This is admittedly not my forte. However Ive always distinguish that saved is dependent upon the subject. Those in faith have a different quality of salvation from those who arent.
All are saved from death, the corruption of sin, and eternal separation from God.
Not all are saved from eonian death, the second death, and tribulation (though I know some preterists my disagree on that last point.
So to me the B.O.L. could be about eonian life. They wont ever into eonian life. During the kingdom age they wont enter new jerusalem. But after, the life given at the consummation of the ages, they will enter the and new earth.
Im not the smartest guy, and ill be the first to tell you I dont know everything. Im trying to reconcile it the best I can with what I do claim to know.
To me, ill be honest, sometimes this back and forth of interpretation really weighs heavily on me. If I lean one way Im told Im wrong and why Im wrong, if they convince me so I lean their way I have another group of people who tell me Im wrong. So I just stick to what I know as my own personal beliefs and never tell people they are wrong but try to start a dialogue. If this feels like a cop out Im sorry. But, at this time, its simply above my understanding.
I think sometimes that no one will ever know the full mystery, but are given glimpses and insight. Those who believe in the salvation of all and reconciliation of all thing could very well know them to be true, and they be true, without us being able to explain every single verse. And,to me, such is my beliefs about being subject to Gods will.