The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Orthodoxy in communion with Rome via Holy Foolery

Orthodoxy in communion with Rome

Well, I decided to join the Catholic church this April 2020. Now I have finished the Catholic RCIA program. And I did hang out and study with (AKA Catechumenate or catechumen), the Eastern Orthodox OCA Church – for a year. And I’m doing some Saint Benedict press online videos, as a Catholic candidate.

The problem with the EO church was the fasts. They are extensive and I did have medical issues while doing them. This is what I communicated, to the Eastern Orthodox priests via email:

My intention was to become Orthodox. But to continue with the RCIA, to learn more about them. But if asked about my background, I would have shared this info. It never occurred to me, to share this.

The Catholic position is that the Orthodox, have valid orders and sacraments. However, there is no official Orthodox position, on Catholic Orders and sacraments. The majority opinion seems to be, that the Holy Spirit left the Catholic church – due to theological additions. But there are stories, to the contrary. Like a Native American heard God speak, to become a priest. And a nun heard this. And he didn’t listen for 7 years. And all kinds of bad things happened to him. Until he became a priest. Or an active Catholic Charismatic tradition. Or God working miracles, through Catholic saints. And I realize that Orthodoxy would have similar stories. And some might attribute these stories, to the devil’s influence or natural causes.

Also, I had health issues. And trouble doing the fasts. And it would be expensive and time-consuming, to have traditional doctors run tests – to determine a root cause. And get official medical excuses.

I’ll always treasure the richness of the Orthodox liturgy, theology, and the clergy and priests.”

Well, the Roman Catholic church does teach:

  • Christian inclusivism
  • And allows for Hopeful Universalism.

And if any is in hell - even temporary… the Eastern Orthodox / Eastern Catholic perspective is the best way - of understanding it.

Along with insight from the Anglican bishop and New Testament scholar, NT Wright

This doesn’t mean I’m dropping anything, that provides healing and contemplation help. And I’ll still work on becoming, an aspiring Holy Fool.

We are all surrounded inside and outside by an invisible field of divine grace. All the time. Even in deep sleep. Then why do we have to pray for it to descend? That is the divine design. The path opens when we feel the cool breeze on a hot summer day. The Grace touches you and you are awake to touch it. This is a divine touch. Whenever fear comes to consume you, touch base with the grace field. Assure yourself that the power of Grace is more than all fears of the world put together.

Grace alone is the reality! Grace and God are One!



The big question is: Where do we go from here? What would an ‘aspiring’ Holy Fool do? Normally when answering a question.

  • I first look for answers, within my faith tradition (i.e. Roman Catholic, Eastern Catholic, Eastern Orthodox).

  • Next, I look for it within what I call Universal Wisdom.

Which for me is embedded within the

traditions, my outlook is essentially in harmony with RC Fr. Richard Rohr and the Center for Action and Contemplation.

I always find the answers I seek. But I can gain additional perspective, by reading the online BBC News and Weekly World News.

I call my theological path and position: Orthodoxy in communication with Rome via Holy Foolery. And I make alliances with spiritual groups and individuals - for spirituality. As long as they follow the Quaker principles of light, silence, healing, and ethics. The ultimate objective of both processes is Theosis..

So while my Christian faith path will be Catholic…I’ll incorporate the wisdom and contemplative methods, from these traditions:

But my own daily practice is simple.

  • I worship and pray, in the Catholic, Orthodox, and Native American Red Road traditions.

  • I meditate and contemplate, in the Zen (1, 2, 3), Mindfulness, Emmet Fox,Heartfulness (1, 2) and Bruno Groening (1, 2) traditions. All very simple methods, mind you.

  • And when meetings are allowed, I will attend church, Heartfulness, Bruno Groening , Sukyo Mahikari, Red Road; Johrei gatherings. And visit Eastern holy people Ammachi and Karunamayi, when they visit my area.

  • I like the contemplation of Panentheism (as expressed in Indian philosophy and Orthodox theology). Where I combine a contemplation of Advaita Vedanta. Where God is in all things and all things are related to - and connected - in God. Which is best approached by the Eastern sage Ramana Maharshi’s inquiry of Who Am I?( 1,2). And with the contemplation of Emmet Fox, with his Golden Key approach. Where we focus on God’s attributes, like Divine Goodness, Omnipresence, Omnipotence, etc.

One thing that Roman Catholic priest Fr. Rohr of CAC emphasizes, is ‘non-dual’ consciousness or contemplation. In Eastern Orthodox methods, we can find this in the Holy Fool and dessert fathers paths - leading to Theosis.. Eastern Holy person Swami Vivekananda, found non-dual consciousness best embodied. in Vedanta (1, 2), Raja Yoga - (see. Heartfulness, for a simplistic and powerful adaptation), and Zen (1, 2, 3). And Native American holy people Black Elk and Fools Crow, from this via the Red Road.


"He who always abides in the present now, in him does God beget his Son without ceasing. - Meister Eckhart.

This is from the CAC newsletter. It is food for thought. :smiley:

In teaching from the desert fathers, “an old Desert Father was asked what was necessary to do to be saved. He was sitting making rope. Without glancing up, he said, “You’re looking at it.” [1] Just as so many of the mystics have taught us, doing what we are doing with presence and intention is itself prayer.

I decided that in addition to religion, I will seek spirituality. Then I bring my spirituality back, to the field of religion. They go hand-in-hand. Which now that I’m into Francasian and Eastern Catholic theology. And can be found in books, by Catholic writers. Like you find in the Catholic author books

Or in the Native American books

And on the Eastern front

Let me quote from this article:

Spirituality is a solitary experience of the divine, while religion involves a group of people brought together by their common faith or beliefs about the divine. Religion aims to build one’s character. It shapes one’s beliefs, attitudes, and actions by giving importance to the adherence of rules.

Spiritual Energy and Light

“The darkness is not the absence of light, but the terror that comes from the blinding light” - Jacob Boehme

There are groups and individuals, that do “allegedly” share light and energy – for healing and contemplation. I will still be part of those:

  • In the East, it’s called Shakti or transmission. And can be found in groups and individuals, like the Dhyan Yoga Center, Heartfulness, Shiva Bala Yogi, Karunamayi, and Ammachi.
  • In Japan it’s called Johrei, with groups like Sukyo Mahikari and Johrei
  • In Germany it’s called Heilstrom, with the Bruno Groening Circle of friends
  • In the Sufi tradition, it’s called Baraka
  • The Eastern Orthodox call it God’s energies.

(Barakah) is a subtle spiritual energy that flows through everything but is strongest within the human. The more purified the human becomes, the greater the flow of barakah. Overpowering barakah can be experienced in sacred places, in sacred art and in sanctified people, all of which are theophanies, revealing and manifesting the Divinity - here on earth.

Let me quote from Talks with a Sufi Shaykh.

When I ask Shaykh Taner about these things he tells me that he does nothing. That things happen by the will of Allah, who has all power to do and not by the will of Shaykh Taner who has no power at all.

I have asked Shaykh why he does not let people know that he can do these things.

His reply is always “I can’t do anything. If Allah wishes for something to happen, then it does. If I think that I can do anything else it is my Nafs talking, and if I say I can do this or do that, then I am saying that “I” have power, which is not true. Only Allah has power, only Allah can “Do”. To think anything else is saying that Allah has a partner.”

Perhaps this is the biggest miracle of all.

And I learned a lot, about being of service to others. By such folks, as the saint from Gurgaon, Amma, and Karunamayi

Native American Medicine

And I’ll continue to attend Native American ceremonies, as opportunities arise. Hypothetically speaking, even ones considered “controversial". See Medicine (1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6, 7). As long as:

  • They are conducted in a Native American church setting under a legally protected environment (i.e. ONAC, Peaceful MountainWay, and Soul Quest). Or in a country where it’s considered legal, such as Peru, Costa Rica or Italy.
  • Are conducted by qualified elders or medicine people, in the Native American way. Who follow the Red Road code of ethics.
  • One’s intentions are for ‘therapeutic’ purposes, as defined by M.D. and Ph.D. researchers - studying the subject matter. See Dr. Joe Tafur Explains Peyote and Ayahuasca, The Future of Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy , and Psilocybin Sessions: Psychedelics could help people with addiction and anxiety.
  • One must have the proper frameworks, for observing and integrating any experiences. Duke of the Two Feathers Medicine Clan, emphasized that unexplained healing - can and does happen. For observation experiences, I like the Eastern Witness Consciousness. For Integration, I like the framework of Carl Jung (i.e. Jungian archetypes and collective unconsciousness).
  • And one must be in sound, medical condition and follow any dietary regulations (i.e. as mentioned on the Peaceful Mountain Way and Soul Quest websites).

But did you know that the Uniao Do Vegetal from Brazil, won a supreme court case - to practice Ayahuasca in the US, as a church? And Native Americans won a supreme court case, to practice peyote as a religion. (i.e. American Indian religious freedom act)? And churches like ONAC, Peaceful Mountain Way and Soul Quest, are piggybacking on these decisions.

And I will neither confirm nor deny, whether I have ever participated in such ceremonies (or taken such medicines).

When I wanted to learn about Native American practices and ceremonies, I joined the extended family of the Two Feathers Medicine Clan with Duke Big Feather. He had a spread called ‘The Spirit of Crazy Horse’, in Crete, Illinois USA? Well, he is now deceased and that place no longer exists. He was also the spiritual leader, of the Two Feathers Medicine Clan - now defunct. And he used to talk about the miraculous healing that took place, in the medicine ceremonies.

But he relayed a story to me once. First, I need to mention two things. Peyote and ayahuasca are viewed in two ways, in Native American spirituality.

  • First as a sacrament (like the Eucharist).
  • And secondly, as a medicine (similar to how western doctors would view medicine).

Anyway, Duke knew a Roman Catholic priest, who had a crisis of faith. So he invited this priest, to one of these all-night peyote ceremonies. After the ceremony, the priest no longer had - a crisis of faith. And went back to serving the Christian community, as a Roman Catholic priest.

If we limit how God reaches folks, to just Sacred Scripture. Then we throw out everything learned, in the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Sacred Tradition. Or outside of Christianity, in what I call the wisdom tradition. And we tend to judge, how God can reach folks - outside of Holy Scripture.
See What Should Christians Take from the Native American Church Peyote Ceremony?

This is a great article, on the relationship between Native American spirituality and Tibetan Buddhism. What struck me is it mentions Ute elder Bertha Grove. While I mostly hung around Lakota elders, with the Two Feathers Medicine Clan (i.e. Duke Big Feather and Quentin Y, outside the clan)…I have been in ceremony with Bertha Grove at times, with Ute medicine man - Joseph Many horses. This article brought back memories.


But I do use homeopathy…I’ll point you to Washington National…A US homeopathic pharmacy, that has been around since 1873

Let me quote a bit:

There is a large and growing body of scientific research in the field of homeopathy. Available papers cover basic science studies (looking at the physical and chemical properties of remedies), pre-clinical studies (looking at the effect of homeopathic remedies on plants and animals), and clinical studies (looking at the effects of homeopathic remedies on humans). Those who try to portray homeopathy in a negative way often argue that there is little scientific research available on the topic. This claim is false. Homeopathy has been widely studied for over 200 years.

Dr. Iris Bell M.D., Ph.D. (University of Arizona College of Medicine) has compiled the most comprehensive list of research papers available in this field (over 6,000) and made it available to members of the homeopathic community. We, in turn, make it available to you. To view the list, click here: Homeopathic Research

Finally, here are the first of many well-done summaries on research in the field on homeopathy for patients suffering from a variety of ailments. The information in the following articles is intended for informational purposes only. Please remember, if you have any of the conditions mentioned in the research below, it is advisable to seek the advice of a licensed practitioner for treatment options.

You can also spend some time at:

But I still avail myself to modern medicine - when needed. And other ancient healing modalities, like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. And the history of American homeopathy is covered in this song.

Note: I’m an academic field researcher and a scientific person. I don’t SELL homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Native American healing ceremonies, Charismatic Christian healing, spiritual healing groups, etc. Nor do I advocate that these replace modern medicine, but complement it.

  • The US TCM site Active Herb has produced articles showing TCM and modern medicine, working together in China on COVID-19.
  • When I was with the Two Feathers Medicine Clan (AKA Native American medicine people), folks with them used BOTH Native American healing ceremonies and modern medicine.
  • And when I hung around Roman Catholic priest Father A., who “allegedly” had the gift of healing and hearing God speak. Well, when he got sick he used prayer, church sacraments, modern medicine and TCM.

People have got to do the research for themselves… Then make up their own mind.

One could also argue that Christian healing (and other spiritual and ancient healing approaches) is a placebo effect.

  • But it would render all the scientific research, that Roman Catholic medical doctors and scientists do, before declaring visiting a site like Lourdes - a miracle.
  • Or the success report investigation around the world, of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends medical group.
  • Or the 6000 + scientific research studies I referenced earlier, by a Ph.D. and MD researcher.

You can get Boiron homeopathic remedies from US health food stores. Or order from US pharmacies Hahnemann Labs and Washington Homeopathic Products. Or from a Canadian pharmacy Thompsons Homeopathic Supplies. And Chinese herbs in the US from Chinese Herbs Direct and Active Herb. The best US site for Ayurveda is Banyan Botanicals.

Spiritual Background

In Native American spirituality, I have been in gatherings, ceremonies, and teachings with:

  • The Two Feathers Medicine Clan
  • Lakota medicine man Duke Big Feathers
  • Ute Medicine man Joseph Many Horses
  • Ojibwe medicine man Black Wolf
  • Lakota elder Quentin Young
  • Peruvian medicine people Diego and Gloria.

And from the East:

  • Dhyan Yogi Madhusudandas and Dhyan Yoga Center.
  • Chicago based Swami Kriyananda and Temple of Kriya Yoga.
  • Amma
  • Karunamayi
  • Ram Chandra and Heartfulness.

Christian view of other religions

Eastern Orthodox Archbishop Kallistos Ware said:

“We know where the Church is but we cannot be sure where it is not . . . “

What is the majority view, of those of Orthodox church theologians? See

An Orthodox Christian View of Non-Christian Religions

The approach taken in this paper is to emphasize “the middle way,” that of inclusivism. It seems clear that the way of exclusivism is properly rejected as a matter of Truth. At the other extreme, the thin ice of cultural pluralism is fraught with danger.

It is a basic Christian doctrine that the Holy Spirit may act wherever and whenever. Presuming to constrain the activity of the Holy Spirit - to limit God Himself- is not the way. Orthodoxy recognizes and accepts the mandate to seek Truth and to follow the Holy Spirit wherever He leads, including in other religions or philosophies when his Truth is to be found there.[37]

The salvation of all people, including non-Christians, depends on the great goodness and mercy of the Omniscient and Omnipotent God who desires the salvation of all people. Those who live in faith and virtue, though outside the Church, receive God’s loving grace and salvation. Saint Paul reminds us, “O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and how inscrutable His ways!” (Rom. 11: 33).

Which is also the current view, of the Roman Catholic church. And some Protestant churches, like the Methodists.

See Those Who Have Never Heard: A Survey of the Major Positions

The inclusivist position has a long and distinguished history in the church. Such widely divergent thinkers as Justin, Thomas Aquinas, John Wesley, C. S. Lewis, and Pope John Paul II have affirmed it.[40] Today, it is the dominant view of the Roman Catholic Church and of mainline Protestants. Though the Eastern Orthodox Church has no officially sanctioned position, the inclusivist views of Justin and other Greek fathers are widely cited with approval and many of the arguments for inclusivism are employed.[41] Inclusivism represents the closest thing to a consensus among Christians today.

Let me end, with an interesting article - from today’s Patheos’ Catholic newsletter

Nasruddin Stories

Let me share a Nasruddin Holy Fool Story

Mulla Nasruddin was walking in the bazaar with a large group of followers. Whatever Nasruddin did, his followers immediately copied. Every few steps Nasruddin would stop and shake his hands in the air, touch his feet and jump up yelling “Hu Hu Hu!”. So his followers would also stop and do exactly the same thing.

One of the merchants, who knew Nasreddin, quietly asked him: “What are you doing my old friend? Why are these people imitating you?”

“I have become a Sufi Sheikh,” replied Nasreddin. “These are my Murids (spiritual seekers), I am helping them reach enlightenment!”

“How do you know when they reach enlightenment?”

“That’s the easy part! Every morning I count them. The ones who have left - have reached enlightenment!”

Nasruddin Holy Fool Story 2

Once Nasreddin was invited to deliver a sermon. When he got on the pulpit, he asked, Do you know what I am going to say? The audience replied “no”, so he announced, I have no desire to speak to people who don’t even know what I will be talking about! and left.

The people felt embarrassed and called him back again the next day. This time, when he asked the same question, the people replied yes . So Nasreddin said, Well, since you already know what I am going to say, I won’t waste any more of your time! and left.

Now the people were really perplexed. They decided to try one more time and once again invited the Mulla to speak the following week. Once again he asked the same question – Do you know what I am going to say? Now the people were prepared and so half of them answered “yes” while the other half replied “no”. So Nasreddin said Let the half who know what I am going to say, tell it to the half who don’t, and left.


Note: There are really four approaches, to this pandemic.

  • Modern Medicine

  • Herbology (Western, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tibetan, Unani; Native American, etc.)

  • Homeopathy

  • Spiritual healing and prayer

All can be used, in treating a pandemic. Just a few footnotes here.

  • Homeopathic case taking is often not needed. The key should be, according to a homeopathic expert I studied with - is focus on the pathology first. In online sections, I had recently with Indian and Canadian homeopathic experts…there are really about 80 or so remedies, that fit the bill completely - for this pandemic.

  • Certain Native American Medicine people, actually micro-dose herbal preparations. It appears to work. An anti-viral remedy would be one small drop, 3 times a day. It probably works similarly to an iron supplement, stimulating the cells to manufacture red blood count.

  • Spiritual healing makes modern, herbal, and homeopathic medicine more effective. I’m not quite sure why, but I have some ideas. I learned this from a Native American medicine person.

Hypothetically speaking, if I ever had symptoms similar to COVID-19. And I didn’t need emergency
care, then my approach would be to:

  • Use the Native American micro-dose herbal preparation, to kill the virus.

  • Choose from among the fifty or so homeopathic remedies (that fit this pandemic), to build-up immunity.

  • Add a TCM cold and flu tea remedy, to also build up immunity.

  • Use spiritual healing, to make the medicine more effective (i.e. Bruno Groening Circle of Friends, Johrei, Sukyo Mahikari, Fox Golden Key, etc.).

I’m fully convinced also, that natural medicine possesses remedies (i.e. homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Native American medicine) - to combat and beat this current pandemic. In conjunction with spiritual healing and prayer. But it takes years of expertise. Along with access to the right medicines. Having said that, I’ll continue to follow the CDC and WHO guidelines. As well as US and state laws. And I’ll be sure to get tested, once tests are readily available. And take any FDA approved vaccines, when available.

The US TCM site Active Herb, shared their Chinese COVID-19 formula

Here’s what an email had to say:

A recent ActiveHerb blog post revealed the official TCM formula recommended by China’s General Office of the National Health and Health Commission for severe respiratory symptoms: Qing Fei Pai Du Tang.

Because China has seen much success in managing COVID-19 symptoms with Qing Fei Pai Du Tang, demand for the formula has skyrocketed. Many ActiveHerb customers requested the formula. We listened and formulated our own FDA-compliant version of the official formula.

Qing Fei Pai Du Tang, aka LungClear, contains 23 herbs that ventilate the Lungs, support normal body temperature, and assist in detoxification.

Quantity is limited. Order now before it’s sold out.

And one can watch free, the video seminars I took at Homeopathy - Coronavirus Pandemic - Its origins, nature, epidemiology, treatment & prevention.

And for everyone’s benefit. Here is a two-hour conference, from the American Institute of Homeopathy. Which consists of professional homeopaths, many with traditional M.D. degrees. I also like the National Center for Homeopathy. For the record, I have been in professional seminars with Andrew Saine, who taught to mostly traditional M.D. students. He is one of the presenters here.

Just a footnote here, on speaker 2. A better approach than combination remedies, is to take 2 or more single remedies. Then spread them out by a few hours. So one could take a 30 C dose of Arsenicum Album in the morning, Bryonia 30C in the afternoon, and Gelsemium 30C in the evening (Although one person in the panel, substituted Phosphorus 30 C for Gelsemium 30 C - also a good choice). In nosodes, if one has the tinctures…this is where it is best, to combine 3 if possible - at the 200 C range. Now suppose that a Native American medicine person has a herbal remedy that kills viruses - via microdoses (one drop, three times a day). And suppose it can kill the aids virus, in 3.5 months. Well, it wouldn’t work with COVID-19 fast enough. But if combined with alternating single dosages remedies and/or combination nosodes, then it would be a powerful addition.

There is another difference between the Andre Saine approach, in this video. And the homeopathic expert I have known for decades. Let’s call this expert Fred. Fred would say that you look at pathology first. If you can find a remedy or remedies, that work with that pathology - then use them. The take the case if not. Andre would say to always take the case first.

Fortunately, I have training and connections in theses methods (i.e. ancient healing modalities and spiritual healing ways). And know what the ‘experts’, have to teach. And none of these conflicts, with my Christian faith - IMHO. Nor with modern medicine, if needed.

Remember that Native American medicine people and Eastern Indian holy people, see things differently.

Lakota medicine man Quentin Young heard the creator say:

“When the dead leaves fall from the trees, so shall the coronavirus (COVID-19)."


“with respect to COVID-19, fill your pipes and ask to take down and put away.

And Eastern holy person Karunamayi said things will be better after May 15, 2020.

So we can hope for the best.

I came across this interesting video on Christian Science. While I acknowledge its healing potential…I don’t see it substituting for modern medicine nor natural medicine (i.e. homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda) - but complimenting them. And rather than a theology, I see it as a contemplation - which can be helpful.

Emmet Fox has a similar contemplation, I find it useful.

Footnote: I used to play the academic game, of theology, philosophy, and science. But now I’m more concerned with wisdom. Not only from the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, saints, and mystics. But also from the Native American, Buddhist, Yogic, Spiritual Healing, and Ancient Healing Modality (i.e. homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda) traditions. In the absence of a cure or preventative, from the world’s medical and scientific communities…philosophical logic won’t save me, from the current pandemic - but wisdom just might do the trick. :crazy_face:

And I tell my friends this via email:

I thought I would give you how I would approach cold and flu (and/or COVID-19) symptoms. All
Hypothetically speaking, of course

  • First I would inform my primary care physician.
  • Then I would do this homeopathic approach. Take a 30 C dose of Arsenicum Album in the morning, Bryonia 30C in the afternoon, and Gelsemium 30C in the evening At least 2 pills under the tongue. Nothing to eat or drink 10 minutes before or after. Many US health food stores, carry the Boiron brands. You can also order direct from Washington Homeopathic Products or Hahnemann Laboratories.
  • Drink Triple Leaf TCM cold and flu time tea, three times a day. Let steep for 15 minutes. You can get this at the Triple Leaf website.
  • Of course, if things don’t get better in a few days, then there is the hospital option.

Obviously, you need to consult your medical experts. I did say to consult the primary care physicians. Homeopathic remedies of 30C potency…have no molecules of the original substance present. So probably from their perspective and framework, they are just “sugar pills”. However, one has a good chance of beating COVID-19 …with the homeopathic suggestion made alone (without the TCM tea additions), if one starts when symptoms initially arise.

This is an interesting half-hour YouTube video, by a female TV Pentecostal minister - regarding this pandemic. :smiley:

And I shared this elsewhere, on this forum.

Lakota medicine man Quentin Young heard the creator say:

“When the dead leaves fall from the trees, so shall the coronavirus (COVID-19)."


“with respect to COVID-19, fill your pipes and ask to take down and put away.

Or let me summarize these messages, via a Holy Fool type song :crazy_face:

I’ll end with a couple of footnotes:

Hannibal Lecter : I’ve read the case files. Have you? Everything you need to find him is right there in those pages.

Hannibal Lecter:
First principles, Clarice: simplicity. Read Marcus Aurelius, “Of each particular thing, ask: What is it in itself? What is its nature?” What does he do, this man you seek?

See Homeopathy and COVID-19 and Homeopathy - Coronavirus Pandemic.

I have big issues with medical and scientific experts, that claim theirs is the ONLY way. Well, it is a GOOD way. But it is not the ONLY way. Did you actually do a field study, of the other areas - before reaching your conclusions? Well, I have. Spend a couple of years, doing a field study. Then tell me it’s quackery. I’ll be more open, to hearing your opinion.


I’ll continue to advocate Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), as the most probable - end-times tribulation theory (whether the cause is the devil, science run AMOK, or both).

The best hope, for now, that has been made public - is the vaccine approach of Oxford university. I see many logistic issues, with any vaccine. Suppose a successful one is developed. Whether by the US, UK, German, Japan, Russian, Chinese countries, etc. And suppose it might be a university, pharmaceutical lab, government agency, etc. How it is priced and made available, depends on the particular country owning it

Now I am less worried than most folks, for two reasons:

The first is my knowledge of, and access to medicines and experts - in Natural medicine (i.e. homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and Native American medicine).

The second is my use of contemplation and prayer methods. But my own daily practice is simple.

  • I worship and pray, in the Catholic, Orthodox, and Native American Red Road traditions.

  • I meditate and contemplate, in the Zen (1, 2, 3), Mindfulness, Emmet Fox, Heartfulness (1, 2), and Bruno Groening (1, 2) traditions. All very simple methods, mind you.

  • And when meetings are allowed, I will attend church, Heartfulness, Bruno Groening , Sukyo Mahikari, Red Road; Johrei gatherings. And visit Eastern holy people Ammachi and Karunamayi, when they visit my area.

  • I like the contemplation of Panentheism (as expressed in Indian philosophy and Orthodox theology). Where I combine a contemplation of Advaita Vedanta. Where God is in all things and all things are related to - and connected - in God. Which is best approached by the Eastern sage Ramana Maharshi’s inquiry of Who Am I?( 1,2). And with the contemplation of Emmet Fox, with his Golden Key approach. Where we focus on God’s attributes, like Divine Goodness, Omnipresence, Omnipotence, etc.

Now hypothetically speaking, suppose that the zombies from Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) have arrived.

We need a few dramatic effects. :crazy_face:

And we can even have them singing, the Monkees theme song - but replace the word Monkees with zombies. :crazy_face:

Here we come
Walkin’ down the street
We get the funniest looks from
Everyone we meet

We go wherever we want to
Do what we like to do
We don’t have time to get restless
There’s always something new

Any time
Or anywhere
Just look over your shoulder
Guess who’ll be standing there?

And suppose they attack me. And I had to make life and death decisions, in a matter of moments. But the idea came to me, to fill a squirt gun full of holy water - blessed by a Roman Catholic or Orthodox bishop or priest. And say that repelled or defeated them. And drinking the holy water, cured any bite repercussions.

Now I know what works, by direct experience. But now let’s say, I tell that to the experts. They would say things like:

  • We don’t have a method, of testing zombie attacks yet - that is 100% accurate. And it hasn’t been rolled out, to the general population.
  • We don’t have a vaccine, to protect you from zombie bites.
  • We don’t have any medicines, to heal someone from zombie bites.
  • We don’t believe that plain water or even your “so-called” ‘holy water’ - is effective.
  • None of our weaponry is effective on zombies.

Now I won’t sit back and relax. I’ll make what works even better. Perhaps I create using holy water, a water pistol machine gun, and canon. And I put up an electric fence, to repeal the zombies. And zombie warning tripwires, with attached cowbells. Etc.

Now I will follow the CDC and WHO guidelines on handwashing, etc. Just like this TV Pentecostal Minister and Christian Science Practitioner do. And I’ll listen, to what they both have to say. And listen to professional homeopathic advice, at Homeopathy and COVID-19 and Homeopathy - Coronavirus Pandemic… But I’m even better prepared for round 2. And I can sing this song, in a Holy Fool style.

And this song brought back old memories. It was my field study and being an extended family member, of the Two Feathers Medicine Clan. The Eagle was the Lakota bird of North America and the Condor of South America. Besides knowledge of the Christian faith, I am constantly reminded I carry the knowledge of Native American spiritual ways, Eastern spiritual ways, Spiritual Healing Ways, and Natural Medicine Ways (like homeopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine) with me. :smiley:

In the comic book and AMC TV series, The Walking Dead and its spinoffs…we see people dying and becoming zombies. We also see ruthless leaders rise up, without any real redeeming ethical qualities. The promise to lead their “followers”, to a better tomorrow. Eventually folks “adjusted” to the zombies. They never really adjusted to the ruthless leaders.

I take from the Catholic, Eastern Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox faith traditions, for direction and inspiration. And wisdom from the Native American, Yogic, Buddhist, Spiritual Healing, and Natural Medicine traditions. These can guide me through the maze of any pandemic, from COVID-19 to Z-Hell (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).

Good luck! I hope it brings you peace and closeness to God! Does the RCC accept Zombies? If not why would you join it?

I think it accepts anyone, who subscribes to its beliefs and practices. Just like the Eastern Orthodox Church or any mainstream Protestant church would.

But I like to add, that I ALREADY have peace and closeness to God. Not only from my prior Christian background, with Quakers, Anglicans and Lutherans. But with Native American Medicine people… Eastern sages and Holy People… and the Hearthfulness, Johrei, Sukyo Mahikari and Bruno Groening Circle of Friends groups. Officially joining Catholicism, is the icing on the cake. And ties all the loose ends together.

Now I’m off to visit, churches of some friends of mine. :crazy_face:

