The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Debate on Universalism at another board

AllanS, that’s awesome. Thanks for pointing out Is. 30.

The discussion seems to have moved here for now: … php?t=3718

Heck, I really need to just FIND the argument again! :laughing: As far as I can tell the first time I ever wrote it down (assuming you’re referring to the argument about RevJohn fore-showing people having come out of the lake of fire), was when I did so for BA. I’ve archived other exegetical things I’ve written about RevJohn, I need to archive that one, too, so I don’t have to recreate it every time.

If I can find the time and energy somewhere, I’ll see what I can contribute over there (on this topic? on some other topic??) Although Sherman has a nice succinct summary of the cultural/linguistic connections about brimstone/sulfur, too! Don’t forget the maggots!!–they could be very hopeful things for those being gnawed by them!

Yay for the Isaiah 30 ref AllanS, too, btw! Though I would include impenitent sinners in that list being thrown into Tophet, as I (maybe wrongly??) recall Isaiah 30 also does… :wink: Still far from a hopeless thing for those sinners when all the data is considered.


Can you expound on why you think it is clear that the sea of glass and fire is the lake of fire, and that those standing on it were once in it?

Yeah, that’s the exegesis I need to hunt up on the forum so I don’t have to rewrite it from scratch…

The most concentrated comments I’ve found that I wrote on the forum (which I’ve now archived for future purposes :smiley:), can be found in this thread starting here and going on for more posts afterward.

I had some briefer things to say about that portion of scripture (Rev 15:2-4) in part 4 of my original four-part commentary on the end of RevJohn, a link to which can be found at the start of the comment I’ve linked to above.


Looking at the way the thread has run that “Sadie” (he who does not want to be named :mrgreen: ) started over there, I don’t see that by now there would be any point contributing to it.

In the Isaiah passage, we have God’s people rejoicing as He slaughters their enemies and throws them into the fire. Now, given the fact that we are commanded to love our enemies, how can we rejoice at their destruction “to the music of timbrels and harps”? I can see only two possibilities. First, our true enemy isn’t Assyria. “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers” that have oppressed us: law, sin, death, and hell. The second possibility is that we know our enemies will be saved through this fire, and that our prayers for them will finally be answered.

What absolutely does not compute is the idea that we can love our enemies *and *rejoice at their destruction with singing. That’s stir-fry crazy.

Excellent thought, Allan!

Why do you guys think that the Aaron guy is “Sadie”? Couldn’t another person have the same argument- it might be someone that read Aaron.

I’m not 100% positive… more like 95%, since I only read what was posted here. It’s not only the argument, it’s the style and tone. Just like you can recognize someone you know by the sound of their voice–some more easily than others, people write with a “voice” and some are distinctive enough to recognize. There’s a number of people here I’d be pretty sure to recognize if I met them online elsewhere under another name. :sunglasses:



If Sadie is not aaron37, then he/she just happens to have the same writing style, word choice, “conversational” approach, and general manners as aaron37. It’s pretty obvious once you read sadie’s posts.

Also, the wording of Sadie’s initial post is nearly identical to when BAaron challenged us here on that. This argues for at least a copy-paste from BAaron’s post (since that was definitely earlier) or that they both have the same source. But BAaron’s challenge was written in his usual style, not as if he had copy-pasted (though he was in the habit of doing so without telling us, so it would look like he himself was writing those things. He eventually changed that when caught several times.)

I can’t be deductively certain, but like Sonia and Gabe I’m 95% inductively sure. :wink: I would be extremely surprised if it wasn’t (though admittedly that isn’t impossible.)

I’m actually happy for him that he’s found a new home where people appreciate him more. Even though I notice that in a thread where, as far as the popular consensus went, he strongly “won” his exchange, he still wanted to sulk at the end and threaten to quit posting. (Oh, no, Sadie, don’t quit posting! You bring so much to our site, please continue! :unamused: )

Apropos of nothing at all I used to know a drag queen called Sadie :smiley:

I soooooo wanted to make some puns off that statement Jeff!

But that’s devolving into direct personal attacks on “Sadie” for sake of my mere amusement, and that isn’t right. I’m sorry I even thought to do so. We should stop now and move on.

Quite right - move along there’s nothing to see here! :wink:

So you don’t really know. I wanted to know if I missed something…

I’m with Roofus. Perhaps you’re right but what if you’re wrong???

99.9% sure is good enough for me. :smiley:

It’s called giving the other person the benefit of the doubt, treating as you would be treated, even it something looks to your mind as being one way. That’s the way I would want a jury to treat me…