The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Debate on Universalism at another board

Excellent thought, Allan!

Why do you guys think that the Aaron guy is “Sadie”? Couldn’t another person have the same argument- it might be someone that read Aaron.

I’m not 100% positive… more like 95%, since I only read what was posted here. It’s not only the argument, it’s the style and tone. Just like you can recognize someone you know by the sound of their voice–some more easily than others, people write with a “voice” and some are distinctive enough to recognize. There’s a number of people here I’d be pretty sure to recognize if I met them online elsewhere under another name. :sunglasses:



If Sadie is not aaron37, then he/she just happens to have the same writing style, word choice, “conversational” approach, and general manners as aaron37. It’s pretty obvious once you read sadie’s posts.

Also, the wording of Sadie’s initial post is nearly identical to when BAaron challenged us here on that. This argues for at least a copy-paste from BAaron’s post (since that was definitely earlier) or that they both have the same source. But BAaron’s challenge was written in his usual style, not as if he had copy-pasted (though he was in the habit of doing so without telling us, so it would look like he himself was writing those things. He eventually changed that when caught several times.)

I can’t be deductively certain, but like Sonia and Gabe I’m 95% inductively sure. :wink: I would be extremely surprised if it wasn’t (though admittedly that isn’t impossible.)

I’m actually happy for him that he’s found a new home where people appreciate him more. Even though I notice that in a thread where, as far as the popular consensus went, he strongly “won” his exchange, he still wanted to sulk at the end and threaten to quit posting. (Oh, no, Sadie, don’t quit posting! You bring so much to our site, please continue! :unamused: )

Apropos of nothing at all I used to know a drag queen called Sadie :smiley:

I soooooo wanted to make some puns off that statement Jeff!

But that’s devolving into direct personal attacks on “Sadie” for sake of my mere amusement, and that isn’t right. I’m sorry I even thought to do so. We should stop now and move on.

Quite right - move along there’s nothing to see here! :wink:

So you don’t really know. I wanted to know if I missed something…

I’m with Roofus. Perhaps you’re right but what if you’re wrong???

99.9% sure is good enough for me. :smiley:

It’s called giving the other person the benefit of the doubt, treating as you would be treated, even it something looks to your mind as being one way. That’s the way I would want a jury to treat me…

Are you saying Sadie being treated unjustly because people think he’s A37? I didn’t perceive anything like that–but I didn’t read the other board. Sadie is welcome to clarify his identity if he’s not. But will that make any difference? A37 is within his right to discuss universalism on other forums under any name he chooses. If Sadie is not A37, he can join this board and discuss it here.


Even if we’re wrong about “Sadie” being “BAaron” (though all the evidence, such as it is, points in that direction), Sadie is still someone who writes and behaves EXACTLY LIKE BAaron. Up to and including copy-pasting either from BAaron or from some unknown main source BAaron was using when he wasn’t copy-pasting from other sources. :wink:

Anyway, I’m pretty sure I called coup against myself already on this thread, in order not to make fun of “Sadie” for my own amusement (as tempting as that was), and strongly recommended we leave the Sadie topic alone any further. I don’t know how comparing BAaron with “Sadie” is supposed to be unfair to either of them (even as an exercise in source criticism, so to speak :wink: :ugeek: ) ; but I do know that being tempted to make puns at Sadie’s expense is unfair, and I shut myself down on that precisely on the Golden Rule ground.

But even your assumption that Sadie is a man named Aaron is a shot in the dark. It could be the other way around. The lack of precision in your thinking worries me (not just because it bothers me, but for your sake).

roofus, his/her real name is not the issue.

To you, that is correct. I think that is an important issue. We differ. Let’s move on…
What is the issue, in your estimation?

I don’t think that anyone should be responsible for the actions of another. If I get drunk tonight and some guy that looks alot like me was nearby, should he be held responsible?

Actually, um, no it’s an inference (right or wrong) that Sadie is the man who registered his real name publicly here on the site with his email address (still available for anyone who wants to look, just go to that member page and click or roll-over the link for the registered email address); and then who complained when I went to the trouble of defending him by verifying that he was this person and not someone else whom other people had suggested was a sock-puppet for him. What BAaron complained about was that I had revealed his real name (and location of posting for that matter) which he had intended to keep pseudonymous (despite registering his email address here on the forum publicly, based on his real name, for anyone to see who cared to).

So he himself confirmed that his name is Aaron (just as he had himself said once long previously, though without his last name.)

Granted, Sadie shouldn’t be held responsible for BAaron’s actions, if they are not the same person. Then again, there is strong stylistic evidence–unlike your drunk example–that they are the same person, whereas there is no evidence that they are not the same person (including so far as I know no evidence that Sadie is definitely someone named Sadie W[hoever] rather than Aaron C[remainder withheld to protect Aaron’s pseudo-pseudonymity :wink: ] Also there is no evidence that two distinct persons were operating in the same place at the same time, unlike your drunk example.)

Still, this is why I said I was inductively and almost sure, not deductively certain. I am not sure why qualifications of this sort count as a worrisome lack of precision on my part. I am also not sure why we’re still talking about this issue, since I have already strongly recommended twice (including TO PROTECT BAARON AND/OR SADIE from being targets of our mere amusement) we drop the topic and move along.

Edited to add: moreover, I have less than zero interest in ‘prosecuting’ “Sadie” as being accountable for Aaron C’s actions on this board; whereas even if Sadie isn’t BAaron he-or-she is acting exactly as drunk (analogically speaking) over there, so he-or-she has his-or-her own actions over there to be accountable about. My hypothetical interest is limited to a curious “source criticism” issue; my practical interest is limited to the question of whether “Sadie” might try to post here sometime, which so far as I know isn’t an issue at all.

I won’t bother with that board because of its slant, for example, the category:

  • Cults & Other Religions > Universalism
    Universal Salvation
    Universalism All varieties of this false doctrine will be discussed here.*