spiritual gifts and one with intellectual gifts, who have known me for years. They don’t have a problem with my beliefs, behavior, etc. They are the only Christians who matter to me. You don’t. Nothing personal.

And second is a legal one. If we are talking about a forum topic, I’m going to insist that your biblical views, demon views, etc., are confined to the topic at hand. And I’m sure if you keep going, the admins and moderators will join in this call. If you wish me to debate you on these matters, then a general topic must be opened up and others must also participate. These are my rules of engagement. Take them or leave them.

Oh decided to control me, huh?

When you attack freedom of speech you attack God

The Gospel depends on freedom of speech.

I have nothing more to say to you so don’t direct any more questions my way.

If you don’t get that the Holy Spirit develops God’s people through the Word of God and that God’s requirement is that you be a wordsmith and not incorporate false doctrines into Christianity then you don’t get it.

And that is your choice…God gives people the right to make their own choices.

But I have no desire to visit Buddhism or any other religion.

I am interested strictly in Christ because he is the only one that is the Way, the Truth and the Life…and his is the only way that is enabling.

So I willI leave you to your thread…I have no further interest in it…I could be learning Hebrew communing with God instead of arguing with a hard head.

God Bless!

I’m not the one being rude and obnoxious. I have feelings for others who want to stay on topic and discuss “Is God The Author Of Evil?”. Personally, I have met many Christians who are exclusivists (in other words, they feel one must have an explicit belief in Christ). In fact, I am close friends with many. But I’m sure none of them would come to any Christian forum and try to attack personal theological views off topic. In retrospect, I have been to many Christian forums in the past and haven’t noticed off topic personal attacks. It really boils down to personal and professional courtesy.

From the Christian Universalist Gerry Beauchemin

From the Catholic Peter Kreeft

Using this type of logic, suppose you have caused a child to be born by having copulated with its mother. After the child grew up, he caused a man to die. Therefore you caused a man to die. As I see it, this type of reasoning is cockeyed.

God created the Tree of Knowledge…the evil was in the fruit.

Satan suggested Eve eat the fruit but he didn’t create the Tree of Knowledge.

Besides how are you going to explain away God’s omniscience and foreknowledge?

If you can do that you explain away the prophecies.

It’s a scary thing how many people want to control interpretations.

I just want to trust God…It doesn’t matter to me whether he invented evil as a learning device or to build consciousness in us.

It doesn’t cause me to doubt God will bring the human race through this life to the next one.

I am just happy to have Him as my Daddy and I have confidence in Him.

If you feel the need to intellectualize differently then that is your prerogative just like the way I interpret scripture is mine.

I trust in God not in man made interpretations.

Here’s an interesting quote from the Christian Courier article entitled Did God Create Evil?

They go on to ask these questions:

Peter Kreeft (Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy at Boston College) gives some good traditional, Christian answers in The Problem of Evil

In the article, he says this:

And even well-meaning Christians make wrong choices all the time. Like discussing personal theological differences off topic - without concern for the well being of others.

Imagine someone was a jujitsu and Aikido expert. And he is in a bar, when a Kung Fu expert walks in and tries to pick a fight. The J and A expert might insist they enter a mixed martial arts contest, that is supervised and where other contestants have entered. The J and A expert is probably not thinking about himself, but other patrons in the bar. But the K expert is only thinking of proving Kung Fu is better and doesn’t care about other patrons in the bar - either about what they feel or whether they get hurt or not.

But I would say the J and A expert is acting in a better manner - more ethical and concerned for others - which is consistent with true martial arts behavior. Of course, if police had been called regarding the Kung Fu expert’s threats and behavior, the J and A expert would defer the matter to the proper police and legal authorities - to deal with.

Abba means Daddy and Jesus calls God “Abba”.

I don’t know about your earthly daddy but my earthly daddy would step into the fire for me before he’d let me go into a literal fire and he definitely wasn’t the most perfect person in the world.

And the Most High Holy Perfect God is going to be less merciful than my earthly father?

That doesn’t compute…

But apparently the human mind can be trained to accept a lie.

The site owners and administrators and moderators take claims of prophetic authority, especially to rebuke people while speaking directly for God, very seriously; and we will be discussing how to proceed with Cloud9 over the next few days.

This is only an alert to let people on the thread know that we (now) know about the situation (those of us following the thread having been away over the weekend).

I will note however that this is not a public forum. Free speech, which has been invoked earlier, does not actually apply here. That’s why people have to be forum members in order to post comments and/or new threads (or even to view certain categories). And free speech principles definitely do not apply with total freedom to people making a claim to speak for/as God, especially to rebuke other people. That’s why there are strict warnings in the Judeo-Christian scriptures to the effect that false prophets are under a death sentence from God, and ought to at least be shut down from affecting a population under administration by people who have a responsibility to protect groups from things like false prophets. (It’s also why we have a rule against members religiously rebuking each other as though this is a church congregation, which it isn’t. “In other words, nobody may rebuke or condemn others in this forum, apart from rebukes required while moderating the rules and policies of the forum. Likewise, biblical rebukes and condemnations appropriate within the context of a church are not allowed in this forum, apart from rebukes required while moderating the rules and policies of the forum. This forum focuses more along the lines of an academic discussion group instead of a church that enforces biblical doctrines.”)

Hopefully we can reach a reconciliation everyone, including the prophet-claimant, will be able to work with. Although, the prophet-claimant in question has already spoken (as a prophet??) against the idea of reconciling with people not accepted to speak with religious authority. So presumably he would agree we should not reconcile with him if we aren’t convinced of his prophetic authority. But possibly he would be willing for us to make an exception to his rejection of such reconciliation, as long as it’s in his favor.

We might or might not take several days to reach a preliminary decision about what to do moving forward. Members, including the prophet-claimant, can continue discussing things on this thread meanwhile.

Thank you, Jason, for stepping in and addressing this matter. And no - it wasn’t me who brought this to his attention. I especially like this quote:

This is the premise I have worked on - regarding this forum.

My rebuttal and questions regarding Susan’s prophetic claim and spiritual warfare is found in Was Ellyn G White a real Prophet? or Was Ellyn G White a real Prophet? It’s interesting to note that in criticisms of Ellyn G White, critics have identified - possibly correctly - potential causes rooted in mental illness or organic disease.

Don’t worry. I will leave.

The day a group of Christians don’t want to hear from a prophet of God is the signal from God to me that it is time to leave and go preach elsewhere.

Forums are much too restrictive for delivering Gospel messages in.

The Gospel was designed for freer spaces than forums.

There is much too much mind control in them.

I know I have been banned from 4 sinners forums for preaching the Gospel and have had my blog erased.

Apparently,anybody daring to deliver the Gospel in cyberspace is worthy of identity erasure if they can’t imprison you.

So I will wander off to one of the world’s crossroads now to deliver the Gospel right after I receive my Holy Spirit outpouring on the next Pentecost.

People are more interested in chit chat then in buckling down and learning the truth on here.

I can finally settle down and learn a little Hebrew till then.

God Bless everyone…Jones is the best bible teacher of this generation.

I almost forgot…I was banned from Christian chat too for daring to correct hell doctrine.

Some people are real Christians with the nerve to correct Christians in error and some people are wannabes.

Thank you God for letting me be Martin Luther at least I can say no Christian or athesist ever made me run from the good fight with the tail between my legs.


Jesus’ people are His generation…We come from His seed.

If you are leaving Cloud then I would like to say goodbye. I had fun in the music thread. Some good stuff there. Hang in there and God bless.

Now now, for all I know, Cloud’s real name is Jones. :wink:

If you’re going to make unsubstantiated claims to be an authoritative prophet who rebukes people with God’s own words, Cloud, then yes one way or another it’s time for you to leave. Or to stop making unsubstantiated claims, one way or the other. (Which I guess leaving would also do.)

I will remind our members and visitors that God does not send prophets to speak with His words (especially for rebuke) without providing them with attesting signs to distinguish them as real prophets. And even then, we’re warned in the scriptures that false prophets can come with signs of miraculous power, so even that is only a beginning of evidence in favor, not deductive confirmation.

(One could I suppose segue from that observation back into the thread topic by adding the occasional remark in the OT, if not in the NT, that God even sends false prophets sometimes, for His own authoritative purposes. :wink: That however is not a topic I intend to discuss.)

My rebuttal and questions regarding Susan’s prophetic claim and spiritual warfare is found in Was Ellyn G White a real Prophet? or Was Ellyn G White a real Prophet? It’s interesting to note that in criticisms of Ellyn G White, critics have identified - possibly correctly - potential causes rooted in mental illness or organic disease.

Great meeting you, kid.

In my opinion you are a genuine seed of God in progress.

Make sure you get that good spiritual education and don’t let anybody block you with their foolish opinions. I never let them block me.

The only opinion that really counts in this world is God’s.