The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Quote for today

“The growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.”

— George Eliot

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“The farther behind I leave the past, the closer I am to forging my own character.”-- Isabelle Eberhardt

"…wanted-ness does not determine humanness”

Dr. Robin Pieruccci discussing ‘unwanted’ babies

We have deluded ourselves into believing the myth that capitalism grew and prospered out of the Protestant ethic of hard work and sacrifice. The fact is that capitalism was built on the exploitation and suffering of black slaves and continues to thrive on the exploitation of the poor — both black and white, here and abroad. ~~ Martin Luther King Jr.

All our judgemental reactions are from our mind. Deep inside is our soul whose only language is love and gratitude. Love knows no barriers.~~Bodhi

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality."-- Desmond Tutu

The renowned physicist Stephen Hawking once heckled that the idea of an afterlife is “a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.” Rather famously in response, Oxford mathematician John Lennox suggested that perhaps the inverse is true, that atheism is just “a fairy story for those afraid of the Light.” - Matt Nelson

From same: St. Thomas Aquinas writes that “all fear arises from love; since no one fears save what is contrary to something he loves.”

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“We have to be braver than we think we can be, because God is constantly calling us to be more than we are.” -Madeleine L’Engle-

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“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one.”-- John Lennon

“When we are sure that we are on the right road there is no need to plan our journey too far ahead. No need to burden ourselves with doubts and fears as to the obstacles that may bar our progress. We cannot take more than one step at a time.” - Orison S. Marden-

Love opens every gate to every depth and supreme height of life! The love that never demands, but instantly finds fulfillment in giving! God holds all universes and infinite creations with the magic of love!
In our heart is hidden that secret key of unconditional love with which we can unlock the doors of heaven! ~~Bodhi

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”-- Albert Einstein


“To imagine none can teach you but those who are themselves saved from sin, is a very great and dangerous mistake. Give not place to it for a moment.” - John Wesley

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“Made for spirituality, we wallow in introspection. Made for joy, we settle for pleasure. Made for justice, we clamor for vengeance. Made for relationship, we insist on our own way. Made for beauty, we are satisfied with sentiment. But new creation has already begun. The sun has begun to rise. Christians are called to leave behind, in the tomb of Jesus Christ, all that belongs to the brokenness and incompleteness of the present world … That, quite simply, is what it means to be Christian: to follow Jesus Christ into the new world, God’s new world, which he has thrown open before us.” - N.T. Wright-

The closer you are to your calmer self, the sweeter and more balanced your perceptions of life in general, then your words are more soothing, yet more powerful. The days of dictating your opinion on others and imposing your authority is gone. Now this era is all about shared responsibility, servant leadership and how you say things that you want to say. How you listen more than proving how much you know. To find peace You have to be peaceful. ~~Bodhi

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing - that’s why we recommend it daily.”-- Zig Ziglar

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“Real prayer is communion with God, so that there will be common thoughts between His mind and ours. What is needed is for Him to fill our hearts with His thoughts, and then His desires will become our desires flowing back to Him.” -A. W. Pink-

Do not count on who played foul with you or hurt you. No one can hurt you until you take it personally. I mean as a “person”. But ask a deeper question; when you are in deep sleep where is the person? But you are alive. You are alive when you rise above person-perception, to soul consciousness. Ponder on this!!!
Are you a person or the Witness soul?


“You can throw the whole weight of your anxieties upon him, for you are his personal concern.” - J.B. Phillips-

“Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.”-- Anna Taylor

“Did you ever notice that the first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone?”-- Erma Bombeck


“No one can be saved - in virtue of what he can do. Everyone can be saved - in virtue of what God can do.” - Karl Barth-

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“What I believe is so magnificent, so glorious, that it is beyond finite comprehension. To believe that the universe was created by a purposeful, benign Creator is one thing. To believe that this Creator took on human vesture, accepted death and mortality, was tempted, betrayed, broken, and all for love of us, defies reason. It is so wild that it terrifies some Christians who try to dogmatize their fear by lashing out at other Christians, because tidy Christianity with all answers given is easier than one which reaches out to the wild wonder of God’s love, a love we don’t even have to earn.” -Madeleine L’Engle-

“Spend eighty percent of your time focusing on the opportunities of tomorrow rather than the problems of yesterday.”-- Brian Tracy

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