The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Jesus Said You Must Be Alive To Receive Eternal Life!

The 1000 year millennium and The New earth and New heaven would fall under the umbrella of the world to come. :wink:

but that’s not what it says…Jesus simply says that saying anything against the Holy Spirit constitutes a sin that won’t be forgiven in this age or the next? it doesn’t imply progression…it implies a single act.
for what it’s worth, i agree that a progression is implied if you compare this seemingly strange statement to all of the Scripture, but it requires a lot of tap dancing :wink:

dispensations, yes, that might be where we’re seeing things differently. i’m not sure we can come to any agreement with our difference in language. i feel the dispensations in this terminology constitute ages…you don’t. kinda hard to get round that so i suppose we have to come from different angles. nevermind.

there are a few threads around about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, but it is topical as it relates to the idea of only being saved during life…if that’s the case, and there’s a sin that can in one go (taking the verse on face value) negate your free will and ability to repent in this life, then …who will be in heaven? all of us could slip up here. God must see that coming, and if that’s the case, we must be able to trust Him to safe guard our salvation to some degree, and keep us from stumbling.

This reminds me of the beautiful Anabaptist belief of communal interpretation. Part of this belief was born from political considerations (historically speaking, doctrinal leaders were likely to be executed) but mainly it was because they assumed that all church members had been born of the Spirit, should participate in the exercise of gifts and should bear responsibility for the theology of the assembly. They neither adhered to the individualism of some of the nonconformists, the ecclesiastical hierarchy and traditions of the Catholics or the clericalism of the Protestants (sola scriptura? Puh-lease… Protestants were as tradition-centered, fascist and hierarchical as the Catholics…). Sharing this responsibility enabled everyone to share the insights that the Spirit gave them, which developed the theology by consensus, educated the laity, ignored traditions and helped them discard the erroneous interpretations of the stronger orators. Whilst it was innevitable that contributions would vary, and that some would dominate, the strength of the shared hermeneutic was its refusal to ignore even the weakest of theological offerings. I kind of think this is something we do here as a forum largely dedicated to theology. Everyone, including our resident dissidents, offers their theological musings through them we develop our own personal beliefs and can find a general consensus on those things we think are most important as a community.


Think about what you are saying. Your understanding of what constitutes the sin of blasphemy against the HS is vital to understanding how it is committed. It doesn’t happen in one act of sin but a progression of sin that leads one so far away from God they are beyond repentance.

Hebrews 3:12-13
**12 Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.

13 But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin**.

The 1000 year millennium and the New Heavens and Earth are two different things. The end of the coming age could very well be the end of the 1000 year millennium.

i’ve been thinking about what i am saying for as long as i’ve been able to say anything.
Jesus doesn’t mention a progression, and the author of Hebrews does not explicitly link the sin to which he refers to the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
linking the two requires some conjecture…the plain reading would indicate that these are two separate types of ways you could cut yourself off from God forever.

however, i must re-emphasise that i am with you on this matter. i do believe that to truly blaspheme against the Holy Spirit, one would have to know what one was doing, and do it purposefully from the abundance of the heart. this to me indicates that you are right here. this sin is one that needs to be committed over and over again.

this leads back, however, to Hebrews 6, which really says that we can’t repent WHILE we are doing these sins. if this sin is one and the same in Hebrews 3 and in Jesus’ statement about the sin that won’t be forgiven in the age to which He addressed the statement, or the age after, then we can know that someone could be on the way to committing that sort of conscience searing, but could in fact choose to stop, and then would be forgiveable, and restorable.

this ties in with the later part of Hebrews 6 (again, from another thread, not my research) that the ground is burned…not to destroy the ground, but to destroy the bad crop so that good crop may again be grown.
the ground in which seed is sown is repeatedly used to denote our hearts, and so i would say that this progressive understanding of a sin that one cannot be forgiven for WHILE one is doing it indicates that one can choose to stop, or face the consequences of being slash burned…unpleasant, but in the end resulting in fertile soil.

i’m sure though that you will reiterate that Jesus said this age and the age to come, as you don’t agree with my interpretation of the ages, and you also believe the conscience searing can be permanent.

this sin is definitely serious. i heard it said that it was rebelling against truth that you KNOW to be true. it’s rebelling against your own conscience as well as God, and it puts you in a terrible position of maximum punishment from God. i would hope and pray that those who have committed this sin are in the tiniest majority.

however, i again point to how often the Bible says that God’s wrath is not permanent, that His punishment always leads to restoration, that all forms of death will be destroyed, and the result of death being destroyed is life for those who died.

that’s enough for tonight i think, will rejoin tomorrow if more needs to be said.

I don’t see those versus as…

Nor do those versus imply that the sin of unbelief is a permanent thing.


Different things that happen at different times under the same umbrella of the world to come. :wink:

Hebrews 3:12-13 is supporting the hardening of the heart due to sin to the point of unbelief and departing God.
Hebrews 6:4-6 and 10:26-29 supports beyond repentance. God bless.

I’m still not buying that the 1000 year millennium and the new heavens/earth is considered the same age. Is there scripture for this?

Are you buying that the fall in Gen 3, the days of Adam to Moses was a period of time, the Old covenant to the New Covenant was a period of time, the birth of the the original church in the book of Acts to the time Jesus comes back all happen at different times, but all fall under the umbrella of this “age” or this world? Paul calls it “the present evil age”.

I dont believe one can lose their salvation if that’s what you mean. Check this page out, it explains a lot. … WS+6%3A4-6

I am not sure about all those…

The unpardonable sin of blasphemy of the HS can be committed by both believers and unbelievers.

If a Christian could not lose their salvation then how is it they can be blotted out of the book of life? Rev 3:5. Being blotted out of the book of life results in one losing their salvation and being thrown in the lake of fire at final judgement.

What are you not sure of? them happening? just kidding… Its the same principle in the age to come, Caroleem. There are only 2 ages. This current evil world and the world to come. :wink:

I would have to take an educated guess that you did not read my link. :wink:

…but i put it out there anyway…in case anyone was curious. :slight_smile:

Hmmm…do i dare post another link? …Yes i will…just for $h*t$ and giggles. :wink:

I thought this was really interesting and goes into it a bit deeper and explains it well. :slight_smile: … m-his.html

I am not really sure just how many ages there are and when they started or ended… etc…etc. I do feel there are more then 2 tho…

Jesus indicated two ages, Paul received his doctrine from Jesus and he indicated two ages, I’m going to believe them. :wink:

The new covenant ushered in a new age. The levite priesthood was sai to last forever or owlam (aionos in greek). Unless you believe the levite priesthood is still in effect then the age ended with jesus’ ascencion.

Matt 12:32
32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him,** neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

Ephesians 1:21
21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:

Two ages to me, I will believe Jesus and Paul, redhot. :wink:

Ok Rev, seeing that Jn.11:25-26 “does not support ‘you must be physically alive to receive eternal life’” but you yet retain that belief and I presume think your beliefs a based on scripture, what scripture does affirm that one “must be physically alive to receive eternal life”?