When that which is good for food, becomes more important than the word of God, it is only lust eating.
“Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God”
When that which is pleasing to the eye becomes more than that which is the anchor of the soul, it is lust reaching for it.
The love of God was violated in someway that goes beyond just disobedience ot a command. Could we really think that as the Voice of the Lord walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the garden that there was no relationship there? No intimacy? No communion? There was a choice made. A violation of trust. A wound in the relationship that once secured their being in innocense.
When that which makes one wise becomes more important than the ties that bind our souls as one in the love of Christ, it is lust seeking it, the desire to know exceeding the desire to be as He is, willing to lay down His life for His friends, “giving liberally to all without reproach”.
God had not given them enough? That which was offered was so superior to His love that trust should be viloated to have it?
I think here we get close to the reason God subjected all to futility. We could not know what we had lost until we wallowed in the absence of its beautifull simplicity, having traded it for something so much less that had been sold to us as “more”.
I think we get close to what it means, that the whole creation will be set free from futility into the glorious liberty of the children of God- released to the freedom of covenanted love. A covenant based not on God’s commands or our obedience, but rather a covenant based on who He Is, revealed within us with such depth by the triumph of grace over depravity, that sacrificial love becomes “all in all”= the divine nature; “the water of life”- and fellowship, communion, union and harmony within Him and altogether as one community of joy being the realization of all God’s desire and ours- a tree of life. “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” The whole creation groans in anticipation.
Who would think of committing a sin upon another? Now we fully realize there is NOTHING “more” than love, because He that had ALL, poured it all out for us, so that we who had become futile and empty in our selfish pursuits of “more” could be given everything in the one place we refuse to look for it. The resolution of every question and every need and desire settled in communion with Him in the simplicity of love, and trust, a secret that unlocks every mystery and provides the key for every door, the true knowledge of God.