Dear Kate,
Where is your faith placed? To say it another way, what do you have faith in?
I remember when I first came to believe in UR I was off to the races. I argued, debated, researched hours on end. Through all of it I had nagging doubts, fears that I might be totally wrong, as if my very understanding decided whether all were saved or not. What troubled me the most was the change I saw this doctrine had in others and even myself. For instance in the 19th century there had been a few million who believed in UR, but this group finally evolved into the unitarian universalists we know of today. I began to see that many in the past (and a few in the present) denied the deity of Christ, became more liberal in their theology, and eventually left the truth. To me that is horrifying. Now do not misunderstand me, I am not saying all who believe UR end up here, but historically it cannot be denied that groups who adopted began after a time to deny the doctrines of Scripture and finally Scripture itself. Unitarian is now a word associated with universalism (to the point where you all have to call yourselves evangelical universalists). Though that might be okay with some, it is not with me, Jesus is at the core of my identity, who He is matters.
But even ignoring the past the effect UR had on some fellow believers today is quite disturbing to me as well. One in particular nows denies the deity of Christ, and even the validity of the Scriptures as teaching truth (some on here do the same). I also saw arrogance begin to come out in me and others. Snarkly calling their God a monster, angrily (and condescendingly) mocking their beliefs. You might think this was a personal issue, and indeed it was wrong of me, but I have seen other universalists act this way, and I believe it is a wrong spirit, a spirit just as judgemental if not worse than some who espouse ECT.
Eventually I stopped thinking about UR and started treating hell as eternal, supressing the arguments within me (I thought at the time that I had been taken captive by empty and deceitful philosophy, or something to that effect). As time went on (a year or so) I didn’t think much of hell, I kept studying and began taking delight in the knowledge of God. When I had focused on UR I used to became fearful whenever I opened my Bible, afraid that it would disprove my belief, that some new verse would deal it a death-blow. After I let it go I was overwhelmed by how much peace and joy the Scriptures gave me (especially when I didn’t need to fit every single one into UR). My focus went from all people being saved to God and His church.
I began meditating on the nature of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (who might be taken together as “the fullness of God”). Along with this I also started to recognize the influence of humanism in my thinking, the man-centeredness of how I viewed things and how Christ needed to become my center, my everything. As I started down this path, growing in love for Christ and His truth I was tested in obedience, I learned how crucial our faith is. Faith is not only belief in something or someone, but is total reliance in it/them. My eyes were opened and I understood how everything I do and say must be in dependence on Christ, the Spirit, and our heavenly Father. In this way God receives all the glory, all the honor and praise. Since this is now my focus and passion it means I think very differently. What does this have to do with Universal Reconciliation? Everything!
One day as I was meditating on Christ being above all things and creator of all, my thoughts turned to Ephesians 1:10 again. I had come to believe in the sovereignty of God, that if He wants to accomplish something then He will, but this one idea would not leave me. If God’s purpose is to sum up all things in Christ, in heaven and on earth, then how did that not mean salvation for all? Can anything be considered “in Christ” unless it is experiencing God’s life and love? And if this is His purpose, and if He works all things after the counsel of His will, then what other possible outcome could be foreseen?
Now many of you know this verse, you know my line of reasoning, what you might now get is why I find it persuasive. Many people believe in universalism for the wrong reasons. Quite a few I have found believe it out of emotion, they can’t stand the thought of God eternally punishing others. Combine that with unsaved relatives and loved ones that died before accepting Christ and you have great emotional reasons to embrace UR. Others come to it out of love for humanity, they see ECT as cruel and cannot imagine a “God of love” ever allowing or doing such a thing. Let me be blunt, accepting UR because “God is love” is very very weak in my opinion. Its the same tired argument that every unbeliever uses to justify their sin. It ignores the fullness of His character, yes He is love, and I rejoice that this is His essence. But it is not any reason to embrace UR. I can believe God is love and still see conditional immortality as a justified alternative to ECT. I can see God is love, but then what about Him being light, in which there is no darkness at all? If mankind refuses to be light, but to stay as darkness, how then can God gather them into Himself? ECT may be the final solution to a humanity that rejects the light of Christ, that loves its sin. All these things do not confute God being love, so you should not embrace UR because “God is love”.
Why should we believe all will be restored? Only because the Scriptures teach it and because it is God’s purpose. Not only this, but it gives God the Father glory! True Christianity is about God’s glory not man’s happiness. Yes mankind will be blessed, He will be made happy, but selfishly, not with the self-love that most wish to be made happy with. The greatest proof to me of UR’s truth is this:
Every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue profess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father!
We all know the words in this verse speak of willing worship, joyous adoration and confession. And all of it is done to God the Father’s glory. This is a picture of willing subjection to Jesus Christ and His Lordship, to the power of the Holy Spirit working in the hearts of every human being. If He can do this (which I believe He will) then UR is true. All things will be summed up in Christ, all will be healed. Even if it takes the lake of fire to do so, even if people are corrected, lost and dead for as long as it takes, still He will bring it to fruition.
So Kate, do you have faith in Christ Jesus? Do you have faith in God’s ability to accomplish His will? And do you believe that the Holy Spirit is powerful enough to bring it about? Put you faith in Christ, set your eyes on His face, desire to live for His glory and honor. Your belief in UR doesn’t make it true or not, only God’s purpose and plan can do so, only His sovereign power. We are simply co-laborers with Him. The end of all being is God’s glory, not mankind’s happiness, if our goal is to glorify Him then we will find fulfillment, we will live in peace and joy and love.
Remember faith, hope, and love remain when everything else has come to an end. Love makes faith effective and active, faith is the substance of things hoped for, and our hope is not in things seen, because you hope for what is unseen. So each and every one of them is built upon the other, love being the cornerstone. Yet if hope in the end remains, and if hope is always in something unseen, then how can there ever be an end of surprises in the ages to come? If hope never ends, then how can we ever fear God’s plan for the future?
The beginning is Christ: all things were made through Him and for Him. The ending is Christ: summing up all things in Him. He is to have premminence, and by having such all things in heaven and on earth will glorify Him. As Jesus said, “I am the first and the last, beginning and the end, alpha and omega.” All of this to the praise of God’s glory, and to the honor of the Holy Spirit.
Perfect love drives away all fear, so love the Lord and you’ll find that peace, knowing that the greatest blessing humanity will ever find is in loving and enjoying God forever.